The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 641: Sully B

Mnnngh... Ch-chest... burning! F-fever... rising! C-can't... breathe!

Oh! Oh, oh, oh. It looks like sooomeone got cursed! Yaaay!

Hngh... H-Henry?

Nya ha ha! One tailor-made curse, just as requested. I finally got one to take. And it was no easy task, you big overachiever, you!

C-call it off... P-please...

What, already?

Grkk... HURRY!

You got it. *Mumble, mumble* *hiss* ...All done!

*Cough* Whew... It felt like I was dying.

That's 'cause you WERE! ...You totally still had five or six solid minutes left, though.

The curse was fatal?!

Well, it wasn't going to be at first, but it turns out you've got buckets of willpower. Like I said, none of the little ones took.

So I had to bump the stakes up a teensy bit. Hope ya don't mind!

You're crazy! But I'm even crazier for having asked for the damn thing...

So wait a second. What do you mean about the first curses not taking? Does that have to do with strength or willpower or something?

Yep yep! That's it, all right. I can curse till I'm blue in the face, but if their will's stronger than mine? Pbbt.

Which means that you were eventually able to overcome my will... Thanks, Henry. I think I've got more training to do than I thought.

Aw, don't fret! You're the toughest nut I ever cracked, and I've cracked a lot. Hey, you wanna go again? I've got the cutest little death altar all set up...

I'll let you know.