The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 482: Vaike B

It was so very nice to see Robin today. Hee. I think I'll just sit here for a bit and bask in the glow of-


...Or perhaps I'll end my day by killing a man. What do you want, you great sack of suet? Are you spying on me again?

Nope! Well, I mean, I WAS for a while, but I trust ya now. I had to make sure ya weren't up to any witchy business with my pal, Robin.

If I catch you spying on me again, I'll turn you into a toad.

Hey now! Ain't no need for those kinda threats!

I don't make threats. I make promises. Besides, isn't that what you want?

Turnin' into a toad? Are ya batty?

Nothing is more intimate than having a hex cast upon you. The spell creates a bond between the mage and victim- a resonance of souls. You WERE eager to connect with me on this level, were you not? And besides, being a toad might increase your intellectual capacity.

Sweet, crispy goat haunch! I barely understand a thing you say!

But ol' Teach thinks bein' soul mate to a fine gal like you would be preeetty sweet.

I'd have better luck being a soul mate with the gunk beneath your fingernails.

Waaait. Are you implin' I'm stupid? 'Cause if you are, you're WRONG!

Evidence suggests otherwise.

Oh, he does, does he?! Well, I'm gonna find this Evidence fella and give him what for!