The Let's Play Archive

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

by Luisfe

Part 27: More Bombs and The Trap is Sprung.

Sorry for the delay. This is Update 27

Bat enters the ship. (Viddler)
And so, the trap is sprung. (Youtube)

Oh yes, Bat is definitely in.

And... A pile of clothes?

Bitey boobs to the rescue!

Does he mean Cielo or Heat?
Also, notice, he has regenerated his wing.

"Not after I devour you."

Notice: This is Bat talking, not Argilla. Argilla would not do that to her comrade's corpse.

And the "No" is Argilla's.

The arena is far too large for Argilla to be properly efficient at kicking Bat's ass.
She is still going to try her hardest to do it, though.

Goddamnit. This ain't Silent Hill! They could easily break it! It is already kind of rotten anyway!

Cielo is fast and lucky. NOT AS LUCKY as Serph, though.

Oh yes. A THEORY cell. That'll fetch up a nice price, I think.

Fire Boost"

Oh no! Ambushed after planting ANOTHER explosive. Who could have predicted this turn of events?

"It makes me laugh dat you were stupid enough to fall for such an obvious trap!"

Really, regular grunts against three of the best and strongest members of the Embryon. Not a good thing for them.

Goddamn Chatterskulls. I hates 'em.

Cielo deserves a new mantra, you know.

Earth Drain"

And so does Gale.

Getting expensive, though.

Kind of repetitive, ain't it?

Flame Breath
Fire Repel"

Yeah, there's not a lot of variation on this place.

It's just "advance to the next location and get the random loots. Hooray."

Healing is achieved with a lot of these.

Enemies sometimes drop cells. And Noises. Both of them are of vital importance.

"They're moving toward our present location. We have to stop them, no matter what!"

Yeah, that can wait.

Goddamn fast Mantra learnin'.

The rooms are quite dilapidated.

This is REALLY getting boring. One to go, though.


Gurrs do not enjoy electricity flowing through them.

Cielo makes short work of them.

Missing File: DDS198.jpgWe'll get this as soon as we can — however it might just be gone forever, sorry! If you know where we can find it, please get in contact
"Double Slash
First Strike"

Serph needs to learn this 100k Mantra.

Gale is now officially expensive.

Oh hey look, it's a bunch of Sui-kis. Fortunately, Serph has innate protection against... Well, all elements, really. I had it, why not use it?

They do not appreciate this, you know.

Click here for the full 939x1024 image.
Megaten Wiki information about Sui-Ki

Oh yes.

Shock Wave
Force Repel"

Once again, Gale sees no need to increase his luck.

Goddamn collapsed stairway.

Damn you, Gurr!

Click here for the full 681x1024 image.

The rains never stop falling in the Junkyard.

Hooray! A new type of bullet!

Increases all around!

Goddamn you, Gale.

Aaaand a trapped container.

They are kind of cute.
But they are not.

Good loot after the victory, though.

There. Done.

Click here for the full 833x1024 image.


Oh dear. I wonder what's beyond the portal.