The Let's Play Archive

Exit Fate

by TheOneAndOnlyT

Part 59: Appendix: Character Interviews

Interview with Klaus

Today I'm meeting with Klaus von Lichtenheim, distinguished member of a noble feline family. Welcome, Sir Lichtenheim. It's very interesting to be able to speak to you. I was previously unaware that there was such a thing as nobility among cats.
Yes, I've certainly noticed you humans aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Completely oblivious to what's happening around you. My family has been among the most respected in catkind for generations.
Is it very uncommon for cats to speak?
Uncommon? What a ridiculous question. Every cat can speak. It's just that most of us don't feel the urge to learn your crude human language.
I... see. There's something else I've been wondering about, though. What about dogs? Are they also as intelligent as you?
Dogs? Please. That's a grave insult. They may serve some purpose as mere labourers, but they lack any sort of refinement. I'm frankly appalled you would even ask such a question. Do you wish to offend me any further or can I take my leave now?
Ah, I'm very sorry. Thank you anyway for your time.

I've gotta say, cats may not be able to speak in our world, but if they could, this is pretty much exactly how I'd expect them to act.

Interview with Yan Angwa

Today I'm talking to Yan Angwa, the unapproachable black-robed mystic. Yan Angwa, now that we finally have a chance to speak, can you tell us a little about yourself?
You've been stalking me since you first arrived here. Stop it. I have nothing to say to you.
Come on, don't be so stiff. Everyone's dying to know the real person behind the cold exterior.
I'm not here to please you people.
Yan Angwa... it's not your real name, is it? I've heard that it's only a title given to clerics in a distant country.
You don't have anything to say to that?
What about someone called Juran? What can you tell me about him?
This conversation is over. Get out of here.

And this... is not surprising. We did get a little information from Meiko, at least.

Interview with Keyser

Today I'm speaking to Keyser, one of Kirgard's legion generals and known across the continent as a peerless strategist. General Keyser, your victories in battle are well-known to everyone. I'd like to know more about the man behind them. For example, what do you do in your spare time?
I have a family to take care of. What little free time I have, I spend with them at home.
Is that it, though? Surely you must have some intersting hobbies that few people know about!
Hmm... When I'm at the front and there's a lull in the fighting, I mostly spend my time reading.
Reading! That might be interesting! What exactly do you read?
History, in particular military history.
That's too conventional! There must be something else! Do you ever play any games?
I rarely have time for it, but I enjoy a game of chess every now and then.
Chess? That's so unsurprising I hardly even want to write it down! I give up. It looks like General Keyser really did dedicate his whole life to the army.

Welp, nothing interesting out of that interview. Let's try another.

Interview with Shiro

Today I'm speaking with Shiro, mayor of Blackwater and formerly a renowned warrior who fought for the State Union. Welcome, Shiro. Your name is well-known here in Zelmony. You're considered a war hero and a legendary warrior, but you never actually held a high rank in the State Army, did you?
No, I didn't, but I can assure you that those stories are very much exaggerated. As happens often in war, fictional role models were created around people such as me to boost morale.
How about this story, then? During the Triple War, it's said that you single-handedly saved a captured squadron from republican forces despite being faced by a hundred armed soldiers.
Oh no, that's not true at all. There were only twenty, thirty at most.
Oh, but the rest of it is true, then? What about the story that Major Gunwood had you infiltrate the republican command post in an occupied Cayeskan city, and you assassinated their general and walked out in plain sight while his men were too afraid to stop you?
Is that how it's being told now? Yes, I did assassinate that general and I did leave through the front door, but the reason I wasn't stopped was simply because no one had realized what had happened yet.
I see... so I guess there's still quite a grain of truth in all these stories. Your modesty is admirable, Shiro. Thank you for your time.

I guess now we know where Shiro got his reputation of being a powerful warrior. This interview also touches on a few places and events we haven't been in contact with. I believe Cayeska has been described earlier as being a desert country to the west of Highland, but I don't think the conflict known as the Triple War is ever mentioned in the main plot. We might get more information about it if we interview the right people...

Interview with Griever

Hello and welcome. Today I'm meeting with Griever, a knight in service of the Elysium army. Now, I have to say you're a bit of an enigma. I know you were living in Blackwater for a while, but I couldn't track you back from there. And "Griever"... it's not your actual name, is it?
It's my name now. It's who I am. Once, I was someone with a different name, but she no longer exists, and I am no longer her.
If it's a name you took on yourself, then why "Griever"? Who are you grieving for?
I grieve for every man, every woman, and every child who has died in wars anywhere in the world.
This sentiment... was it caused by something that happened to you personally? Forgive me for asking, but your accent, it sounds a bit Almengan.
I also grieve for the old me, who was weak. She could not wash the blood off her hands only with silence.
What happened? If you are Almengan, were you involved in the last war against Kirgard, eight years ago?
I left before the war began. That... is all I will tell you.

Interesting. She's still decidedly mysterious, but at least she was a little more forthcoming than Yan Angwa. If we ever end up in Almenga (and it's looking likely due to Brunhild being an important person there) we might be able to follow up on this.

Interview with Royston

Today I'm speaking with Royston, the actual heir to Elysium Castle. Welcome, Mr. Royston. I'm glad you could be with us today.
Oh, it's a pleasure to be here. I'm always happy to chat. Look, I brought some cake with me. This interview should have the feeling of having tea with an old friend, don't you think?
That's very nice of you. Oh, it's chocolate cake? That's my favorite! How did you know?
Ah, I have good intuition for that sort of thing. Please, have as much as you'd like.
Oh, don't say that or I'll eat all of it!
No, no, that's fine. I'd be happy to give it to you. It's my greatest delight to see young people such as you smile in times like these. I feel it's my duty to lift people's spirits when they most need it.
And I greatly appreciate it, because it tastes very good. ... I wonder if I'm forgetting something here.


Interview with Meiko

Today I'm meeting with Meiko, resident wartime correspondent at Elysium castle.
This is kind of awkward. Maybe I should've asked someone else to interview me.
Uhm... Okay, why don't you start by telling us something about yourself?
All right. I was born in Wellesby, which at the time was a small Bishopric, not far south of Oischin. It's a big city, not as big as Matrech, but larger than Mayfall City I guess. Anyway, when I was ten years old, the city was besieged and then annexed by the Fairwind Republic. I think that's what sparked my interest in war, and especially the reality behind it. I wanted to know why it happened, and what it meant for both sides, on every level of the population.
Maybe I should say something about how I ended up in Zelmony?
Well, I started reading a lot of history, and I got especially interested in the Kingdom of Zelmony and its modern history. I wanted to see some more of the world, so I decided to travel to Mayfall, and then on to Helman Island and Kirgard, and ask people about the recent wars between the two countries. I was hoping to write a book or something about it. I couldn't believe it when a new war broke out just as I got there!
So that's when I had to... I mean you had to change your plans.
Yes. Since I was there from the start, I knew it was my big chance. I'm hoping to collect all my eyewitness reports to inform people all over the world about what happened here.
Well, good luck with that. I think we should end our interview here.

Interview with Derek

Today I'm interviewing Derek, a former Knight of the Crown who was recently revived after having been dead for over a hundred years. Derek, the world must've changed a lot since your original life. How are you coping with that?
Oh, it's really weird, mate. It's like I'm in a completely different place.
What struck you the most?
Well, to give you a bit of a backstory, the last thing I can remember is fighting in a battle against Kirgard. It was the Battle of Ashton, and I can tell you it was a right hard battle. So hard that, well, I guess it cost me my life! Anyway, I heard that just five years after the battle, the whole futility of that war caused the Zelmony kingdom to collapse. I grew up in the kingdom, I served it all my life, and I died for it... and it's nothing more than a piece of history to everyone else now. That just really messed with my head.
How do you feel about being brought back to life anyway?
It's not so bad. Sure I'm in a weird place and I've lost my good looks, but hey, it beats being dead. Why not make the most of it?
An admirable point of view. Well, thank you for speaking to me, Derek.

Nothing earth-shattering from these two, but it's still interesting to hear about their backstories.

Interview with Ayara

Today I'm talking to Ayara, one of the founding members of the Elysium Army. Welcome, Ayara. Now, even though you've been playing a large role in the army's recent history, we actually know very little about your background. What were you doing before the war began?
Well, I've really just been in the royal army. I was a soldier in the third legion, serving under Colonel Vinyard. That's how I got to know him.
Why did you decide to join the army?
I don't really know! It's just that... there didn't seem to be a lot of other things I could do. I'm not smart enough to go to school, and I grew up in a very small town. My father taught me to hunt, so it wasn't like I couldn't do anything. Well, one time we were at the capital when we saw an army parade, and I thought it looked really amazing. I just decided at that time that I wanted to become a part of that.
I guess things didn't really turn out the way you were planning.
You can say that! I still can't believe I'm here now. So much has already happened in such a short time. But I'm proud of it as well! We've really come a long way.
If you could go back to the time when you decided to follow Colonel Vinyard, would you make the same choice?
Of course! Maybe I would've been safer if I hadn't come here, but it was worth it. I know I did the right thing.
I wasn't expecting anything different.

Shame, this one didn't tell us anything we couldn't have already guessed. Now this next one on the other hand...

