The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 524: Panne B

I'd like to thank you, man-spa-- Er, Olivia. Your dancing was of great assistance.

Oh, truly? I'm so glad I could be of assistance!

I hope you will continue to do so in the future.

Well, I'll try, but I'm just so usel-- Argh, I almost did it again!

Did what again?

Make excuses for myself in case I mess up...

Ah. You're referring to my accusation from the last time we spoke. Pay it no mind.

It was unfair of me.

No, wait. See, the thing is, you were right. I do try to make excuses for myself. I wish I knew how to be strong and confident like you... Um, can you tell me your secret? Can you make me more like you?

Is this what you wanted to ask the last time you approached me?

Yes, actually.

You make a difficult request. I know not from whence my strength springs. I am a taguel and you are not. It may be that I cannot teach you anything.

Maybe so, but I still want to try!

Very well. Give me some time to think upon the problem.