The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 389: Donny B

Hey, Donny. You still have that stone from before?

You mean my pa's stone? Course I do.

Can I see it? I promise not to throw it! Pleeease? ...Oooh, it's so pretty. Is that why it's your most favorite treasure?

Looks ain't got nothin' to do with it. The stone's part of a promise with my pa.

A promise?

He gave it to me back 'fore he died. He always loved rocks and stones and such, but this was his favorite. He said it had a kinda power in it, all hidden away. That it was greater than it looked. Reckon I don't quite understand all that, but it's what he believed. So I promised him that one day I'd figure it out and release that hidden power!

Wow. I'm jealous.

Of my stone? But you got one what turns ya into a dragon!

No, of your promise with your father! I never knew my father. Never got to talk to him...

I'm real sorry to hear that.

Oh, but I do remember where I was born!

Oh yeah? Where's that?

I forgot!

Huh? But ya just said-

No, I do remember, but just not right now. Next time I have it, I'll tell you!

Er, I don't quite understand all that, but I guess I'll look forward to it.

Hey, let's play! You're the most fun to play with around here!

Aw, shucks, Nowi! I think yer a real hoot, too!