Interview with Bast

Today I'm interviewing Bast Gunwood, former major in the State Army and chief strategist of the Elysium Army. Bast, you have a very high reputation within both Kirgard and Zelmony. Is it true that you've never lost a battle?
Nope, it's not true, and I'm not going to lie about it. Anyone who claims he's never lost a battle is either talking out of his ass or damn lucky. No one's born a military genius. The best strategists are the ones who can learn from their mistakes.
You retired from the State Army ten years ago. What led you to resign?
If you know anything about the recent state of Zelmony you'd know already, but fine. A decade ago we were involved in a border war in Highland. The Fairwind Republic tried to encroach on Cayeskan territory, the Highland army stepped in to help them, and were in turn attacked by the Fairwind army. It was a very messy war. The Matrech Guard was sent in, and I was senior advisor to the general in charge. Well, opinions in Matrech were split. The chancellor was wary of agitating a large neighbour like the republic and wanted to settle the dispute quickly. Others saw it as a chance to spread their influence and advocated anything from annexing Cayeska to actually invading Fairwind territory. By the way, one of the champions for the latter cause was none other than Governor Vosch. Anyway, I came up with a plan to sweep the invading army from Cayeska from the north and take one of their key ports as a bargaining tool for a settlement. It all went wrong when politicians in Matrech started meddling with our plans. Different factions would send their people over to review our plans and try to change our minds. Officers were removed from the front and replaced with more 'agreeable' ones. As a result of all this, army unity was lost as it dissolved into cliques of like-minded people more concerned about furthering their own goals than following our overall strategy. Sure, we won the war, and in Matrech it was spun as a grand victory, but in truth, it was a disaster. My plans anticipated a two to three month campaign. In the end, it took almost two years, and ravaged the area. Highland managed okay, but it seriously strained our relations with Cayeska, a former part of the Zelmony Kingdom.
And that's when you decided to leave.
Yep, that's right. Coming back to the capital and seeing all those people who were responsible for the chaos celebrate our victory as if it were their own doing, I couldn't take it any longer. I said goodbye and moved away from everything.
Until Daniel Vinyard came to see you.
I hope he'll be different, like Ryan used to be before he lost his real power. So far, he hasn't disappointed me. I still have hope.

I like this interview a lot, as it gives us both a lot of insight into Bast's past and a glimpse into the history of the world before the game began. Based on what we've heard from Shiro, it's likely that the war Bast mentions here is the Triple War we saw references to earlier. Also, not that it was really necessary, but we've also gotten further proof that Vosch is an asshole. Someone ought to do something about him...

Interview with Angel

Today I'm interviewing Angel Windsor, former Kirgard colonel and childhood friend of Daniel Vinyard. Miss Windsor, the first thing I wanted to ask: having worked so closely to Mr. Vinyard and Mr. Knight in the past, it must've been tough dealing with people with such strong personalities.
I've grown used to it. I've known them for so long, it's become normal to me. They can be difficult at times, but we're still friends.
You joined the army before Daniel did. Was it Jovian Knight who convinced you to sign up?
Yes, he talked to me about it many times. He felt very strongly about fighting Almenga, you see. To him, it was a fight that concerned everyone, one that had to be won. If it weren't for him, I don't think either Daniel or me would've joined the army. But... after the war, I do think he felt guilty about pressuring us to join.
I think he saw it as just another of his adventures. Even though we were all adults, we didn't truly realize what it meant to fight in a war. There were times when we almost died, and I think he felt guilty about that, about putting his friends' lives in danger. We all matured a lot during that year.
I see... but there was still another close friend of yours who didn't come with you, wasn't there?
Yes... Brunhild was the only one to stay behind. None of us even considered asking her. I was raised as a blacksmith's daughter and spent all my life around weaponry, but she was different. She hated fighting, and she always tried to break up arguments between us. When Daniel decided to leave... it was a difficult time for her. She frequently sent us letters, always asking if we were doing fine. I'm sure she was very lonely during that time. I wonder if... that was one of the reasons she changed so much.
I can see how that would be tough on someone. Thank you for telling us about all this.

Once again we're getting signs that Brunhild was, before the Kirgard-Almenga war, a pretty normal girl who disdained violence. Why has she pulled such a complete 180...?

Interview with Jovian

Today I'm meeting the Kirgard legion general Jovian Knight, nicknamed the Red General. Welcome, General. Now, I've heard that you're the youngest person ever to become a legion general in the royal army.
That's right! But, I don't think it's that special. If General Russel hadn't died so suddenly, it might've taken me years more. But hey, it was good luck for me, and I'm not going to complain about it.
Do you feel that you're treated differently because of your age?
There's always people who'll resent you for whatever reason. If it's not your age it's something else. The older colonels might be bitter about it, but the good soldiers know not to let it show.
How are your relations with the other legion generals?
Pretty good. After all, they're the ones who selected me in the first place. Eander and I have our differences, but that's what happens when you put two tempermental people together, right? What counts is that we respect each other. As for Keyser, well, he's cool towards everyone. I know he takes me seriously as a general and that's good enough for me.
You sound very positive about the whole situation.
Of course I am! Why shouldn't I be? I've come a long way in a short time.
I wish you the best, then.

Nothing too special out of this one. I do find it kind of funny though that Leonius doesn't even register in Jovian's mind when he talks about the other legion generals. Dude gets no respect at all.

Interview with Deke

Today I'm talking to Deke, a successful inventor from Amen Corner. Welcome, Deke. I'm glad you c-- wait, what is that?
Zis? Ah, zis is a recording device. It vill store our converzation so it can be listened to at any time.
That sounds very useful.
Very useful indeed, ja? I thought zis vould be an improvement over having to take notes by hand.
But is there supposed to be smoke coming out of it?
Pay no attention to it. Ze device is harmless.
And what about this oil that's leaking out from the bottom?
Zis is only an experimental model. My next version vill be extremely reliable.
Well, it's caught fire now. Is that supposed to happen too?
Hmm, I suppose it vill need some more testing. Very well! I vill take zis back vit me to my lab, and ve can continue zis interview at a later time.
I'm... not so sure about that plan.

Interview with Beau

Today I'm speaking with Beau, the attorney who defended Mr. Vinyard during his trial. First of all, a few questions about the Zelmony justice system. Military and civil cases are treated in the same way, right?
Yes, that is correct. However, the sentence may be different, as in the former case there is the possibility of demotion or discharge, but this is up to the judge.
Have you had earlier experience with corruption within the Zelmony justice system?
Well, that's a difficult question for me to answer. Of course there have been cases where I had my doubts about some of the evidence produced by the prosecution, but of course that is not proof of corruption by itself. I simply don't have enough information.
That means the case against Mr. Vinyard must've stood out from the rest.
Yes, indeed. I believe there must've been a certain level of desperation within the prosecution, or rather, those who wished to influence the trial. As such, they felt it necessary to go to extreme lengths. Once a person has enemies within the justice system itself, it will be very hard to get an unbiased trial.
Yes, I understand. Would you have any suggestions on how to improve the system?
Well, there are two approaches: from the bottom up, or from the top down. Lawyers such as me could do their part by doing their work properly and reporting incidents of corruption. In this situation, however, I believe a thorough investigation from the top is necessary to probe those who would stay out of reach otherwise. This is no light matter, and would take a very dedicated commission with a clear mandate. It's probably impossible in the current political climate, but still, I have good hopes for the future.
I share your hopes, Beau. Maybe getting all of this out in the open will finally trigger a reaction. Thank you for your time.

Interview with Johnny

Today I'm meeting with Johnny, professional gambler. Tell me, how did you get into the gambling business?
It's not a pretty story. When I was a young man, I liked to live large and party a lot. Gambling was the only way to make enough money for kids like me.
By the looks of it, you were pretty successful.
For every guy who wins big, there's someone else who lost big. If you don't get good at it fast, you'll run yourself into debts you can't pay off. But later, once I was making a decent living, I started doing it more for the thrill than the cash.
Have you ever had to cheat to survive?
I did some stupid things when I was younger, but nowadays I'm all straight. Let me tell you, in this business, you get caught once and it's all over. There are swindlers who can pull it off, but it's not worth it. You lose a bet, you can try again. You're caught cheating, no one will play you again, if you don't find a noose around your neck first. But enough about me, let's talk about you. You must meet a lot of interesting people.
This interview is not about me. If you have any questions, save it for later.
All right, maybe we can get to know each other a little better in a more private setting, then. Are you doing anything tonight?
I suddenly have a -lot- of work to do.

Time works the same way.

Interview with King

Today I am interviewing Johnny's trusty dog, King. Yes... I am interviewing a dog this time. It's... kind of a challenge, isn't it? Well, hello King. How are you doing?
Uhm, so... You spent all that time in Bayside waiting for your master to come back. You must like him very much, don't you?
Arf! Arf!
He must be very proud of you. Well... --Am I really talking to a dog as if he can understand what I'm saying? This is just too weird. Hey, would you like a dog cookie?
Arf! Arf! Arf!
There, good boy.

Interview with Mike

Today I'm talking to Mike, a young mercenary in service of the Elysium army. Welcome, Mike. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?
Heh, what do you wanna know?
I don't know... anything interesting!
I'm a merc. I fight for money. What else is there?
All right then, how did you become a mercenary in the first place?
Used to be a miner. Then Outsider came along and taught us how to fight. Turned out I was good at it.
So you stayed with Outsider after that?
Nope, he works alone. So do I.
Well, uhm... We're going through my list of questions pretty quickly this way. Anything else you like to do?
Dunno. Fighting's what I do, don't have much time for anything else.
Well, that's surprising, assuming you're always this efficient. Guess our interview ends here, then.

Nothing too interesting out of this one, but...

