The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 151: Sully C

Sully/Virion C

Hrah! Yaaaaah!

Ah, most fortuitous fortune! It is none other than my dearly beloved Sully! Your floating, so like a butterfly. Your stinging, so like the bee! Why, it's positively-

You got a point, Ruffles?

None save the point of my heart's compass, which strains ever toward Sully.

That sounds like a no. So get lost. I'm trying to train here.

So cold! I feel a chill coming on. I'll surely catch my death if you don't spare a few warm words, milady...Come no! All this training for war...All this angry grunting...It's unbecoming of a lady so beauteous!

Pfft. A pretty girl can stab a guy as easy as an ugly one. But she still needs to practice...So clear out!

No doubt the poets would write of your grace in combat. "Stabulous," they'd say! But there is no need for such exertions. Not when you've a man to protect you!

I've yet to see a man up to that task.

Milady, you wound me. Such a man stands before you at this very moment!

Wait, are you talking AAAAH! HA HA HA HAR! Oh, you're a funny guy, Ruffles. I'll give you that.

...I wasn't joking.

Do you have any idea how many people try to kill me on a daily basis? It'd take a certified hero just to keep up, let alone "protect" me.

And I vow to be just such a hero!

Ruffles, I'd hire a wet nurse AND her kid as protectors before I'd consider you.

So it's proof milady desires, is it? So be it! I shall gladly furnish such! Watch closely our next battle. I'll display such heroism as makes for legend and song!

Oh, this should be good.