The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 451: Maribelle C

Good day. sir. Here to offer up a prayer?

Indeed. And yourself?

I make it a part of each morning.

A commendable endeavor. Might I join you?

But of course.

Come to think of it, I fear I haven't yet properly thanked you.

Oh? Whatever for?

Forgotten, have you? It was an all-too-common happening for me, I'm afraid. I was approached by a pack of drunkards who had taken me for a woman. I suspect they still feel the sting of the tongue-lashing you gave them now.

Not to further endanger my masculinity, but you were my knight in shining armor.

Ahh, yes. I recall now. I was given quite the dressing-down myself back at camp! A number of others thought it rash of me.

Well I, for one, am grateful recipient of your just and decisive valor. You have my thanks.

I acted mostly to quell my own indignation at those boors, I assure you. But if I was of some small service to you as well, so much the better. Your words help bolster the strength of my convictions.

Then you are most welcome!