Interview with Outsider

Today I'm meeting with Outsider, the mercenary captain currently in service with Elysium. So, I call you a mercenary captain, but you don't actually have anyone working under you, do you?
Nope, I work alone. Some people prefer calling me a "strategy consultant," or something like that. They hire me to train their own men and lead them in battle.
Isn't that a little strange? Didn't you use to lead an actual mercenary army?
At first, yeah. You see, I used to be a sergeant in the State Army, but I had enough of being told what to do, so I left, and a bunch of my men followed me. It worked well for a while, but it's a lot of people to feed and take care of, and I couldn't always keep them together. It's much easier this way. My rates are lower, it's less stressful, and I still make a better living.
Speaking of feeding, I heard some rumors that in your spare time, you enjoy cooking. Is that true?
Surprised? A man fights twice as hard if he's had a good meal. I couldn't rely on cooks everywhere I went, so I taught myself how to properly prepare food. It's a good way to relax.
One more thing. What about this other mercenary, Mike? What's your relation to him?
Mike... He's one of the kids I trained. It was a job in Highland two years ago. A local businessman hired me to teach the mine workers to defend themselves, against robbers and such. Mike was just one of the workers there, but he picked things up from me at amazing speed. He's a natural. Afterwards, he wanted to come with me, but I didn't want to drag anyone else along with me anymore. Well, the kid insisted, so in the end we became partners instead. We work together or separately, but we'll never work against each other.
I see. Very interesting. Thank you for your time, Outsider.

It looks like interviewing Outsider gives us more information on Mike than interviewing Mike himself.

Interview with Midian

Today I'm interviewing Midian, who left the State Army to live as a hermit. Midian, you used to be a magic instructor in the army, right?
Hmm, a long time ago. I bet you want to know why I left the army, don't you?
I know it was 10 years ago, so it coincides with the Triple War between Zelmony, Cayeska and the Fairwind Republic. Did that have something to do with it?
Fine, I'll tell you. That whole war was a waste of time. Help Cayeska? Hmph. It was their own problem. If they wanted our help, they shouldn't have refused to join the State Union. And then those people at Matrech, with their pan-Zelmonian rhetoric. They saw the republic as an imperialist threat, but they're hardly different themselves. If they had their way, both Cayeska and parts of the republic would've been Zelmony territory by now. Well, in their dreams maybe. No one in the army worth his salt believed that was possible.
If you were an instructor in Matrech, how did you get involved in the conflict?
They sent me out to train Cayeskan mages. Ungrateful bunch, but if it had just been that it would've been fine. They--the politicians in Matrech--crossed the line when they "subtly" started to pressure me about my methods. They didn't just want me to train them, they wanted me to indoctrinate them about how wonderful the State Union is. Oh yes, I knew what they wanted. It was bloody obvious. Create a new army in Cayeska loyal to Zelmony so that after the war they can fight to join the State Union. I wasn't having any of that, so they tried to remove me. That's when I left. I wasn't going to waste any more of my time on those idiots.
And you'd be living on your own on that island ever since?
Yes, nice and quiet. Away from all that nonsense. Oh, I don't regret coming back, but I can't wait to return home again. I just want to spend my last days in peace.

Man, the more we hear about this Triple War, the worse it sounds. Even after all we did for them, I'm kind of glad that we're now picking the State Union apart piece by piece.

Interview with Nashal

Today I'm interviewing General Nashal from Gojistan. Welcome, general. For a start, could you tell us a little about your country?
Gojistan is a country north-east of Kirgard, across the ocean. It's larger than Zelmony, but the east is mainly steppe and sparsely populated. We're located on the eastern shores of the Kubal Sea, an internal sea with the Kingdom of Issuria to the north, the Holy Empire of Rocaine to the south, and the Archduchy of Valcany to the west.
I've heard that the situation between Issuria and Rocaine is similar to that between Kirgard and Zelmony -- there've been many wars between the two. Does this affect your country badly, being in the middle?
Often, yes. Both countries have invaded us in the past. At the moment there is an uneasy peace, but no one knows how long it will last. The khan is maintaining a neutral position as not to offend either country.
And yet, you've clearly chosen a side in this conflict.
This was also the khan's decision. Gojistan and its neighbors have never had much contact with this continent. With the dawn of a new age for these lands, it's also an opportunity for us. Neither Kirgard nor Zelmony are allied to our enemies, so we're hoping to strengthen our position by improving our relations with your people. I think we could learn a lot from each other.
I certainly hope I'll get the chance to visit your country some day. I'd love to see it.

Nothing major out of Nashal, but it's still a nice bit of world-building. We've spent so long focused on Kirgard and Zelmony, it's hard to remember sometimes that the world of Exit Fate has many other countries in it.

Interview with Myst

Today I'm meeting with Myst, producer of groundbreaking research work in the field of magic. We all know about your recent success in reviving the dead, but what about your life before that? What other major discoveries have you made?
Ah, I can't divulge much about my work. It would be a great disaster if anyone were to steal my research, hmm?
But your work was not all original research, was it? If I'm not mistaken, you're in possession of an ancient book on necromancy.
Yes, a most interesting book it was. The one you may have seen is not the original, of course. I had to painstakingly translate it from a faded copy dated hundreds of years back. It was far from a simple task, as the actual process is only vaguely alluded to.
Anyway, resurrecting the dead must have been your life's work.
Not at all, young lady. I have so much more work ahead of me. No, with this success my real work has only just begun!
So you already have a new project in mind?
Oh, most certainly! It will be so magnificent that mere necromancy will pale in comparison!
Can you give us a small peek?
I won't say much, except that it's closely related to my current research. However, the impact if I succeed will be many times higher.
Well, I think we'll all be waiting with bated breath. Good luck with your project, whatever it might be!

This is... surprisingly boring, actually. He couldn't have given us an example of something he's done?

Interview with Ljusalf

Today I'm interviewing Ljusalf, the elven scholar who has been with Mr. Vinyard since the beginning of his journey. Welcome, Ljusalf. I'm glad to have a chance to speak to you. Most elves shy away from outside contact, and more significantly, you were one of the founding members of the Elysium army.
Yes, I suppose I'm rather unique even among such diverse people as can be found here in the Elysium Army. Still, I don't feel particularly special. I just try to help in the best way I can.
But surely you -are- special. After all, it wasn't the first time you went out of your way to help an ambitious human.
I see... so you found out about that particular story.
Perhaps in the grand scheme of things it was not very important, but I still find it interesting that you've known Ryan in the past.
I didn't do very much at all, I'm afraid. I abandoned Ryan when he returned to Matrech, and I played no further part in his struggle.
I sense a tinge of sorrow in your tone. Do you regret your decision to stay behind?
I certainly don't think my presence would've made much of a difference. Ryan is a wise man and a fine leader.
Still, the formation of the State Union was a major historical event. Forgive me for being so direct, but it seems you've come to regret having missed the opportunity to have been a part of that?
It's a very human emotion... My brief stay among you, in relative terms, seems to have affected me more than I had expected.
Is that why you went with Mr. Vinyard? The desire to see things to an end this time?
I had many reasons, perhaps some of them conflicting. It's difficult for me to say. My ability to understand human feelings is still limited. Perhaps it's merely curiosity.
It's not easy to view yourself objectively. I won't go into this any further, then. Thank you for your time.

I don't remember if we've gotten any backstory yet on what happened between Ljusalf and Ryan in the past. This isn't the last we've heard of this particular story.

Interview with Francesca

Today I'm meeting with Francesca, a self-proclaimed mistress of the night. Francesca, what do you find so fascinating about darkness?
What is there not to find fascinating? Everything looks more beautiful in the pale light of the moon. At night, the world becomes a more mysterious, more exciting place. I wrote this poem for this occasion:

"oh night,
blanket of darkness
cover my pain
this haze of betrayal
love is in vain"
That's... very, uh... interesting.
Isn't it? I brought a few more with me, allow me to recite another one.
... No, let's not do that.

Interview with Petra

Today I'm speaking to Petra, a powerful warrior from Helman Island. Welcome, Petra. I understand you're not just here to fight a war, are you?
That's right. I'm fighting for a far more important cause. I'm fighting to empower women all over the world.
What exactly is it that you're trying to accomplish?
I'm going to end the male oppression that we've been forced to endure for thousands of years. I will liberate womankind and break the shackles that men have bound it with for all this time.
And... are you sure that your methods are the best way of accomplishing that?
What? Are you questioning me? Are you on -their- side? I knew it. The media is biased.
No no, I'm just trying to get a clear pi--
Listen, if you're not with us, you're against us. We have a moral duty to spread the power of feminism to the uncultured masses, whether they want it or not. Or are you anti-woman by any chance? Is that it? You hate women? Get out of my face, you traitor.

Interview with Deus

Today I'm speaking to Deus, a priest from Cento Temple. Welcome, and thank you for your time. Now, from what I've seen and heard, Cento Temple seems like an interesting place.
It's indeed a wonderful place. You can find people there of all kinds from all over the continent, but everyone lives together in harmony.
That certainly sounds good, but how does that work in practice? Surely there are arguments sometimes.
We are only human, after all. But we should still try our hardest to be respectful towards each other, even if we hold different opinions.
There must've been some serious fights too though.
Occasionally... yes. Sometimes the head priest must step in and talk to both sides.
And if that fails? Come on, tell me. Had anyone ever been thrown out of the temple?
Banishment from the temple is extremely rare. It hasn't happened once since I started living there. As I said, we put a strong emphasis on living in harmony with each other.
Aww, so no controversies at all? I guess I won't be getting the exciting story I was hoping for.

Unfortunately we can't get much out of Deus about his past, since it's possible to interview him before Orlando joins us.

