The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 594: Ricken A

Hey, Cherche. Do you mind if I try touching Minerva again?

Of course. In fact, I probably don't even need to be there this time. She's taken quite a shine to you.

Really? That's great! Maybe I won't ever be a wyvern rider, but at least I'll have a wyvern friend!

And while we're on the subject, I'm sorry I spoke so negatively about your prospects.

Hey, it's always better to hear the truth and make your peace, right? I have to learn how to be stronger and more powerful so I can help everyone.

Can't very well do that if I waste all my time chasing stupid dreams!

I don't think it's stupid, Ricken. Just a tad unrealistic.

My ultimate goal is to become Chrom's right-hand man and most trusted ally. His stalwart aide and the mightiest arrow in his quiver! Then maybe people will start looking up to me and my family.

Do people disparage your family? But, I thought you were...

What, a noble? Oh, sure. We've got fancy shields and a castle and all that. It's just that in recent years we've fallen on hard times, moneywise.

So all your efforts at self-improvement are to uphold the honor of your house? ...Perhaps I haven't given you enough credit, Ricken.

Aw, shucks. It's not like I've actually done anything yet.