The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 404: Stahl B

Hey, Nowi. I brought some fresh bandages.

Thanks, Stahl. The bird is feeling much better now!

I'm not surprised, with how you've been looking after him.

Yeah but I'm tired of calling him "the bird." I think he needs a name. What do you think of Janaff?


That totally sounds like a bird, right? I thought of it myself, by the way.

I'm not sure it's the best idea to give him a name. It'll just make it that much harder when it comes time to part company.

But we're not going to part company! Me and Janaff will be friends forever.

Okay, now you're just being absurd. First of all, how are you going to look after him in the middle of battle? And second, what are you going to feed him? We're low on food as it is.

I'll find a way! I'll be like his mother and take extra good care of him! So can I keep him? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?

Oh, for the love of... Fine. I'll talk to Chrom. Maybe you and I can look after him together.

Yay! Thanks, Stahl!