Interview with Orlando

Today I'm talking to Orlando, a former swindler now trying to start a new life. Now, Orlando, I'd like to know a few things about your activities together with Deus. Where were you two originally from?
I don't really like talking about it anymore, but all right. We started out in Seagate, capital of the Fairwind Republic. It's a big city, so it was easy to work in.
Any particular clever plans you managed to pull off?
I don't want to mention anything about that. There's still people out there looking for me, and I don't want them breathing down my neck again.
I can understand that. So are you trying to go straight now?
I guess so. There were times we made a lot of money, but did I ever really get the chance to enjoy it? Not really. We were always worrying about getting caught, not so much by the army as by less forgiving people. It's no surprise that when Deus found a place like the temple, a place where he could live safely, without fear, he left everything else behind. Maybe I can find something similar here.
I wish you all the best, then.

And not all that much out of Orlando, either. Oh well.

Interview with Stromgaard

Today I'm speaking to Stromgaard, an adventurer. Adventurer, that's a vague description, isn't it? I understand you travel a lot, but what is it that you really do?
It's a good question. Mostly, I just wander around until I've found an interesting place I haven't seen before yet, and stay there for a while, like I'm doing now. Sometimes, when I get a good lead, I like chasing after lost treasures, but usually I don't really have a particular goal in mind.
How did this get started? What made you decide to go out and see the world?
Well, I guess it's in my blood. I come from the Hazan tribe. They're nomads who used to live on the northern Almengan plains. From an early age I learned how to take care of myself and survive in the wild.
The Hazan? Oh, I've heard of them. Weren't they nearly wiped out during a war with Almenga, about a decade ago?
It was eight years ago, but yeah. The imperial army destroyed most of our settlements, and many of us died. I don't think many of our people still live a nomadic life nowadays. Most of them now live as second-class citizens in Almengan cities. It's one reason I decided to spend my life traveling. I was already abroad at the time the war broke out, but after that, I had no reason to go back anymore.
I see... I'm sorry to hear about that. I should do more research on this war. Anyway, thank you for your time.

Now this is interesting--it turns out Stromgaard had far more of a background than I think anyone was expecting. This may not be the last we've heard about the Hazan, either...

Interview with Fitch

Today... well, today I wanted to talk to Fitch, but I just can't get a hold of him, and he said he didn't want to make an appointment because he'd just forget about it. Oh, wait! There he is! Fitch! Fitch! Hold on a moment!
Hey! What's up?
Do you have a moment? I'd like to hold our interview now!
Huh? Interview?
Yeah! Don't you remember? I've asked you about it before!
Really? I must've forgotten! An interview huh? Sounds kind of boring!
Isn't there anything you want to tell other people about?
Uhm... I like to travel a lot!
Is... that all?
I almost forgot! I was on my way to go see the town! See you later!
I guess I can't expect much more from this...

Interview with Rorschach

Today I'm talking to Rorschach, a ninja on a quest to avenge his sister. So, your sister was a soldier in the Kirgard Royal Army, wasn't she? How did you end up joining a ninja clan instead?
We were orphans. Joining the army was the only option we had, but even though my sister tried to discipline me, I dropped out after a few weeks. I spent most of my childhood on the streets, stealing to survive. Everything changed when I heard about the Sun clan. Why did I decide I wanted to join them? I don't know. My life was meaningless at the time, and the stories I heard about them sounded amazing. And so, I set out to find them.
But surely they wouldn't take you in so easily?
No, but there was one thing that worked in my advantage: I found them. The location of their village is a closely guarded secret, but I managed to find them without any outside help.
That's certainly impressive. How was the training for you?
It was tough. I'd never worked so hard in my life, and they didn't go easy on me. I had to work my way up from the bottom. But still, they accepted me. Once again, I had a family.
But you still left them when you heard about your sister's death.
We no longer had much contact after I left the army, but still... she was my only remaining true family. I couldn't forgive them for killing her in such an honorless way.
Yes, it's a very sad story. I wish you all the best.

Interview with Hawk

Today I'm talking to Hawk, a farmer now providing the Elysium army with fresh crops. Hello, Hawk. Could you tell us a little about yourself? How'd you end up becoming a farmer?
Well ah reckon it must've been cuz of mah paw. He was a farmer too, so I was raised to take over from 'im after he died.
Does that mean it wasn't really something you wanted to do yourself?
Ah'm pretty darn good at it, so it ain't so bad. Ah've never thought about what ah really want in life.
Surely there must be -something- you like to do?
Ah dunno... Ah think about language sometimes. Ya know, where'd it come from? How come y'all talk different?
If that's something you enjoy, wouldn't that be worth looking further into?
Gosh darn, ah never gave it that much thought. Maybe I should! Thank ya, gal.
Hope it goes well!

Interview with Col

Today I'm interviewing Col, a young soldier from the Mayfall Army. Col, you were the first Zelmonian to join the Elysium Army. What led you to make that transfer?
I don't really know exactly. It was just a feeling. I had to escort Mr. Vinyard to Matrech so we traveled together for a while, and I was really impressed by his kindness and confidence. When I heard he was being given his own unit, I knew I had to join it.
Are you still happy with that decision?
Yes! I am! I can't imagine what all these recent events would've been like if I'd still been in the Mayfall Army, but here, even though we have to fight so hard, I still feel safe as long as we're all together.
You've been here since the beginning and you must've seen a lot of new people arrive. Who among the army do you get along with the most?
I like Ayara. She's really strong but also nice to everyone. I wish I could be more like her.
I get along with Carson pretty well too, but... he seems much more mature, even though we're almost the same age. I don't really know what he's thinking most of the time.
I see, very interesting. Well, Col, thank you for your time.
No problem!

Interview with Joe

Today I'm talking to Joe, a young boy from Amen Corner. Joe, the reason you're here now is because you tried breaking into someone's home, isn't it?
Yeah, so what? You going to tell on me or something?
I'm just interested in knowing what happened. The man whose house you entered is Deke, an inventor. Why did you target him?
That guy's nuts. I had my suspicions, but now I'm sure of it. He's built all kinds of weird machines, and we barely made it out alive. No wonder he never lets anyone inside.
So, did you learn your lesson?
Learn a lesson? Yeah, I sure did. Don't mess with psychos. Can I go now?

Interview with Bartolli

Today I'm interviewing Bartolli, owner of Elysium castle's general store. Welcome, Bartolli. Maybe you could tell us a bit about yourself?
Sure, no problem. Bartolli brand goods are the best you'll find anywhere in the country. I only supply the highest quality wares at reasonable prices. You'll get your groceries for little, and a smile for free.
I asked for an introduction, not a sales pitch.
Oh, me? Well, what can I say. I'm the owner of the Bartolli General Market, formerly in Grunthall, now at Elysium Castle. I'm a man with a sharp eye for quality who cares about his customers.
I'll have to stop you here, or else I'd have to charge you for advertising.
Don't forget to drop by, everyone!

Bartolli status: still rad

Interview with Shadfork

Today I'm meeting with Shadfork, one of the Elysium army's heavyweights. Mr. Shadfork, you're known as the toughest of all the warrior monks at Cento Temple. What is your secret?
Size! That's the secret! There's no problem that can't be overcome through sheer size!
Is that really true? What about speed for example? Can't you overcome a difference in size by being faster?
I'm willing to put that to the test! In fact, I already did! That's why I challenged a man named Tong Wu, who's supposed to have the fastest fists in the world. Some day he'll come to the temple and we can have a true match to determine who's stronger!
But you believe you're going to win the match?
Of course! I'm strong because I'm huge! And if I lose, it's because I wasn't huge enough!
Well, I wish you good luck.

And this is something we may want to keep in mind for later...

Interview with Erin

Today I'm meeting with Erin, Captain of the Matrech Guard and commander of the entire State Army. Captain, could you tell us a bit about your career and how you attained this position?
The previous captain retired five years ago, and it's customary to select his replacement from the individual state armies' colonels. At that time, I was colonel of the Highland Army, and I was chosen to receive the promotion.
Leading the State Army must be a great responsibility. You've remained relatively calm during the recent crisis in the State Union. Did you have any experience dealing with similar threats during your time with the Highland Army?
We don't just deal with local affairs. We've assisted the State Army many times. Aside from that, Highland has been involved in regional wars several times. There was the Triple War, ten years ago. I was not yet a colonel at the time, but I spent some time with Major Gunwood to plan our strategy. Even twenty years ago when I had only just joined the army there was already a border skirmish with Cayeska related to a civil war in Parthinia. Things are not as peaceful along the border as you might think... but it's still not comparable to what has been happening now.
What do you think the future of Zelmony will be like?
I'm a soldier. It's not my task to think about that. It's up to Ryan, to General Vinyard and to the rest of the politicians to determine what our future should look like. My duty is to then make it a reality.
I see. I hope you'll succeed in doing that, then.

