The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 150: Lissa A

Hmm, it should have returned by now...

Waiting for one of your precious carrier pigeons, Virion?

D-don't be silly, milady!

Just enjoying a bit of refined reflection as I bask in the westering sun's ruby light...

Oh, sooo I guess you won't be needing this then?

My pigeon!

It flew in through my window. I think the thunderstorm must have frightened the poor thing. Or maybe it just likes me. But since you don't need it, maybe I'll just keep-

Wait! I... suppose if it's afraid, the humane thing is to restore it to a familiar setting... Perhaps I should take it back. For its sake. Now give Virion the bird like a good lady.

Geez, you're WELCOME!

There! The creature seems calmer already. ...But what's this? A reply tied to its leg?

What does it say?

Mmm, as if you don't already know?

What's THAT supposed to mean?

The bird flew in through your window, my dear. Would you really have me believe you didn't so much as peek at this missive?

I didn't! It's the truth.

are you daft, girl?! Why ever not?! You'll never hope for a better chance to learn the contents of my correspondence! Why, if I were hatching a plot...

You're not hatching anything, birdbrain!

But... how can you be so sure?

Because I am! Because you're Virion and... I trust you. If I'm going to hear about these secret letters, I want it to be from you. I'm not about to violate your privacy to satisfy my idle curiosity.

How... utterly bizarre. Alluring, yes, but bizarre.

What's bizarre?!

Your trust. As I said before, a lady's faith is a heady thing. Oft too strong a brew for me in times past... But I fear I'm starting to acquire a taste for it.

Care to boil that down for me, fancy pants?

Someday, this new taste may blossom into a full-blown addiction... And on that day, I shall tell you all about my letters.

...SOMEDAY?! Well, if you're going to be such a CHICKEN. I'll just leave you to your PIGEON pal there!

When you're ready to talk, you know where to find me. Hmph!