The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 281: Donny B

Good day, Donnel. How fare your pursuits in the learned arts?

Great! In fact, I got it all good'n learned, so you can have this here book back.

Preposterous! Even I haven't yet committed the entire code to memory!

I wouldn't lie to ya, ma'am! I just always been good at memorizin' stuff. Ma used to say it was 'cause my head was so empty, there was plenty'a room.

Then I suppose you won't object to my asking you a few questions...First, from chapter one: Which crimes fall under the auspices of Article IV, Section 3? (Time passes)

...And he shall be sentenced to no fewer'n one or greater'n ten years' imprisonment. ...'Lessun he give the goat back, that is.

Correct AND verbatim! ...Well, except for the awkward grammar. Have you really got the entire legal code memorized?

Yes, ma'am! Spent every bit of free time I had on it, I did!

All on this one book?

You said it was important to ya, so it'd be rude for me to sit on it! 'Sides, it's mighty nice of ya to teach me, so I owe it to ya to do my part.

I must confess, Donnel, I did not expect you to take to the task with such zeal. I fear I have underestimated you, and for that I apologize.

I see now that you are a diamond in the rough. ...Very rough, it's true, but a diamond nonetheless! I shall make it my cause to see you polished into a sparkling paragon of a gentleman!

Oh, I dunno, ma'am. I ain't never been one for fancy clothes and silverware. Plus don't gentlemen all wear masks and dance in circles and stuff?

This is not up for discussion! Now come with me!