The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 542: Ricken B

C-c-crikey, this story is giving me the heebie-jeebies!



That was a scary bit!


Um, aren't you scared? Not even a little tiny bit? Not even when Shanty Pete left his hook on the side of the carriage?

: Er, no. Not really.

Wow, I thought you'd be shaking and telling me to close the book.

*Shrug* I dunno. I've heard much scarier stories.

Scarier than THIS one? *gulp* But, wait. I didn't think you were much of a reader.

It's true. Books are too heavy to carry when you travel as much as I do. The stories I know are all spoken tales.

So you just keep all your stories in your head?

: Exactly!

I'm impressed! Not only can you dance, you have have an awesome memory, too!

Stop it. You're embarrassing me!

Listen, for our next story, why don't you tell me one of yours?

...I'm not sure that's a good idea.

I'm not a very good storyteller. I probably won't do it justice...

: B-but if you REALLY insist, I suppose I could tell you the scariest story I know.

Y-you're getting that weird look in your eyes again...