The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 103: Memory

We regain control in Saki's house. Kato wants Yuri to meet him, but we'll let him stew for a bit.

Kamna: That's Jinpachiro's boy, all right! I'm really impressed.

Iwase: Your mother will be relieved!

Everyone in town seems to be pretty happy we made it back.

Huh, this is new.

Karin and Yuri approach a lone grave underneath a tree.

Is this...?

Yeah. Alice's grave. ...I haven't been here in a while. It's gotten so dirty.

It's been over a year now...
Why...did you bring me here?

Yuri grabs the cross hanging from the tombstone and hands it to Karin.

To give you this.
A cross?

It belonged to my mother.
I want you to have it.

All of the people that I've ever loved have carried it. My mother and father...and Alice.

Haha. I guess that everyone that's carried it has died!
Huh?! ...R-really?

I-it's okay! You don't have to worry! It's not like it's cursed or anything!

...If I lose my memory, do you think all of the memories locked up in that cross will disappear, too?
Karin. I want YOU to hold it for me. So the memories don't disappear! My mother, my father, Alice...and me. A part of all of us is in that cross.

I know I shouldn't ask. I feel bad doing it, but... But it has to be you, Karin!

I'll do it.

Hah. haha.

And the camera pans away as they stand there and nervously giggle. It's kind of cute.

So, after that scene we end up with Anne's Cross, a Karin only accessory that stops all Ring and Status Abnormalities. It also recovers a small amount of HP for Karin each turn.

There's nothing else of interest here except the grave...

...So reads the gravestone inscription.