Interview with Ryan

Today I'm meeting with Charles Ryan, founder of the Zelmony State Union and former chancellor. Welcome, Mr. Ryan. It's a great honor to have you here. Now, as I'm sure you can imagine I have an endless list of questions to ask you, but I'll try to keep this short. First of all, I'm interested in your rise to power. Is it true you were once arrested for disturbing public order?
Yes, it's true. My dreams of a unified Zelmony were not shared by those in power at the time. As I grew frustrated with their shortsightedness, I instead traveled around the country and tried to appeal to the people instead.
And this was not appreciated by the government?
At first they saw me as a mere nuisance. I was only a captain in the army and I had few connections. But my journey turned out to be more successful than anyone had expected, and I gained more and more followers among the people, in all levels of security. Many of them felt insecure and had little faith in their leaders. However, the overwhelming support I was enjoying at the time made me overconfident, and I returned to Matrech to make my case again, under the assumption that they could no longer ignore me. I was right about that, of course, but I was not expecting such a negative reaction.
You were advocating a different kind of government at the time, but were you actively seeking power yourself?
I can't deny that I was hoping to be given a position of influence, but I was careful about what I said in public. Moreover, I was never expecting to actually become chancellor myself.
Anyway, this is where you were arrested, right?
Yes. After giving a speech to a large crowd on the streets of Matrech, the governor immediately ordered my arrest. I was shocked, to be honest. With the benefit of hindsight I can say that it should have been obvious, but I was young, and I had come to believe that if I explained my views properly, everyone would accept them.
But in the end, this event was what triggered a revolution.
From my point of view, it all happened very quickly. From my cell, I heard little about what was going on outside, until one day I was told that the governor of Matrech had stepped down after a large uprising and that the people had demanded me to be freed.
That must've been an incredible moment.
Yes... After fighting on my own for so long against what seemed unsurmountable obstacles, to see such strong support for my dreams, to see all my work redeemed... That is a moment I will never forget.
I think it's very intriguing, and an important event in history to be sure. However, I can't help but notice a lot of similarities with the present situation. A largely complacent government, harboring a strong sense of distrust for its neighbors...
Sadly, that is what the State Union had come to in the end. Due to the nature of the new country, control over Zelmony has slowly slipped away from me. I am to blame for letting it come this far as well. I should have stepped down in favor of a younger, more driven chancellor long ago. It was too late for me, but I sincerely hope that Daniel Vinyard can do for both our countries what I tried to do for Zelmony.
I'm certain we're all hoping for the same thing. Thank you very much for your time, Ryan.

Interview with Jasper

Today I'm meeting with Jasper, one of the Knights of Matrech. Jasper, maybe you could start by explaining exactly what the Knights of Matrech are, and how they fit into the Matrech Guard.
Both of them originated in the Zelmony Kingdom. Matrech was the capital of the kingdom, and so the Matrech Guard were the main force, setting them apart from the vassal armies. The name remained after the kingdom split up, and is now still in use for the Matrech army. Within the original Matrech Guard, the Knights of Matrech were the elite troops consisting of high nobility. Their main function was to protect the capital and the royal family.
But nowadays it's slightly different, isn't it?
Yes. Despite the name, the Knights of Matrech are now separate from the Matrech army. Together with the Captain of the Matrech Guard, they form the backbone of the State Army, and it's their task to coordinate actions between all states.
So the Matrech Guard is simply Matrech's own army, but the Knights of Matrech serve the State Union as a whole.
Exactly. Local commanders will never be put in charge of divisions from other states, but the Knights of Matrech may be.
I see. What's your current function within the Knights, then?
I'm still a low-ranking officer. At the moment, I serve as one of the captain's personal guards. Normally, I protect her when she's on a mission, but I may also be dispatched in her place to deal with minor affairs, like with the liberation of Grunthall.
Very interesting. Thank you for your explanation.

Interview with Rock

Today I'm talking to Rock, formerly leader of the Highland rebel army and now leader of the Highland Republic. Now, you've become pretty famous lately, but we don't know much about your earlier life. How did you get involved in the Highland rebellion?
I used to be a lieutenant in the Highland Army. I was one of the many people who couldn't see what was right in front of them. For years, I believed the same thing as the people in Matrech did, that everything's fine, just a few isolated incidents. The man who changed me was Joshua's father. He was a businessman, so he suffered directly from the corruption. He opened my eyes and showed me what was really going on around me. And for that, he was murdered.
I heard about this story. You tried to expose a corrupt army captain. I see why you'd leave the army after that, but did you join the rebellion right after that?
Joshua told me about a friend of his father's. You gotta know that at the time, the rebel army was nothing. An uprising a year earlier was crushed mercilessly and not much of it was left. But this friend was one of the ex-soldiers who took part in that uprising, and I went to find him looking for help. We'd tried playing by the rules, but the rules were only there to keep the same people in power. At that point, I just wanted revenge. Well, I found the guy, a bunch of locals joined up with us, and that's how it all got started. He died fighting for control of the town, but we won in the end, and from then on, I was in charge of the main resistance army.
So the whole rebel army in its current form was your own work?
Pretty much. Over the years we merged with some other more or less successful rebel organizations, but we were the first ones to pose a real threat to the Highland government.
Just one final question: what was your relation to Erin back then?
Back then? We joined the army roughly at the same time, so we served together for a while, until she got promoted. I tried talking to her after the whole mess with Joshua's father, but she wouldn't listen. I knew from the start that she had no strong feelings about Highland. As soon as she got the opportunity she left to Matrech, and even as Captain of the Matrech Guard she didn't ever do a damn thing about our situation.
Well, let's hope things will work out now that Highland's getting a fresh start.

Interview with Eander

Today I'm interviewing General Eander, formerly the highest-ranking officer in the Kirgard Royal Army. General Eander, not only are you in charge of the strongest of the four legions, you're also the most experienced of all the generals, isn't that right?
If you're counting years of service as experience, then yes, I am. I first became a legion general fifteen years ago. I was already serving in that position when King Frederick III passed away and his son succeeded to the throne.
Have you fought in many battles since then?
I've indeed fought many, but most of those were during the last Kirgard-Almenga war. The first legion is rarely called upon for minor incidents. The only time we mobilized between the end of the war with Almenga and the current war was when Pereious tried to invade our country.
Yes, I've heard of this. It was only four years ago, and it was the first time the capital of Kirgard was under threat in over a century. How did that happen?
It was our own fault. We underestimated them. Never before had the mountain tribes been a serious threat to us, but Pereious brought them all together and instilled them with a discipline that I'd never seen in those people before.
Did he actually have a serious chance of winning against Kirgard?
If you catch your enemy by surprise you can score quick wins, but sooner or later he'll catch up. If you can't cripple the enemy early on, you can't win, and Pereious lacked the capacity to do that. He hurt our pride, he shook our foundations, but he did not come even close to bringing down the kingdom.
Still, an impressive feat. Thank you for your time, General.

Interview with Shin

Today... Today, I... I'm sorry. I just... I was supposed to be interviewing Shin, but... I just can't do it. I can't. I tried, and... he just stood there the whole time, not saying anything, not a word... just staring at me, just him and me alone. I couldn't take it. I'm... I'm really sorry. I don't know who or what he is, but I couldn't feel any signs of life from him, just... a coldness. Like death.

Interview with Sef

Today I'm interviewing Sef, a young knight from Trarcia. Hello, Sef. Now that you're a part of the Elysium army, that must mean your dream has come true.
Aye, 'tis a great honor to be allowed to take part in this historical struggle. I never dareth dream I could become a knight at such young an age.
Now that you're a knight, though, do you have even higher goals to strive for?
I feel there is a calling for me to become a paladin, for which I must train in the Holy Empire of Rocaine. Perchance once my task here is done I will travel there and seek to attain this.
Ah. I wish you good luck with that, then.

Interview with Soth

Today I'm interviewing Soth, a young knight from Trarcia. Soth, you and Sef have been friends all your lives, right?
Yeah, we grew up together, and Sef's always been my best friend. Even when we were young, we always wanted to become knights, so we always trained together. I still can't believe what I've done to him...
Could you tell me how you found this man called Shin?
I... didn't really find him. It's more like he found me. I don't know how, he... he never told me much.
He never told you who he was or why he approached you?
All he said was he could give me the power that I'd been dreaming of, that he was going to train me to use that power.
And you trusted him?
He was strong himself. Really strong. I don't know... It seemed like I just couldn't say no to him. Something within me made it impossible. I never realized how strong my desire to attain that power was. Before I knew it, I'd betrayed my closest friend over it. I couldn't resist it, I tried to kill him, and yet... he still forgave me. I've let everyone down terribly. I'll do anything I can to make up for it.
Well, I hope you'll be able to find redemption some day.

Interview with Naja

Today I'm talking to Naja, a water elemental from Mayfall Forest. An elemental traveling by itself, that's pretty uncommon, isn't it?
Yes, but our situation is uncommon to begin with. Right now, there is nothing for me at the lake. I'm the only one who survived the mist incident... I just hope I can make up for it.
But I've heard that the other elementals will be reborn from the lake eventually.
Yes, that's right. We are all one with the lake. We're a part of it for our entire lives.
That's interesting. Does that the water elementals together are essentially a single living entity?
The ones connected to that lake, yes. We are individual beings, but we are also one and the same. That's why we can be endlessly reborn as long as the lake exists.
Fascinating. That must mean you're actually quite old.
I've lived at the lake for hundreds of years, but it took thousands of years for the lake to become infused with enough elemental energy.
Much older than you'd expect, I see. I guess life at the lake must be very different from what we're used to. Thanks for telling me all this!

Interview with Wilona

Today I am speaking to our resident statistician, Wilona. Thank you for sparing some time for us.
Yes, I have reserved 31 minutes and 18 seconds for this interview.
You certainly like numbers. Where did this all start? What sparked your interest in statistics?
That would be 26 years, 12 days and 7 hours ago, when I was a young child. I was at a market, waiting while my mother was speaking to a friend. It took so long, I started counting the rice in a bag she had just bought.
You counted all the rice?
Yes, there were 35,230 grains in total. After that, I started counting everything around me, and suddenly the most wonderful patterns jumped out. Once you begin seeing the world in numbers, it becomes obvious that everything is related to everything else. For example, this is the 106th word I've said to you so far in this interview, out of the 4312 I say on an average day. If we're now halfway through the interview, that means that it amounts to 4.9% of my daily speech. If we had this conversation every day over the span of a year, then I would have said a total of 77,380 words to you.
I see. That's... very interesting.
If you're interested, please come see me some time. There are so many other amazing things I could tell you about.
Thank you for the offer, but I'm not sure if it would help improve my reporting...

