The Let's Play Archive

Lufia: The Legend Returns

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 20

Let's go take a kingdom back, shall we?

You start at basement 11, which means I have to go up ten floors of this shit to get there, it isn't so bad though.

and Poisonfrog. The death masters are annoying because they can instantly kill you and cast mirror on themselves, and always go first. Jerks.

For some reason I feel like roping together a few sea turtles and riding them into the sunset. . .

These guys have really low HP and def, but they go first. They can't do much, though, and are mostly just a nuisance (like real flies)

I couldn't think of anything to say about these except KAWAII~~ ^_^

This is an EXCELLENT attack, it hits twice at 1.5x power. Like Drive x2.

This is a unique move for Aima, it attacks at 4x SPEED, meaning you probably always go first.

Ten floors later, we end up at the top, huzzah.

there's actually a large area to explore here. You don't have to go fight Deraf right away, you can wander a bit and get a lot of items first.

all the maids/guards welcome you, they must all hate Deraf. You can go outside, but can't cross the bridge into the town. There are some hidden items outside, too

This one is very well hidden. There's also a hi potion in a tree out here somewhere.

Inside, on the first floor, there are treasures to be had! The other two were a revive and a protect ring, which raises your DEF by a bunch but nothing else, it isn't all that great.

There's even a church in the castle! Saving is a good thing.

Hooray, Thunder is the best bolt spell (duh) although it won't be very useful against the upcoming boss.

Damn it, I'm going to have to fight that plane. . . cannon. . . thing aren't I?

More chests, the other three had a GoddessTear, a Sanity Ring (gee I wonder why they're giving me so many?) and a Witch Ring, which raises MAP and RES by a bunch, but not MP. I gave it to Melphis.

Speaking of Melphis, you run into her Dopplegänger here.

Spitting image!

How'd they find someone who looks just like her?

Who are you?

I am Rino from Northland. I was deceived and brought here by a man named Deraf. I want to go back home!

Everything is fine now. I promise I will get you back home. Please just wait a little while longer.

Yes, thank you.

Also you can rest in the bed behind her, free healing hell yeah! And finally, if you explore the castle thoroughly you'll find:

- BigBoomer
- BoltBoomer
- Wisdom Seed
- GoddessTear
- Miracle
- Charred Newt
- Hi Bomb
- Mind Seed

Time to confront this big jerkface!

Deraf, we have finally caught you!

Princess Melphis?! You're still alive. . .

Many friends have helped me.

Friends? Ha! I won't let you get in my way!

Deraf, why have you changed so much? Under my father you were such an honest man.

Ha ha ha, I realized on the night that lightning struck the Tower of Illusion that I am capable of more! The King was in my way, so I was adding poison to his food, little by little.


I thought it would take longer, but he died quickly!

You. . . you. . . HOW DARE YOU!

I should have dealt with you sooner. I hoped that locking you in the tower would be enough.

You had better beg for mercy Deraf!

Ha ha ha! Don't assume I'm the same as before! I've got the great power! Ha ha ha! Die! Die! Die!

Boss fight! This one was actually really easy, apart from the fact that he can use all of the level 3 spells, Firebird, IceValk, and Thunder. The first two aren't so bad, since they hit everyone, but Thunder basically annihilates one person. He has low DEF and high RES so I just beat him down. Halfway through the battle he summons guards

Who are actually not very threatening. Deraf died pretty quickly.

He's more like a sub boss, really.

Huh, you are not too bad. But I'll never lose as long as I have the Ultra Weapon! HAHAHAHA!! Exits

Hey wait come back here!

He ran away. Here's a secret:

Oh I'll bet it's a good helmet for Mel

What? Why would Deckard be able to equip this Crown that is the proof of the throne? This makes no sense.


Oh wow that's really awesome. But why can he equip it. . . ?

Following the path behind the throne, we go up a tower and find a healing point and a save point. I went back and healed and saved anyway, but. . .


Oh man, he's totally lost it. . .

Mwehehe! I, Deraf, will be the ruler of Lidal Continent!

No! I will stop you in the name of my father!

Hmph, ridiculous. I will finish you off like I did him!

It's a. . . that landtank that Fox uses? Anyway, the point is that it's slow and has high def, but using moves that overwhelm DEF took him down quick. I managed to whittle his HP down quickly with:

Marco using Split Attack

Deckard using Jump Slash

And of course Energy Punch. Eventually, once its HP gets low, the Ultra Weapon. . . blows itself up in an effort to take you down

He hit everyone for like 182 damage (exactly that much, as well) but then he died himself. It was weird. The point is it died

But gave me no gold, man I could so sell the scrap parts of it for mad money I'll bet.

Boom, explosions.

N. . . no. . . I . . . this Weapon. . . I cannot lose. . . urgk.

You relied on a machine too much. The only thing you can count on is your own body!

I. . . urgh. Dies.

Father, I have avenged you. Please rest in peace.

You did it Melphis.

The screen flashes, hmm it seems kind of familiar. . .

W-what's going on?!

Oh gee I wonder who that is?!

Useless. . . I expected you not to be this incompetent.

Who are you?!

I gave you my power, and yet you still could not destroy a single country?

Hey, don't ignore me! Are you the one who made him crazy?

Indeed I am.

Why would you do something like that?!

There is no reason.

What. . . no wait. I know I've heard that before. . . Gades, he said the same thing! Then. . .

I am Amon, the Sinistral of Chaos.

Great! We'll take you on too!

Silence, you untrusting weak humans.


Ha, the people of this continent are untrusting. It is due to my power.

So you're causing this mess! How dare you!

But do not misunderstand! I merely supplied the opportunity. Humans can never truly trust others, after all! That's just human nature!

I trust my friends!

Ha ha ha. . . Then come to my tower, and I will shatter that belief of yours!

Alright guys, Amon has revealed himself finally as the one behind all the chaos on the Lidal Continent! It's time to face him at the top of the Tower of Illusion! Now you know why I need all those Sanity Rings, I'm sure you can guess what Spiritual Force of Chaos will do.

Also behind where the weapon was, there are two chests with a GoddessTear and a Skill Seed. Next time, we'll like. . . reclaim the kingdom or something, and then go kill Amon.