The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 235: Sully C


: I yield! I yield! M-mercy! *drops*

She's just like one of them knights out'a the stories Ma used to tell! I'm jealous somethin' fierce...

I'm not LIKE a knight, kid. I AM a knight.

Urk! Ya heard me then, did ya?

Half the camp heard your every thought! You're not exactly subtle.

B-beggin' your pardon, Sir Ma'am! I didn't mean nothin' by it. So, uh, do ya think maybe you could tell me what bein' a knight's like?

As long as you promise to stop calling me "Sir Ma'am." Why are you asking, anyway? Thinking of becoming a knight?

Oh, gosh, no! It's just that knights and such is the stuff's legend to me. Ain't never seen one back on the farm, and now here you are, and... Well, I reckon I'm curious, is all.

Curious to see how close I am to your storybook version?

I ain't tryin' to impose on ya. If it's a big ol' hassle, just say so.

It's fine. Come find me at dinner. We can talk there.

Thank you, Sir Ma... Er, Sully! That's mighty kind of ya!