Interview with Carson

Today I'm meeting with Carson, private aide to Chancellor Ryan of Zelmony and currently a member of the Elysium army. Carson, even though you're young, you seem to have a pretty important position, don't you?
My official tasks include delivering messages from and to the chancellor, writing down notes and speeches, and gathering information when he's unable to. How important my work is depends completely on what the chancellor asks of me.
Still, he seems to trust you a lot. First of all, how did you end up in your position?
I was just lucky. My father was an administrator there who had occasional contact with the chancellor. I was only twelve when he suddenly died, and since he was well-liked in Matrech, they gave me a job as messenger so I could help support my family. I have a good memory and it turned out I also have a keen ear for what people around me are talking about, so after a few years the chancellor asked me to become his aide.
When you describe your tasks, gathering information in particular, you sort of represent the chancellor himself. Does that mean some people are reluctant to talk to you?
Of course. Everyone in Matrech knows who I am, and they know that everything they say to me will reach the chancellor. One of the first things you learn is how to get information out of people who're not willing to give it to you.
It probably also gives you some standing among governmental officials.
Yes, it's best that they don't insult me either.
When you think about it, you almost sound like a spy for the chancellor.
There are certain things I can't talk about.
One last thing. What are your aspirations for the future?
It's hard to say. The whole future of the country is uncertain at this point. For now, I'll keep studying and building a network of connections for future use.
I see. Well, good luck with that, and thank you for your time.

Interview with Nomad

Today I'm meeting Nomad, an adventurer and treasure hunter...
Uhm, I prefer the term "archeologist."
Well... it all depends on what your actual goal is, doesn't it? Are you actually trying to improve our knowledge of the past?
That's right. That's why I'm looking for forgotten cities and lost civilizations. The treasure hunting part, well, that's just a way of paying for the whole business. I'm not as uneducated as you might think.
Actually, I wasn't thinking that at all. After all, I know you studied history at Faraday University together with your sister.
You've done your homework, huh? Yeah, it's true, but I left the university not long afterwards. I've been mostly wandering around for over twenty years now.
If you've been doing it for so long, you must've been successful. Have you found a lot of interesting things?
You bet! Avalon was one of my primary targets, but I've also uncovered cities in places as far as Parthinia. Usually, once I've found something, I just let my sis know about it and let her people take care of the rest.
Now that you mention it, let me ask something about your sister. How come you parted ways when you had the same interests?
Same interests? Hah, I don't think she'd agree with that statement. We've always had a different outlook on things. I like to follow my instincts and dig around for leads, she prefers doing intensive research. I mean, just look how we ended up. I've traveled all over, and she's too busy with her work as headmistress to even leave Faraday.
Just one more thing. Your name. How did you end up being called Nomad?
To tell you the truth, I think my real name is kind of embarrassing. It just doesn't suit me. So, when a few people started calling me "the Nomad," it just stuck.
Do you want to tell us your real name?
Not really.

More information from interviews: if you didn't have a guide, this is how you could find out that Marian was Nomad's sister. It's pretty well-hidden, though.

Interview with Reod

Today I'm interviewing Reod, a rather troublesome mage. Now, from a brief investigation of your recent past, it seems you've made a lot of enemies. Apparently, "Reod" is just one of many different names you've been using over the years.
Well, hehe... I guess that's true. I don't really like to stay in one place for long.
You've been arrested before theft and fraud in St. Reinard, Trarcia, Blackwater and Harlinton, and in addition to that there are several loansharks looking out for you.
You... You didn't tell them I'm here, right? They think I'm dead, you see. Well, most of them do. I... I really don't want to get into even more trouble.
Don't worry. I've only been gathering information, not handing it out. Now, how did you manage to get yourself into this situation? What are you spending all this money on?
Well... t-to tell you the truth, it's... it's not really for me. I have a little brother back home. I don't want to tell you where, but... he's sick, and he needs expensive medicine. I... don't really care if I have to live like this, as long as he's well.
I see... This does match the story you've told a few other people in the past. Except that you told them it was your sister. And your mother.
I... I did...?
Yes, you did. Maybe we should end the interview here.
O... Okay.
And give me back my pencils.

Interview with Merrick

Today I'm talking to Merrick, colonel of the Mayfall army. Colonel, I've heard stories that you haven't been on very good footing with the State government lately. Is that true?
Oh, you think I wasn't on good footing with a bunch of complete idiots? What ever could make you think so?
So it's true, then? What exactly was causing this friction?
Mayfall is my home, it's my duty to protect it, but they? They just treat it like it was some kind of tool you can use when you need it and throw away when you're done. To them it's just a convenient buffer zone to shield Matrech from Kirgard.
Surely that's not completely true. After all, the State Union put a lot of effort into taking back Mayfall after General Keyser's invasion.
For their own security I'm sure. Did you forget why I'm here now? They threw away Mayfall because they wanted to get their grubby hands on Highland again. Well, screw them! I'm done with all this bullshit!
Uh, let's take a break, because I'm getting worried about your health.

Interview with Marian

Today I'm meeting Marian, headmistress of Faraday University. Thank you for sparing some time for us, Marian.
Yes, well I hope you will keep this brief. I have a lot of other business to attend to.
You seem to have a very busy job. Is that why you left the task of governing Oischin to Galius?
It's an archaic and inefficient system. Do they think my job is not time-consuming enough as it is? Those temple priests seem to have a lot more spare time. Let them do some actual work.
You really seem very different from your brother.
I tried to educate him, but he simply has no discipline. It's not worth my time trying anymore. Let him dally around if that's what he likes so much. Now, I have to return to work. If you have more to ask, we can make another appointment as long as it's three weeks in advance.

Interview with Marcello

Today I'm speaking to Marcello, a rather... extraordinary member of the Elysium army. Mr. Marcello, what exactly -is- your business?
Trade is my business. The city of Jargo is the commercial heart of Helman Island, and I'm right in the middle of it. I but what's available, I sell what's in demand. It's a very lucrative business.
You mentioned buying and selling. What sort of things do you trade in?
Anything that's profitable. Wine from Oischin, Issurian spices, Goji tapestries.
And everything is legit, of course.
What are you insinuating?
I've heard that there's also a lot of smuggling going on at Jargo Port City. Of course, I don't know exactly who is involved in that.
I run a straight business, and I don't appreciate having baseless rumors spread around. I strongly suggest you stay out of matters you know nothing about. Am I clear?
Yes. Very clear.

Interview with Teej

Today I'm speaking with our very own army musician, Teej. Welcome, Teej.
Hey, it's great to be here. Uh, this first song is called 'Life is Pain'...
Hold on a minute, this is an interview, not a live performance.
... Huh? But this song, it's the voice of my soul. This is me, you see? You listen to the lyrics, that's like... an interview too, or something.
I'm sure it is, but for this interview I'd like to talk to you normally. Besides, I can't even make out the words you sing.
Wha--? That's not cool, okay? You're breaking my heart, girl.
You misunderstand me. I'm sure your music is great, but I want to talk to you here.
No, I'm outta here. You just don't understand me. ... Nobody does.

Interview with Tong Wu

Today I'm speaking to Tong Wu, a martial artist from overseas. Nice to meet you, Tong Wu. Could you tell us where you come from?
I come from Valcany, where I have studied for many years under a master warrior from even further north.
And you came here because a monk from Cento Temple challenged you?
Indeed! He had heard of my reputation, and he mocked my reliance of speed over strength. He is a fool and I will soon show him the error of his ways.
So you believe your philosophy is the right one?
Of course it is! A mere brute like him is no match for me. It would be a surprise if he even came close to hitting me!
Well, I guess we'll just have to look forward to your match, then?
The outcome was never in doubt. I will win, because I'm faster than him. And if I lose, it will be because I wasn't fast enough.

Interview with Tarlia

Today I'm meeting with Tarlia, a former general of the Almenga Imperial Army. Tarlia, you led a revolt of the captive Kirgard soldiers in St. Reinard and helped bring an end to General Ash's occupation. Now I know about your disagreements with Ash, but was there more than that to your decision to defect?
Well, I'd been having my doubts about Ash ever since he was put forward to lead the attack on St. Reinard, and not just about Ash himself but also the emperor's decision to select him. It's something I've had multiple discussions about with General Gudrun. She couldn't explain it either.
General Gudrun used to be supreme commander of the imperial army, so isn't it strange if even she didn't know exactly what was going on?
It's strange, yes. That's partly why I arrived at my decision to aid the Elysium army. It's a great shame that I must take up arms against my homeland, but there's no honor in giving your life for a cause like that.
Do you still hope to return to your country once the war is over?
Yes, I do. The Almenga nation still has a future, even if the emperor may no longer me a part of it.
Let's hope everything will turn out well for you.

Interview with Nikolai

Today I'm speaking to Nikolai, a traveling blacksmith now working for the Elysium Army. Nikolai, yoou were found near Bergstadt. Do you remember at all what happened?
Only a little... I know I was traveling through the mountains by myself, and that I suddenly saw two... it must've been mountain lions I suppose. I forgot what happened next, but I must've fought them off myself and collapsed from my injuries.
So you lost your memories in the process, but things have now been starting to come back to you. How is that going?
I'm getting better, but I still forget things from time to time. It's very difficult, but I'm convinced I'll some day get over it completely.
That's good to hear, at least. Well then, I had just a few more questions to ask...
... Excuse me, who are you again?
... but maybe you should go see a doctor instead.

