The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 180: Stahl A

Ninety-eight... ninety-nine... one hundred! Phew. All done!

Fascinating. I've now directly observed the results of you repetition drills. Compared with the first time I watched you, your movements are smoother and faster.

That's because you keep making me do them over and over again. But I wager I'm still only as good as half the people in camp, right?

Yes. It is a most extraordinary result.

Extraordinary? But I've always been Sir Average! Why would that change?

Because in recent days, all of your skills and statistics have improved dramatically. And yet, you remain in the very center of my graph. See? At the top of this bell curve.

Wait, wait. So while I got better, everyone else ALSO got the exact amount better?

Everyone in the army is aware that you are the most average soldier. Therefore, when they see you improve, they feel compelled to improve as well. In this way, they are able to avoid falling below the expected mean.

I see... So it's not just a matter of me adapting to everyone around me... It's about THEM seeing ME and adapting to THAT.

Wow, thanks, Miriel! I'm way more influential than I ever imagined!

I'm simply grateful for the chance to observe such a fascinating phenomenon. I hope you will allow me to continue my analysis and experiments?

Of course! For as long as you like!
