The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 159: Robin A

Hey, Vaike. Why the long face?

...Oh. Hello, Robin. So, uh... I've been thinkin'. The Vaike's caused ya a lot of grief. I feel bad about it.

It's not like you to be so introspective. Why does it worry me...

Well, I was having a bath--you know, down by the spring--and well...These ladies appeared outta nowhere and started pointin' and laughin' at poor Teach! I was stark naked, with my clothes hung up on the far side of the creek!I reckon they were gettin' revenge for those times I... accidentally spied on 'em.


And that blasted horse was there, grinnin' like a rabid crocodile! It was humiliatin'!

Well, that does sound unpleasant. Even if you only have yourself to blame. One might even call it... Oh, what's the word? Ah, yes: ironic! In any case, can we please assume that you've finally learned your lesson?

Yeah, now that I know what it's like to be the victim, the Vaike's spyin' days are over.

Good, I think when you look back on this later, you'll be glad it happened. But, come. No use moping about that's done. The Shepherds need their Teach. They need his passion and his willingness to take on anything or anyone, damn the odds!

Har har. Now that's the truth! ...You're all right, Robin. A good friend through and through.

You... consider me a friend?

Darn right! You're in the Vaike circle of trust. Not many folk earn that privilege! ...But now that we're friends and all, that means we can ask each other favors.

Favors? Well, I suppose if there's something--

I've given up spying, but I owe those girls a good scare! No one makes a mockery of Teach and gets away with it!

So put your thinkin' cap on and brew up some kinda revenge scheme, okay? Maybe some way to dump puddin' on their heads or somethin'.

Pudding, Vaike? Honestly?