The Let's Play Archive

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

by kethryveris

Part 96: Inugami Village

We can explore the village now, but first we're going to run back to the forest for a couple things. There are monsters here now: Mutant Snails and Tengu.

Anastasia gets the Falling Leaves album from using Snap Shot on Tengu. These things are kind of a pain in the ass because monsters don't show up in the Library until you kill one, and their Special Skill automatically lets all the enemies escape. They have a lot of health, and if they get a turn, they'll use Falling Leaves about 90% of the time. You HAVE to have the Warning Device equipped to hunt these guys, otherwise they'll get the first turn and escape before you can do anything. They're also a rare spawn, so have fun killing enough snails to feed France for a year while you try to get just one of these suckers.

There are some hidden items along the path. There's a Seal of the Soul near the end of the first section.

There's another item on the part of the path that branches off. If you follow it all the way to the cliff, there's a little trail that leads further down.

There's a Malphas Crest (Entrance) down here.

The last thing here is part of the Treasure Hunting quest. It's a Blood Jewel, and it's just past where the path splits.

We may as well run back right now to gloat.

Oh, yes! It's your treasure, my friend!

Croft: Dammit! You're really starting to bug me! How do you find it so fast?!

So? You want another beating?

Croft: You think I'll just give up?! No way! I'll take you on! Here it is, my final challenge! This time, I'm serious!

You got Treasure: Done

So this really is the last time?

Croft: You bet! Although it's only because I've run out of treasure to hide! But this last code is extra difficult! This time, you can't possibly beat me!

Let's see, we need to find a garden with a rock and a pond. You know, this could be a tough one...

...Or not.

Back in Yokohama, Croft has disappeared.

Kamoshita: He was shouting something about going to look for treasure to hide. What a weirdo!

So, the Treasure Hunting quest is now finished, and we get Dog Bone as a reward, Blanca's 2nd-best weapon.

So, back in Inugami, we have control of Kurando while we walk around the village.

There's a few people wandering around.

Kamua: The gods of nature have blessed us with both mountains and woods.

Iwase: How long's it been since you went off with that dignitary fellow? Your mother will be so happy to see you!

Okay, so every night you attract bark destroying beetles to the tree. Poor tree.

There's a couple chests around the village. This one in the little shrine or whatever has a Soul Drop. We'll have Yuri use this later.

This chest has Valefor Crest (Cure All).

We also run into a familiar, uh, thing by the bushes.

How ya doing?
Oh, don't tell me... You split up, right? With your wife... Hey, come on! Cheer up! Sure, it'll be lonely at first, but you can have fun being single, you know! I know it hurts to think it wasn't meant to be with Miyabi, but...
Nooooo! It's not that!
W-what then?! Don't scare me like that!
Miyabi... Miyabi gave me this...
What is it?
This! Look! This sweater! It's cashmere! See!
I can't see anything! How can I when you're glowing like that?! Your whole body's on fire!
Ah, yeah! Of course. I really wanted you to see it too! Oh, well, never mind. I'm just so happy! Miyabi wanted to surprise me with it on my birthday, so she's secretly been working at a store the whole time! She's amazing, huh?! It's like something out of a movie, don't you think? I'm so lucky!
Oh... I was really worried for a while! I'm glad it worked out.
Yeah, thanks for your support. So, it's back to work, I guess! This I entrust to you... Just wanna share the joy!
Okay, thanks.

You got Attack Boost

Okay, I've gotta get back. I thought I'd take a present for Miyabi, but what should I get...? I know Creme caramel! She loves that! If you put a tiny bit of soy sauce on it, it tastes like sea urchins! Miyabi taught me that. Ever since I discovered it, I can't get enough either! You should try it!


No, thanks! It sounds gross!
Oh, well. See you!

Weird snack habits aside, it's nice to see that things are working out for Ring Soul.

A Silver Angel is hidden behind the drying radishes.

There's one last hidden thing over here.

It's...a talking bug.

Lottery Member 6: Let's get on with it, then! Let the good times roll! Come on, let's dance!

It's a talking bug...that runs numbers. Shadow Hearts, ladies and gentlemen!

The tiny bug has a Tiny Ring.

You won Dark Angel

Lottery Member 6: Gimme a call anytime for the lottery. Oh, and I like weddings too!

Dark Angel isn't a bad accessory (it increases SP by 20%), but it would have been more useful earlier in the game.

Moving on, Pierre has new weapons and armor for everyone.

Don't worry about that! It's just nice to meet up again, isn't it? No doubt you want to buy something, right?

Indeed we do. These five can all wear the Ninja Gi, while Blanca, Anastasia, Karin, Gepetto and Lucia can all wear the Fountain Robe. For weapons, Yuri gets Phoenix Fang, Karin gets Forest Saber, Kurando gets Yoto, Gepetto gets Rainbow Thread, Lucia gets Poseidon Fan and Anastasia gets Glow-Egg. Blanca would get Lion's Polish, but his current weapon is already better.

Joachim isn't left out. His new weapon is just up the path behind Pierre's wagon.

Hmm. Nice clay idol...
Absolutely not! This is one of my village's precious artifacts!

What does its deep and knowing look want to tell us...?
Wait just a minute! Stop that at once!
Don't waste your breath, Kurando.

Poor Kurando. His mother's going to kill him.

You got Clay Idol

My body burns with the raw emotion of the men of the age of mythology!

And with that, he wanders off.

Sorry 'bout that, Kurando. I should've warned you about him...

I bet his name was Maca Lena.

Our goal is the cave at the end of this path, but we're going to stop and bug this guy first.

No! I was just given this thing! Me, a ventriloquist?! Ha ha!

Ichizumi: Hmm... That gives me an idea! I could use an animal doll as my puppet rather than a normal one... Or maybe even two dolls together, acting out a kind of play... Yeah! That's a brilliant idea!

You think? It doesn't sound all that great...

Ichizumi: Can I have that doll of yours? Please! If I'm successful, I could be a big star one day!

Ah, what the hell.

Ichizumi: Thanks! If it works out, you'll be the first one I show! It'll be good, I can promise you that! I must give you something back... Um... Sorry, this is all I've got. Still, you should have it.

You got 10-day-old Rice

So, in return for the creepy doll, we get a bowl full of mouldy rice. Great.

Anyway, here we go! I wonder who the mystery person inside is?