The Let's Play Archive

Lufia: The Legend Returns

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 29

Okay sorry about that, real update time! Let's explore this town of Tanba.

at night. This town formed a team to investigate it, lead by my fiance Jan. But I hope he'll be alright, he's a little. . . clumsy. . .

okay we'll head to the tower of sorrow once I'm done explorin'

This is exactly the same as the blue treasure Earring from Lufia 2, it let's you cast thunder but only really raises your stats a little. However this time it's the actual spell thunder and not an IP. And if you didn't get this part, you can bring anything with bunny in the name into the ancient cave.

Yeah yeah shut up and give me your treasure (which wasn't all that great, just a GoddessTear, X-Potion, X-Magic, and Miracle).

exploring the rest of the town you would find:

- GoddessTear
- Potion
- X-Magic
- ConfuPowder x2 (OH BOY)
- Hi Magic


Oh yeah you'd also find this silly sword that heals people instead of hurting them.

You can also get some cool new spells. Valor revives and fully heals but so far only Melphis can learn it.

Here is the Tower of Sorrow, not too far away. Note that there's another town

over here, but we'll go there later. For now

This guy warns us just to go to the tower, not into the cave.

This guy blocks us, which is probably good considering the enemies are from the last dungeon apparently. I didn't go in, how would I know?

Okay so that wasn't any trouble.

A green tower palate swap.

Hey, they got the name right this time! Hooray!

I guess if you have a limited space for letters, you improvise the spelling!

This is a strange move, it hits 6x at .5 power, but Aima already has an identical move, how come she learns two identical IPs? No clue. I think someone else can learn Scatterhit, which is the other one.

Heals 3/4 HP, plus status. Good times.

Here's the first midpoint that we can't go beyond. There are some chests lying around with a Hi Magic and a Revive in them, man, stop giving me shitty prizes game!

I hope that guy isn't overly confident.

The lord of this tower.

The lord of this tower? Then you're the one causing the earthquakes?

That's right. I could even demolish a town like Tanba instantly!

Don't be ridiculous! I would never let you do such a thing!

Oh? And what are you going to do about it? Cry?

I will beat you!

W-Wait! This guy is really strong!

Hm? Who are you?

It doesn't matter, but he's seriously strong! We will help you!

That would be great!

This is another optional fight, but this time he doesn't wipe your team out, the battle ends in three turns. Also, Jan attacks at the end of every turn, like those soldiers from before, but who needs him, I have a secret weapon to end this in one turn:

Undeniably Ruby's best unique IP, Double Up! You bet all your IP (however much IP you have is the starting power of the move) and play a card game.

It's a simple game, choose whether or not the next card will be higher or lower. It's mostly a game of odds, I mean, if the card is 7 or lower, the next card is most likely going to be higher. If it's 9 or higher, the next card is most likely going to be lower. If it's 8, there's an equal change of it going either way, so choose wisely. Of course, I have the benefit of strong intuition  save states  so I never choose wrong. Your attack power doubles from 100 all the way up to 25600, if you're lucky.

Watch the video, it shows it better. If you manage to max out your power

You'll do max damage! It's a one-hit KO!

To be fair, Marco's Holy Sword does about 2500 and I used a move with Deckard that hit about five times, so I had already done about 5000 damage. But when I fucked up Double Up I didn't end up killing him, so it's very helpful (although it is not the only way to kill him)

Gotta love all that LP (now I can go learn all those good spells, especially for Ruby, and especially because. . . well you'll see.)

Woo free armor.

m. . . mmm. . . mmm

Not bad! But I've already read all of your moves! Waaaah!


Guaaaaaah! Dies.

You did it Jan!

Yeah, he was very strong, but I had help and I was able to win.

It'll finally be peaceful again. So are you going to marry Sammi?

Of course! Say, if you'd like, strange warriors, you can come to my wedding back in Tanba!

Uh, sure.

I hope to see you there! Exits.

What's going on? Was that not the same Daos we're up against?

No, it's got to be him.

Then does that Jan guy have enough power to destroy Daos by himself?

No, it's not possible. He's strong, but he isn't that strong!

So then. . .

I don't know, let's just go back to Tanba for now.

How odd, that he died so easily. Oh well.


That's kind of depressing. It doesn't have the darkness resistance or RES of the Light Armor, the HP raising power of Randolph's whateverthefuckhehas, or the awesome RES of the Dragon Scale. It raises DEF more, sure, but not RES, so it isn't as good. Oh well. Maybe I'll get someone else who can equip it, who knows? I honestly don't.

Next time on Let's Play Lufia TLR, more weddings!