The Let's Play Archive

Dangan Ronpa

by orenronen

Part 57: Super High-school Level Update #51


...Is it true? Can we really talk to Fujisaki-kun...?
Eh? Do you mean Alter Ego...?
He’s... alive...?
No... That’s not exactly it...
Let me meet him... I have something to... discuss with him......

...I don’t think I can explain the situation to him properly in the shape he’s in...
But... Kirigiri-san warned us about using Alter Ego...

So... I can’t...


...Just leave him like that.

So... do you want me to take you to it...?

Well, at least he's not trying to kill us.

Oh, um, hello there.

...Where are you going?

I don’t think... it's the best idea to hang around with him in his current shape...

Kirigiri-san looked at Ishimaru-kun, who stood behind me.

Y...yeah... I got it...
It’s just... he seems a little hungry, so I thought I’d take him to the cafeteria or to the storage room...
I guess that’s okay, then...

She... didn't seem convinced. Maybe I’m just imagining it.

I hope we don't get into trouble for this.


Um... Do you see the computer inside that locker?
There’s a program installed on that computer called Alter Ego...

How do I... speak to it...?
Well, I’ll type in what you have to say... just tell me what you want to talk to it about.

Does he... hold a grudge against my brother...?
Does he... hold a grudge against me, who couldn’t stop him in time...?

His voice was strained...

A weak voice, forced out with all the strength he could provide directly from his throat and from within his heart...

I... I understand...

I typed in Ishimaru-kun’s words on the laptop’s keyboard.

And then...

Do you feel... responsible?

I think I know what my master would say...
“Please go on living...
It was impossible for me to survive, but... I wish everyone else can escape and live on...”

Hey, Ishimaru-kun...

But my question was cut before I could complete it.

Was it... Ishimaru-kun who asked that question?
According to the data I have, I can’t imagine it’s anyone else.

My master told me Ishimaru-kun regarded Oowada-kun as a close friend.
Is that why... he’s feeling responsible...?

The screen suddenly turned black...

And then, a new image appeared.

So you just fucking broke under the weight of responsibility, huh!?


A man’s weight consists of nothing but the weight he’s burdened with...
Do you get what I mean... brother...?
Knowing you... you should understand.


I’m sorry for startling you.
I used the information my master programmed into me regarding Oowada-kun, and simulated his response.
If the real Oowada-kun could reach Ishimaru-kun right now, I think that’s what he would say...

It’s inevitable to feel down for a while... At the very least it takes some time...
Some time when it’s okay to be depressed...
Some time for regrets...
And then, before you know it you start moving forward again...
That’s how... human beings are made...

...Heh heh, I think I just said something remarkable!

Ha ha... Ha ha ha......

It’s... soaking... in...
This dry sponge... feels like it’s getting soaked with water...

Those words... that soul...!
It’s coming straight into meeeee!!


Who is that Ishimaru you’re talking to!?
Eh... your eyes are...
You don’t have to fucking worry any more! Sorry for giving you all that trouble!
And the way you talk...
I became... a new me...

Hey, you bastard! My fighting spirit is finally bursting out!!
W...wait, Ishimaru-kun... calm down...!

I am calm!! And don’t call me Ishimaru!
I am... no longer Ishimaru...

I’m just me!!

Letting out a strange yell, Ishimaru-kun leaped out of the locker room.

W...wait a second! Ishimaru-kun!!

I tried running after him, but...

There was a person blocking my way.

She entered the locker room, taking Ishimaru-kun’s place.

What... are you doing?
No, I was just... Um...
...Don’t just act on your own. It’s troublesome. Not just for me, but for everyone else as well.
I...I’m sorry......

If your apology is honest, please leave this room now...
I... understand...

Having gotten myself into a fine mess, I returned to my room feeling dejected...

Nevertheless... what the hell was that drastic change of character Ishimaru-kun went through...?

I’m worried... Extremely worried......

*Ding dong ding dong*

Ehhh.... This is a school announcement. It is now 10pm.
Night Time begins now.
The cafeteria’s doors will be locked shortly. You are forbidden to enter it.
Well then, good night. I wish you all have pleasant dreams...

There’s nothing I can do now that it’s Night Time... I’ll try to handle Ishimaru-kun’s situation tomorrow...

But for now... I should just go to sleep.


Do you mind if I tell you the reason I hate video games?
There was once a time even someone like me had someone he could call his best friend.
He was my only friend, but he himself had lots of other friends...
One day, when the two of us played at his house, suddenly several of his friends came to play...
They brought with them a new video game...
Everyone passed the controller around, and quickly became absorbed in the game!
...Everyone except me.
I was just watching. Yes, just watching. What’s wrong with that!? I sure didn’t mind!
Thanks to that, the way to beat that game is burned into my mind!
And I haven’t even played it once!
...And I don’t plan to ever do!!