The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 589: Vaike C

Egads, lady! That STINGS!

Hush. That's how you know it's working.

Your bedside manner could do with a bit of work.

You're the one who tried to fight my poor wyvern, Minerva, with your bare hands! If I hadn't come along when I did--

If you hadn't come along, I woulda won! I was just linin' up my finishin' blow.

Is this when you were curled on the ground with your hands over your head? Or when you were running amok like a sad, headless chicken?

H-hey! How long were you watchin' ol' Teach, anyway?

Oh. Look. Another cut. Let me just...


Hee hee!

Now, the next time you fancy wrestling a wyvern, don't expect me to save you. Stay away from the stables unless you want to serve as Minerva's supper.

Bah! That dumb lizard just got lucky. Next time I'll show her who's number one!

...Number one in her feed bowl, perhaps.