The Let's Play Archive

War in the East

by Grey Hunter

Part 58

I make a solid attack in the north to shift a well dug in Russian force.

The city of Vyshny Volochek is taken, and we force 17,000 Russians to surrender, ten thousand here, and six when we catch up with the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps.

We then trap another Division.

9th Army continues to force the Ruskis back where ever they can.

The 2nd and 4th Armies make little movements, the enemy being well dug in.

In the 6th Army section, we make a push to the north and isolate two Tank Corps and a rifle brigade, but I'm not sure I can hold them.

I do clear out another Tank Corps however.

There is little movement in the far south, the Italians and the Romanians are unable to mount effective assaults, we do see some more southern movement however, as we push in the east.

I then move onto 4th Panzer Army, I get a unit across the Volga and into the massed Russian airfields. This also cuts this rail line.

I then cut off a good number of Russians.

I push the 17th Army north, getting as many of their units across the Volga, I ends up with a good number of units ready to push hard when I get the chance.

There is a little more movement to the north and west of Stalingrad, but the only major thing is the surrounding of an infantry Division.

West of Stalingrad a minor Russian offensive starts against our weaker units.

Another attack, and that unit routs.

They don't exploit this, as I have Panzer's on their flanks.

The 8th SS Cavalry division is cut off, but has the ability to rescue themselves. My hold on the enemy units is still there though, and several units are now trapped – including an Army command unit!

I'm surprised that I also have these units trapped.

Only 81,000 Russians casualties this week,

It seems that those air units we routed this week have not refilled from last week, as the air losses are low.

Russian strength is down to five and a half million.

We see a good number of replacements again,

The fuel pool is dropping, as we stretch our supply lines.

I've reached the Volga, things seem to be going well, if not as quickly as I would like.

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