The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 423: Robin A

Ah, Robin. How is recovery?

Good, thanks to you. The healers said if you hadn't caught the infection when you did, I'd have died. I owe you my life, Gregor.

Oh ho ho! Sometimes batty old man knows thing or two, yes?

You are clever young lass, but old man like Gregor can be teaching you many things. You listen to elders, and one day you might be smart like Gregor.

Heh, yes. I'll certainly pay closer attention from now on.

This is water running under bridge. But...

What? Is something troubling you?

You still have nightmare dream? Where you fly and put head on Gregor's knee?

Not anymore, thank the gods.

Is good. ...Because Gregor has to charge performance fee for appearing in dream.

A performance fee? For a dream?! That's ridiculous!

But if you say no more dream, then is okay. We call first one rehearsal. Gregor give steep discount.

Now, you look after health so you see no more bad dreams, yes? If you get weak again, you can rest head on knee, no charge.

I assure you, I will be watching my health very carefully.

You sound very with the motivation! Gregor believes you!