The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 608: Ricken B

Hey. Henry?


Remember a while ago, when you told me that you served under Gangrel? It made me wonder... Have we fought against anyone you knew?

Yeah, sure! You've cut down a few of my former comrades. You interested in who they were? Lemme see if I can recall... Well, there's Vasto. I liked him! Always ready with a joke or quip.

That guy?! He tried to stop us when we headed east that one time.

He was really excited about that posting-it was his first major command. Ha! He used to talk about his mother all the time. "Best knitter in Plegia," he's say!

Oh. That's... nice.

Then there was Mustafa. He always gave me a bag of peaches whenever I visited. He said I reminded him of his son and that I should consider myself part of his family.


Oh! And Campari used to make little birdhouses for homeless-

Actually, Henry? I don't think I want to know about your comrades after all.

Aw! I thought you were interested.

I was, but now everyone seems more... normal than I expected.

They're not maniacs or monsters. They're just like us except they're dead.

Yep. Dead as driftwood, they are. And it was you Shepherds who killed 'em! Their friends and families are probably still crying their eyes out.


What's wrong?

Henry, it's my job to kill Plegian soldiers... So I have to believe they deserve to die. But now you've reminded me they aren't faceless blobs with axes. They have friends and families and... H-how am I going to fight them if I know that? What if I hesitate?

You're weird. I don't see the problem here at all.

No, it's all right, Henry. It was my fault for asking.