The Let's Play Archive

Sprung (Brett)

by Slowbeef

Part 17: Bonus - Shopping Spree!

Shopping Spree!

So to sum up my vacation vocation (I think that's alliteration and rhyming in one shot - what a dictionocratic menage-a-threee!), I've been here for maybe half a week. I lost a job selling ski equipment, but managed to get a new job behind the scenes for a fashion company.

I've really only been sending e-mails in the time I have when not hooking up my friends, doing scavenger hunts, and being on vacation. I've been an employee for maybe sixteen hours tops, but you'll never guess what happened when I went to the bar...

Wow! Me?! Employee of the Month? After like a day! To be fair, though, I bet that only happened because they had a bunch of layoffs recently and the only operational staff was me and this some dude with this rockin' "Mother Love" tattoo, that I'd get except... You know. Ick. Needles.

DB2 was dripping with sarcasm, but what could he do? Employee of the Month was Employee of the Month.

With that, he gave me a gift card! It was time to go shop! I ran to my computer to make this Powerpoint presentation.

And then it was off to the ski shop! L was working there now and you can see how excited I was!

Whatev, indeed!

I got my bonus today!

So I whipped it out and showed him!

Actually, yeah, you could buy a glove. For fifty dollars you can get a pair of ski gloves or a sleeping bag. And the ski poles are buy one get one free, so you can get a set of those, too.

So what'll it be?

Well, I could either buy something, or express my outrage at these prices, I guess.

Fifty dollars for mittens? You're kidding, right?

... Hecka? Grippy? What the hell was he talking about?

What are you, their spokesperson?
Some day dude, some day. When I make the Olympic teeam I'll be pimpin' everything!
I think I'll buy...

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Hrmmm... so L and A were already sleeping together. Considering they probably hooked up after I hooked them up twice (once at the Numbers Bet, and once on the double date with DB2 and B), I guess he got kicked out... once or twice? I dunno. It was news to me. Whatever.

I got a sleeping bag.

Here ya go.
Thanks! I'll see ya later.
Wait, before you leave, can I ask you to do me a favor?
No prob.

Thanks, dude, it's totally huge of you. And enjoy your new gear!

I decided to go home.