The Let's Play Archive

Warcraft: Orcs & Humans

by Azzur

Part 16: Act 12: The Grand Finale

The Grand Finale

: Stormwind.

: Pinnacle of human achievement.

: Insurmountable bastion of order that even former Warchief Blackhand could not overcome. Gentlemen...

: Let's burn this fucker down.

: Our forward base is established, Chieftain. Stormwind seems... well-defended.

: Enough prattle on what it seems like.

: Aye, aye, Chieftain!

: At least someone here knows protocol!

: Ahem... yes, well. Men! Move out!

: Hmm... the southern bank seems secure. You men, stay here while I report back to the Chieftain. I wonder how the eastern bank looks...

: Eh? Bridge demon!? Rrrghhh... MEN! CHARGE!

: Heehee... no bridge demon can beat Vilefeast and Groinbiter!

Like I mentioned previously, there is a purpose for blocking off these chokepoints. That reason being invisible units. However, on this map, the humans pull no punches and it's a fairly constant stream of invisibly knights and archers accompanied by... well, we'll see.

: Eh? Humans? They found out our position so soon? Bloodgut! Vilefeast! Damn... sometimes you have to do these things yourself. ...WARLOCK!

: Hehe... yeah, feeling a little small now, aren't we?

: My death wagon! Daemon. Destroy those humans!

: Jawolt.

: Auf wiedersehen.

: Bwahahahaha!

: Chieftain. Not to interrupt your laughter, but our necrolytes are reporting trouble on the southern bridge.

: Pfft. Trouble?

: Ugh. Trouble.

: And it appears that the humans have managed to sneak by our defenses.

: Well, I know how to solve that one. DAEMON! COME!

: ...oh, what the Nether.

: Chieftain, they did get the job done.

: They may have, but did they tear forth his mortal soul from his pink shell and cast it into the boundless Nether!?


: Well then I don't call it a job well done.

: Well, on the plus side, it seems that our retinue has taken care of the loose elemental.

: Fine, just... reinforce that bridge already. I don't want any more surprises!

Hurray for really obvious mistakes! I set up my "wall" that actually left some room for invisible units to move through. This won't screw me up for the rest of the game or anything, no sir.

: Oh, joy... it looks like the humans are wasting no time in pissing me off. Vilefeast!

: Eh? Humans so foolish! Attacking Vilefeast like attacking wall! Me not feel pain!

: Victo- Eh?

: More humans?

: Me not care! MORE SMASHING!

: No, I have a much better idea...

: It's daemon time!

: Aww...

: Chieftain-

: Aaaand here comes Mr. Bad News to rain on my daemon parade.

: The southern bridge is-


: Eh?

: Chieftain, you can't solve everything with daemons?

: Then what the hell else am I supposed to use!?

: Maybe you try axe?

: I'm just saying that you should broaden your horizons...

: Oh, then do you care to enlighten me on how to solve this problem?

: I... uhh...

: Axe?

: Watch how a genius handles this. Necrolyte, wave your arms around frantically! Yes... just like that... FIRE!

: Boom.

: Chieftain! That was-

: Amazing!

: Thank you, Vilefeast. It's just a small demonstration of my tactical genius.

: That necrolyte! You... you killed an innoc- almost innocent man.

: While you're busying caring about something I don't, the southern bridge is getting attacked again.

: Oh, now that's it. I've had enough.

: Daemon. Kill everything to the south.

: はい。

: I don't even think those were words.

: Hehe, this is gonna be good.

: 死になさい。

: Titan-spit.

: 性交。

: Did not see that coming.

: Oh, this isn't over. Not by a long shot.

: More daemons?

: It's like you don't even know me by now, Bloodgut.

: Ugh. Daemons.

: Chieftain, there's more you may want to see...

: Do these humans not want me to conquer their race or something!?


: Okay. Okay. We just need a way to breach their defenses. Necrolyte, I need to know the layout of their base.

: That's more then enough for me. I know how to solve this.

: With just a glance at their stables?

: Chieftain smart!

: Damn straight. DAEMONS! GO!

: Oh, come on!

: It's called playing to your strengths, Bloodgut.

: But, if- It's working?

: Of course it is. this time I used more daemons.

: D'uhhh!

: Our eastern bridge has fallen! An elemental is-

: No worry. Men! Charrrrrge!

: Heh. Water is weak. Axe is power.

: I personally like the necrolytes' redecoration.

: I'd have some of the peons get to fixing it, but they seem... occupied.

Welcome to the mini-hell of RTS. Imagine if all your workers just stopped every now and then. Thanks to my own building placement (and the starting placement), my peons can't return resources to the town hall without running into each other. If this happens too often, they just stop. The more that stop, the more other peons run into them, the more peons that run into them... Well, you get the idea. From here on out, I have to check my peons to make sure their delivering goods. Awesome.

: I said I liked it! Now if you would quit belly-aching, there's some amazing explosions going on at the human town.

: Vilefeast. Move out!

: Finally! Smashing!

: Chieftain, I'm glad we solved-

: I. I solved.

: I'm glad you solved the issue with the southern encampment, but the eastern bridge is being assaulted now.

: Warlocks. Daemons. Make it happen.

: Well, why should we stop there? Daemons! Murderkill until you get tired!

: Chieftain, I hate to tear you away from the destruction, but our necroltyes have pierced Stormwind's magical defenses.

: Oh!?

: Take a look.

: ...

: Chieftain?

: It's so beautiful. I... must own it.

: I don't think it works that way.

: Well at least I'm trying! What are you doing to help? Warlocks, let's see some more daemons.

: Damn straight.

: And so falls the human empire.

: There's still the entire keep to take, Chieftain.

: Details, details.

: Daemon power! Talk funny, hit hard!

Turns out that they used all their good units on that last push. Stormwind has a funny habit of not helping out it's nearby wings. Think of it this way: The two "towns" to the south and east are the aggressive military force of Stormwind. Meanwhile, the keep itself is just a massive defensive bunker. I'll cut out most of the boring stuff (read as: daemon summoning until I can make the killing blow).

: I think we're ready here.

: Oh, ho! Pesky wizards!

And these were the motherfuckers who kept summoning those damned elementals.

: Chieftain, is this really the wisest course of action?

And this is how I whittled away at Stormwind. Daemons. Sorry for the cop-out.

: Give it time, Bloodgut. Give it time.

: Chieftain. Me have something to say.

: Uh, sure, Vilefeast.

: We stand on edge of destruction. Leather grips tight in hands.

: Foes lie scattered; ash in wind. Cities rubble, broken beneath feet.

: Enemy strong, still they cower. The scent of fear waft down river.

: Nether spiral of destruction comes to a head. We stand at the front, no fear.

: We sup at table of victory before. Tonight different.

: Tonight...

: We dine at victory's banquet.

: What in the hell...

: That was beautiful.

: Vilefeast. Take your beautiful self and storm that castle!

: Heh... so close. I can't wait to see their warchief's face when I storm in.

Cue the fireworks.

: We... we did it.

: Was there any doubt? STORM IT!

: Victor-

: Hold on a moment. Look at what we did for just a minute...

: Victory.

: Wait, what the hell-?

Expect an epilogue...