The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 189: Lissa A


What are you reading, Stahl?

A letter from my brother. He's thanking me for the butterfly scales I sent.

Ye gods, what dreadful penmanship! It's nothing at all like yours.

Heh. My brother is a rugged, no-nonsense sort. He doesn't much care for calligraphy. But look here! He sent along more of his secret stomach tonic. This new recipe uses the butterfly scales. It's twice as effective as before!

So the errand he sent you on was actually for your benefit?

Apparently so! It's a good reminder---brothers don't always say and do the right thing... But in the end, or when it matter, they always have our interests in mind.

Pffft! Not MY brother! I doubt he ever thinks of me at all! Unless it's to tell me that I'm childish and I should learn to grow up or whatever. He's too busy running a country and a war to worry about his little sister...

I assure you, that is not the case! At all! Chrom cares for you very much. And who can blame him? If I had a charming sister like you, I'd never leave your side!

Y-you think I'm charming?

Of course! ...Er, is that strange?

I'm... I'm just not used to accepting praise from such a... fine gentleman, is all. Thanks, Stahl. You made my day!

Heh, well, I only spoke the truth.