The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 224: Stahl B

Howdy, Stahl! Just the gentleman I was hopin' to run into.

Do you have a question?

Could you... go over yonder? ...No, just a little bit farther.

Are you trying to make me fall into that pit trap you dug?

Aw, donkey bottoms! I ain't never gonna get the hang of this.

Easy, Donny. Don't look so glum. You still have time to learn.

But I done tried so many different things, and I'm useless at all of 'em! I just wanna find one thing I'm better at than everyone else. Thought it might be booby traps, but shuck my corn if that's the case now...

Trying to be better than everyone is an ambitious goal that few ever achieve. Take me for example. Average strength, sklls, and looks. Nothing stands out. Compared to everyone else in the Shepherds, I'm as dull as can be.

Aw, Stahl, that ain't true! ...Well, maybe it's a bit true.

The point is, Donny, I still have a role. We can't all be the best at something, but we CAN provide a unique blend of skills.

So we're the best... at bein' ourselves? Reckon that ain't much of anythin'.

Just keep practicing what you know, and take care of yourself on the battlefield. Talents will come to light when you least expect them.

Well, if ya say so...