The Let's Play Archive

Drakengard 2

by The Dark Id

Part 43: Episode XXXVIII: In Which Chicken Little Was On to Something...

Episode XXXVIII: In Which Chicken Little Was On to Something...

"Yes, I believe that notion has been established for everyone present..."
"They looked happy. I don't know... Maybe it's just wishful thinking."

"It was Seere that did it. Honest, mummy! He did it... He keeps doing bad things and changing his clothes and blaming me! It wasn't my fault! It wasn't! No... I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"


"Indeed. Now anything could happen."
"I'm ready for it. I'll fight to the end."
"That's an attitude I like to hear! However...fighting directly isn't always the solution..."
"It's solved most of my problems so far..."
"...We'll see how long that lasts, my boy."

"I'd suggest you take your companion there to go whimper in a fetal position inside the keep for this next part..."
"Huh? Why...? What's going to happen?"
"Just trust me on this one..."

Huh. The weather sure got pleasant in a hurry. It looked like storms just back when we were battling with Ange-

...Err? Okay?


So uhh...I take it we missed something back in Drakengard 1 when we were indoors for the Goddess' death last time around...

Welp... Drakengard! 2!

Chapter 9 Finale
(You should watch this.)

Caim and Angelus - Happy to be out of this trainwreck of a game when the getting' was good...