The Let's Play Archive

Tie Fighter

by Neb777

Part 5: Updates 21-25

Update 21

Yaos posted:

Before doing any thing you need to find out if the frog has Rebels inside of him.

Yes. Yes, most definitely. Lets wait for Slippy to start returning to his quarters...

Now to look for those rebels. Fortunately, I still have my old vibro-frog gig from back home:

Nope, no rebels. The emperor has been served.

Well, now I need to get rid of the body. How does one dispose of a giant frog?

...the onboard chef

After a thoroughly incomprehensible discussion, I can only conclude that tonight's main course will be frogfurters.

Now I'm being beeped by the CO. Looks like we have an emergency mission on our hands!

"Our Star Destroyer, The Peabody, was ambushed by a Mon Calamari cruiser just moments before. We will close in for a true battle of the Titans."

"You will fly the Assault Gunboat designated Alpha 1. You will have 2 wingmen."

"The Calamari will deploy Y-Wings to attack The Peabody. Take them out first."

"Then take the fight to the cruiser by escorting the Bombers. Try to draw the Turbolasers away from the bombers, because they're just going to fly straight. They'll also bother locking onto the cruiser, despite the fact that ITS ENORMOUS AND NOT MOVING."

"And for God's sake, if you start crashing, steer away from the Peabody's command deck."

Update 22



Vermilion posted:

Be sure to check the rebel ships for rebels and contraband

Could this be the end????? Will we be the ones who crash into the command deck and end as a flaming cliche???


Update 23

Ka0 posted:



Gasmask posted:

Mu 1 is the Emporer's stool pigeon!

Ka0 posted:



Gasmask posted:


What do we name our new Star Destroyer?

Update 24

Chem-Comando posted:

...ram into the next rebel ship you see. It's not like you have to pay for damages, is it?

Done and done!

Victory! All rebel craft have either fled or been destroyed!

Welcome to the good ship NCC 1701 SS-SD Faggostevebridgedinger Goonarrhea RamReciever

Our sudden victory has inspired some loyalty in the ship's crew and soldiers, despite our defection. But, I fear it won't last without some serious effort on our part. These people have spent their entire lives serving the emperor. What can we do that would make them prefer serving us, instead of him?

First idea recieved!

Mr The Icon posted:

Whatever you name it, you need to make sure there are a lot of those little black box remote control cars running all over it. They are important or some junk.

Free pet Mouse Droids for EVERYONE!

Also, now that we're in charge, we get to setup any special regulations and procedures that the crew must follow. What should we do?

And finally, but probably most importantly, what should we conduct as our first mission?

(Also, remember we have no shields, and we have part of a Mon Calamari Cruiser stuck to the front of our ship! Oh, and don't forget, we still have the Great Fox and two Arwings to go along with our complements of TIE Fighters. And lots and lots of ground troops, AT-ATs, AT-STs, etc. )

Update 25

Lobok posted:

If there are any hangars left intact on the piece of Mon Calamari stuck to your ship, take all the Rebel fighters and combine them with yours. Y-TIEs, B-Bombers, X-Intercepts (the math nerds can fly those), etc. These Frankenstein creations will (hopefully) combine the best of both worlds and (maybe) give you the best fighters in the galaxy!

Great news! We found a hanger full of starfighters! Our scientists are creating schematics for new fighters now:

notZaar posted:

Also as a new regulation all Storm Troopers must pass firing range qualifications with a score of at least 70% or be jettisioned into space.

Edit: Also now that our shield generators are blown you might as well divert power to the turbolazers.

We can kill two birds with one stone. Now we get rid of useless troopers, and we improve the other's gunnery skills by turning them into targets!

Vermilion posted:

Ice-cream for all

TripRed posted:

fuck all that noise, you've been working hard and killing furries for days now with no rest. It's time for BIG AMERICAN PARTY! EVERYBODY DISCO-DANCING!

These two things go together very well

Well, looks like everyone is having a good time out here!