Interview with Sally

Today I'm talking to Sally, a young sailor from Blackwater. Sally, despite your young age you're already an experienced sailor. For how long have you been sailing?
How long? All me life! Me father was a sailor, so was me grandfather and me great-grandfather. I've spent more time out on the sea than on dry land.
But you still have most of your life ahead of you. Do you want to continue living the way you do now, or do you have any other dreams?
I'm gonna be sailing fer the rest of me life, that's for sure. I ain't made for living on the land. But yeah, there be some things I wanna do. Ye see, I do a bit of tradin' here and there, but I'm still young. Folks don't take me seriously enough. When I'm a bit older, I'm gonna get me a bigger ship, find me a real crew, and look fer some serious business.
Sounds ambitious. So you're not going to be a pirate like your great-grandfather?
Naw. He got rich, sure, but a few years later they caught and hanged him. I ain't gonna end up like that.
Well, I wish you the best of luck then. Hope you'll get to fulfill your dreams!

Interview with Tiffany

Today I'm meeting with Tiffany, a dancer who accompanied the musician Teej. Hello Tiffany. Could you tell us how you came to be traveling with Teej?
Oh, well, we've known each other for, like, most of our lives. We were living in the same town, and oh my god it was sooo boring! So when Teej left to tour the world, I went with him.
But do you actually perform together? Your styles don't seem very... compatible.
Oh you mean his music? Yeah it's so awful. I keep telling him to play something more popular, but he just, like, tells me he's playing it for himself, not for other people. As if you can make a living like that! But I kinda feel sorry for him. He's a nice guy, he just needs someone to push him on.
You briefly left Teej to go to Faraday University. What did you study there?
It's so embarrassing, I don't even really want to talk about it. Well, like, I really just went there so I could learn, well, anything. I just wanted to look smart, I guess, but it was, like, so hard. From now on, I'm just going to stick with what I do best.
At least it was a useful experience!

Interview with Bruce

Today I'm talking to Bruce Erickson, a Kirgard colonel who has served under General Keyser and General Leonius. Colonel Erickson, you've known Daniel Vinyard for a long time, haven't you?
Yeah. Unfortunately.
Your relation with him was not very good I see.
Of course not! We served together, that's all we have in common. He's been a thorn in my side all along. If it weren't for him, -I- would've been a general now instead of Knight.
How so?
During the last war, I was first in line to get promoted, but Daniel couldn't take it and thought he deserved it more. Because he tried to discredit me, I was passed over. That little incident hurt my chances for years afterwards. I was still made a colonel despite all that, so imagine if he hadn't stood in my way back then.
That's... a pretty long time to hold a grudge.

... Wait, that's it? This interview feels like it cut off in the middle. There isn't any more to Bruce's personality?

Interview with Avelion

Today I'm meeting with Avelion, one of the most unique members of the Elysium army. Is it true that, despite your normal appearance, you are actually a real dragon?
Indeed, I am a silver dragon. This is merely a temporary form that allows me to mingle with humans without attracting attention.
It's very fascinating. To us, dragons are creatures of legend. I never imagined they existed for real. Where exactly do you come from?
A land far, far west of here that has no name in human language. Few of your kind exist there, and we have little contact with them.
I can't help but wonder after meeting you though... are there many more dragons among us?
During our long lives, many of us venture out from time to time, to learn from other civilizations and keep watch on the world around us. They exist even here, I'm certain, but I could not tell you how many. I have only recently arrived in order to hunt down a stray one.
You're referring to Tiamat?
Red dragons are a troublesome kind. They are greedy and selfish. Most of them, however, keep to themselves. Only few, like her, seek to sow chaos.
Now that Tiamat has been slain, what will you do next?
I've grown curious about the limits of human strength. I never imagined that people such as you would be able to defeat a powerful dragon such as her. I will spend some time among your kind in order to better understand humans.
Well, I hope you can learn a lot from your stay here, as I've learned a lot from you. Thank you for your time.

Interview with Cid

Today I'm meeting with Cid, a bard and poet. Welcome, Cid.
Ah, it's a pleasure to be here.
Now, I've heard you recently wrote something you described as your masterpiece. Have you been performing it yet?
I have, yes. To small audiences, so far, but I'm certain as word spreads that larger crowds will soon flock to my recitals.
How have the reactions been so far?
I'm sure that people were deeply moved by my wonderful music.
You're sure? Well... haven't you actually asked anyone about it?
Ask? Oh, no no. Art is an experience, a feeling. I can't just simply ask people if they thought it was good. They may not even realize on a conscious level how affected they've been.
I... see. Well, I'm glad you were able to... enlighten us.
Oh no, the pleasure was all mine. Perhaps in return you would like to hear my latest work?
Another time, maybe.

Interview with Sormaus

Today I'm talking to Sormaus, a man of few words. Mr. Sormaus, you are some sort of martial artist, aren't you?
Can you tell us exactly what your style is?
Uhm... do you mean you don't want to tell us, or you -want- to tell us but you can't really describe it yourself?
... Yes to what? The first option?
So, uh... you don't really know how to describe your style?
Okay, if that's how you want to play it... Is your style native to these parts?
So it's from another country?
So you style is not from around here, and it's not from another country either? Where -is- it from, then? Wait... did you make it up yourself?
I, uh... Well, Mr. Sormaus, thank you for your time, but we'll have to end our interview here.

Interview with Darwin

Today I'm meeting with Darwin, a student from Faraday University. Darwin, you are a scholar in the magical arts, correct?
That's the official title yes, but I prefer not to use that preposterous name. This is not some kind of art, it's a hard science, and therefore it deserves to be called magical science.
But is it really a science the way that physics is?
Of course it is. It's the study of a natural phenomenon. It's governed by laws just like everything else in the world around us.
And that's what you're doing at Faraday University?
Exactly. I'm studying the synthesis of magical objects, ones that have energy stored within it that can be released at will. I've now finished my work on processing Rainbow Ore, but there is still much more work to be done.
Well, I'm sure there's still plenty that we don't know yet. I hope you'll be able to explain at least some of the mysteries that surround us.

Interview with Harvey

Today I'm talking to Harvey, member of the special forces of the Kirgard Royal Army. Welcome, Harvey. How are you doing?
Doing very well, actually. In fact, I'm working hard on finalizing some new weapon developments.
Oh? What kind of weapons would these be?
Well, a lot of this is classified information. Our enemies might be reading this as well, you know.
Is there anything you can tell us about though? Something that's not so secret.
Hmmm... There's one thing we've been experimenting with. Instead of using bombs to explode with force and cause structural damage, why not use them to spread some kind of substance instead?
Some kind of substance?
Say, a sleeping gas for example. If you manage to detonate such a device inside an enemy stronghold, it could incapacitate their defenses without damaging the building itself. Very promising concept if I may say so myself, but there are a lot of obstacles to be overcome first.
I see, that sounds interesting. You mention sleeping gas, but what are the other alternatives? Poison gas maybe?
No, we considered that, but using such a weapon would set a terrible precedent. You use something like that, and your enemies will feel justified in using it against you as well. It would have horrible consequences.
Perhaps you're right. Well, good luck on your research.

Interview with Mai

Today I'm interviewing Mai, Elysium Castle's official magic vendor. Mai, you've been traveling around Zelmony to open up a store somewhere. Where did you originally come from?
I was born in Parthinia, a filthy country that lacks any sort of elegence. The less said about it the better.
If that's your homeland, how come you're so different then?
I have always been a person of outstanding class. I was raised very well by my father.
Your father? What was he like?
He was a highly skilled doctor. I was there with him when he got involved in the Parthinian civil war, twenty years ago, but after that we left the country to get a top class education for me. I studied at Faraday University and learned from some of the finest minds on the continent. That's how I reached a level of sophistication that is rarely found around here.
I see... Well, I hope business in your store will be good.

Interview with Alex

Today I'm speaking to one of the druids of the Oischin Sacred circle, Alex. I'm glad that you could join us today, Alex, and... What are you doing?
These plants. They are not getting enough sunlight. You should put them closer to the window and give them more water.
Ah, well, thank you for the tip. Maybe we can do this later, so--
There are many insects here. Have you been killing all the spiders?
Uhm, I don't really like spiders, so I'd rather have flies, thanks.Besides, as a druid, shouldn't you be protecting all life, even that of insects?
That's not how nature works. If nothing dies, nothing can live. Druids maintain the balance between life and death within the forests.
Oh, I see...
Please take my advice into consideration. This is not a healthy place to work. It's suffocating. I need some fresh air now.
W-Wait... The rest of the interview...

