The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 338: Panne B

Heya, Whiskers. Thanks for getting me out of that tight spot the other day.

I never imagined I would one day be forced to carry a human down a cliff. I hope the experience will not be repeated. I found it disagreeable and humiliating.

I thought we looked pretty dashing with me on your back. Like a Panne knight! ...You get it? See, instead of "pegasus," I said "Panne," so-

I am not a beast of burden, idiot!

Crivens, you're a snippy one, aren't you? Maybe you need some sugar. Here, have one of my candied figs. It'll settle that temper of yours.

I do not usually eat sweets.

No wonder you're always mopin' around. A berry tart keeps me whistling no matter how hard the going.

Do these sweets of yours serve as emergency rations?

Any moment I'm not eating sugar is an emergency, Whiskers.

*Nibble* ...Ah, yes, very sweet. In emergencies, we taguel sometimes eat a similar-tasting fruit. But it is even sweeter than this candied confection.

Sweeter than candy? Wh-what's it called? Where can I get it?! Ya gotta tell me, Whiskers!

Are you that interested in our culture?

Oh, er... yeah! Of course. Absolutely obsessed, in fact! ...So this fruit of yours. Where can I find it?

You're standing below a tree right now.

Wh-what?! A candy tree?! Mmmmuuurrrrgghhh... Now I just gotta climb my way... Wait, up THERE?!

If you refer to the single, solitary tree at the very top of this cliff, then yes.

Well, crap. (leaves)

..... What are you doing, man-spawn? You know you can't get down again! ..... I won't help if you get stuck. You'll have to stay there for the rest of your days! ..... Gods, take this half-wit. He's stuck again...