The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 28: Intermission: Solomon's Key - Enchanting Sea Solution

Uvall is easy to place. There's only one island here, after all.

Vepar goes next to the whirlpool.

There are two spots next to Vepar. The other one is taken, as we'll see, so Crocell goes here.

Focalor goes in the middle of the Sea, as far from the mainland as possible.

Last of all, Forneus goes in the spot closest to Vassago.

Gale Spin has been newly added to the Vepar Crest.

Raise Up has been newly added to the Crocell Crest.

Aqua Edge has been newly added to the Forneus Crest.

Hail Breeze has been newly added to the Focalor Crest.

Heal has been newly added to the Uvall Crest.