Interview with Yomiko

Today I'm speaking with Yomiko, one of the last remaining members of the Sun Clan. Yomiko, I know your village was heavily damaged in the raid by the Shadow Clan, but what exactly is its present condition? Are there any people left there?
Oh, yes. Most of our strongest fighters were killed, but there were still enough people to rebuild part of the village. We weren't strong enough to save Master, though...
I'm curious, where is this village located? I've not been able to find out anything about it.
I can't tell you. It's a secret.
I see, that's a shame. You mentioned that the village is being rebuilt. How is that going? It must be difficult finding the right tools and materials when you're living in a forest far away from the city.
We make most of our tools ourselves, so it's not a problem. There's a lot of skilled craftsmen among us.
I see, very interesting. So the village is indeed in a forest, far away from the city.
W-What? I didn't say that! I was just answering the question! It could be anywhere!
Okay, different question. Since the location of your village is a secret, did the Almenga invasion cause any trouble for you?
Huh? Well, it was hard for the people around us, but we're self-sufficient. A few times we had to take out groups of soldiers that were coming too close, but that's no problem for us.
I'm also looking for any accounts of the battle for the bridges over the Fafnir river, including Ft. Brahma. Did the imperial army surprise the defenders and take it with ease, or was there a fierce battle there? Were you already aware of the invasion at that point?
I don't know... When we first found out about it, the bridges were already taken.
Very interesting. That means the village must be north of the river, then?
Stop it! I'm not talking to you anymore! If Master finds out about this, I'm in big trouble!
I'll take that as a yes.

God, you can just feel the coming off Meiko here.

Interview with Gilbert

Today I am interviewing Gilbert, former leader of a ninja clan... or at least, I was supposed to, but he hasn't shown up yet.
...I'm right here.
Eee!! Where... Where did you just come from? You scared the hell out of me.
Here's your first lesson for free. Always be prepared for anything. When you're surprised, it means you weren't prepared.
Y-Yes, well, I'd prefer if you didn't sneak up on me like that next time.
Consider it a warning. Imagine if I were someone who meant harm to you.
I'm... not really sure I'm that much at risk, but thanks I guess.
Good! Everything that happens in life is an opportunity to learn.
Well now, could we start on the actual interview? I have a lot of things to... Hello? Where... Where did you go?

Interview with Paris

Today I'm talking to Paris, a soldier who temporarily fought for the Highland rebel army. Paris, you fought with Rock for a while, but you're not from Highland, right?
That's right. I'm from Cayeska.
I assume you used to serve in the Cayeskan army, then. How did you end up with the rebel army?
Long story. I wasn't happy in Cayeska, so I left the army and live more or less as a mercenary. I fought for whoever kept me fed. That's not to say I have no principles, though. Attacking civilians is a big no. I tried to stick mostly to jobs as a bodyguard or protecting caravans. I ended up in Highland that way a while back, and we got into some trouble with the border guard there. Wouldn't let us through without compensation, if you catch my drift. Long story short, after we got out of that mess I got in touch with Rock and decided I'd help him clean up the place.
So you were never a "real" member of the rebellion? Why'd he trust you, then?
He needed my help to take Grunthall. There weren't a lot of real ex-army officers in his little band. I guess it was just his intuition.
You're serving in the Elysium army now, but what are your plans for the future?
Who knows. I'll stay here as long as I'm feeling good about it. Why leave when you haven't found anything better yet?
Makes sense. Good luck, then.

Interview with Mandala

Today I'm talking to Mandala, a treasure hunter from Almenga. Mandala, you were last seen trying to find the Mad King's hidden treasure. That's a long way from home. Do you travel around a lot?
'Course I do. There were some neat things I found close to home, but you're going to run out sooner or later. Now I wander around looking for any hints or rumors. I have sharp sense for this sorta thing.
What kind of places have you been to then?
Oh, let's see... I discovered the ruins of Valaskialf back in Almenga and found the crown of Odin. I went to Rocaine and dug up a 7th century holy relic and sold it to the church for big money. Tons of smaller finds too.
How dangerous is your work usually? I know that the Mad King's treasure could've cost you your life.
Usually it's not so bad. Sometimes there's rival hunters, and not all of them are equally friendly. Some of 'em are little more than pirates. They'll lop off your head before you can even say a word. I try to stay out of their way.
Have you ever been in a life-threatening situation? And how'd you survive?
There was that one time, back in Almenga. I was working together for a while with a Hazan survivor looking through the remains of some of their villages. Well, one day we ran into a bunch of looters, the kind that doesn't like sharing with others. We had a guide with us, and he got killed trying to talk to them. We had to leave everything behind and run for our lives. We were just lucky they didn't chase us. Hah, the other guy with me, Stromgaard, he never wanted to work with me again after that.
Do you have any future targets now?
Not really. Maybe I'll head further west after this. I'll just wander around a bit and see what catches my eye.
Well, I wish you good luck.

Interview with Vanrushal

Today I'm talking to Vanrushal, an actual vampire. Now, I know the first two questions on everyone's minds are: how did you become a vampire, and how old are you really?
Haha, if you were hoping for me to tell you I'm hundreds of years old, I'll have to disappoint you. I was twenty-five years old when I had my, uh... transformation, and that's about thirteen years ago now. As for how it happened, well... my mistress was looking for a suitable companion, and she got me instead, sort of by accident. That crazy witch wanted something to be with forever, but I didn't really like the sound of that. It's too bad I had to kill her, but it worked out pretty well for me.
This priest from Rocaine has been chasing you for a long time. Has this made life very difficult?
Difficult? Haha, hardly. I just threw a few false leads around and watched him run all over the place in vain to find me. It was fun for a while.
I'll have to see what he thinks of that...

Interview with Luther

Today I'm interviewing Luther, a certified exorcist from Rocaine. Welcome, father. Could you tell us briefly about how you became a vampire hunter?
Certainly! I was raised as a priest in the Holy Empire of Rocaine from a very young age. After successfully completing my education, the church took notice of my devotion and piety, and I was given the opportunity to study exorcism. This is a great privilege, you must understand. The task bestowed on an exorcist is a difficult one, and requires the utmost strength of faith.
Did you come to be hunting this vampire by chance, or was it something you specialized in?
That fiend? No, this was something new to me, although I had studied the subject in-depth during my training. At first, I was only sent to this land to provide a guiding light to its people and determine the level of demonic activity here. Only later did I discover this vampire's tracks and determine to purge the world of his vile presence.
So, how long did it take you to find the vampire?
Nine years! Nine long years!
That's a very long time indeed. It's no surprise then that you were so dedicated to this quest.
Indeed, but as long as I'm carrying out my holy duty, no sacrifice is too great.
But... haven't you given up on your hunt now?
Of course I haven't! That vampire... he's still retained most of his humanity. He may be relatively harmless for now, but it won't last! Some day, the true monster within him will show itself. I will be waiting for that day, and when it comes I will be ready to stop it!
Let's hope then it won't come any time soon.

Interview with Richard

Today I'm talking to Richard, a ranger who takes care of Mayfall forest. Richard, you're paid for doing this job by the Mayfall state government, right? What exactly is your official task? Surely you don't get something like the mist problem often.
No, I'm glad I don't! Usually it's the basic stuff, keeping track of animal populations and ensuring the roads are clear for travelers. A lot of business between Mayfall and Matrech goes through my part of the woods.
I noticed the forest hasn't the safest place to travel through lately. Is that also due to the mist issue?
Unfortunately yeah. The mist monsters were a real danger, so I was focusing all my attention on keeping them away from the paths. Most caravans have bodyguards with them anyway, so the lesser beasts aren't as much of a problem. I've got a lot of work waiting for me when I get back though. It's almost as if this is a vacation for me, haha.
Hope it doesn't end too soon, then!

Interview with Frore

Today I'm speaking with Frore, a swordsman from Almenga. Frore, at a young age you left your home together with a woman named Kella and traveled to the country of Issuria. Why did you go there?
It's been a long time. The answer is, I don't know. I don't remember. Most of my past was taken away from me.
Taken away? By this Brotherhood you were part of?
What exactly is the Brotherhood?
I don't want to talk about it anymore. It's best that people here don't know of its existence.
I don't know much about who they are, but I'm sure you left for a reason. Wouldn't it be better to warn people about them than to stay silent?
I think I was drawn to Issuria by stories I'd heard. Incomplete knowledge is a dangerous thing, and even now I'm not sure if what I know is the truth or not.
Well, I've heard some stories too, and it seems the Brotherhood is somewhat of a cult, but they also have strong political influence in Issuria and are seen by some as the true power behind the throne. Is that true?
It may be part of the truth, it may not be. There's only one thing I'm certain of, and that's that whatever the truth is, we can only see a fraction of it. If everything were known, they would be unable to exist.
Well, I don't know if that helped me understand the Brotherhood better, but thank you anyway for talking to me.

Interview with Ice

Today I'm speaking with Ice, one of the former members of the terrorist group known as the "Caretakers". Ice, out of all the members of the group, we know the least about you. What did you do before you joined the Caretakers?
I usually try to avoid public attention. I've been involved in many different projects in order to advance my knowledge of the magical arts.
So it's all about learning more? Does it matter what the purposes of these projects are? From what I've seen, you're not exactly trying to use your knowledge as a force for good.
I seek a better understanding of magic, that is all. What my knowledge is used for is of little concern to me.
I see. Now, could we talk about Tiamat? I'd like to kn--
But I--
I am NOT saying ANYTHING more about this!

Interview with Venkal

Today I'm talking to Venkal, an artist from Faraday. Welcome, Venkal. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?
What? What do you want me to talk about? You think people give a crap about who I am?
Well, it's an interview after all... Don't you think people would like to hear about the man behind the paintings?
Hmph, bullshit. If anyone cared, they'd come and see me. I've yet to see anyone visiting me to ask about my life story.
Maybe they're just having some reservations about talking to you in person. Excuse me for saying so, but you're not a very easily approachable person. Maybe if you were a little more open towards other people, they'd act differently towards you as well.
Hah, open? Yeah, I've tried to be "open". Lot of good that did me. Look, I didn't come here to get lectured by a schoolgirl. Did you want anything else from me or can I go now?
Uhm... I guess we can just call it a day.