The Let's Play Archive

Yu-Gi-Oh: The Sacred Cards

by Missile Waster

Part 7: Semifinals, Finals, Game Done!

Part 7: Semifinals, Finals, Game Done!

When we last left off, we had arrived at the location for the semifinals. A giant tower in the middle of the ocean built for the sole purpose of housing these finals. Yeah.

We shall now proceed with the semifinals of the Battle City Tournament. Out of the four remaining duelists, only those two winning their respective matches in this tower will move on to the final duel atop the Tower. Now, let us begin!

Yugi Muto versus PersonMN!

Now, those of you familiar with the semifinals in the show will recognize this arena. Unfortunately we do not get to participate in a 4 person free-for-all like in the show.

The semifinals in the anime/manga consisted of Yugi, Joey, Kaiba, and Marik. To pick who fought who in each match, they did a 4 person free-for-all duel, with the first two to lose all of their lifepoints dueling in the first match, and the other two in the second.

Marik and Kaiba each wanted to duel Yugi so they could get Slifer, while Joey wanted to duel Yugi in the finals and didn't want Yugi to have to duel Marik, so he used a strategy to make both him and Marik run out of lifepoints pretty quickly. They fought in the first round, while Yugi and Kaiba dueled in the second.

One of us has to go on and bring down Marik Ishtar. For the sake of the souls taken by Marik Ishtar... For the sake of our friends... Give it your all, PersonMN!

So now we duel Yugi. The field is the Yami field again, so his fiends and Shadow type monsters are powered up. His deck also contains Slifer, so it's best to avoid letting him have 3 monsters on the field at any given moment.

This one has a different artwork than the one we got from Arkana.

You're strong enough to beat Marik Ishtar... Take this god card. Use it to defeat Marik Ishtar!

Oh boy oh boy oh boy, whatever you say Yugi

Marik Ishtar versus Seto Kaiba!

I've been waiting for this... I will get the god cards. Just watch me. Marik Ishtar. Let me prepare a stage worthy of us. Activate the Solid Vision System! Virtual Stage!

Wait, what? Why didn't I get to duel Yugi in the cool stage?

This is a duel with a god card at stake. The stage should be the Duelist Coliseum! duel against Yugi had a god card at stake and I didn't get to duel in the Duelist Coliseum Also, I always spelled it "Colosseum", I didn't even know that Coliseum is an alternate spelling.

I refuse to make a head-shot for Mokuba

Humph. Cute. Amusement for children.

Dude you're playing a children's card game, and you're making fun of Kaiba for making a holographic colosseum for you to play it in? Granted, going this far out of your way for a card game is ridiculous, but hey holograms.

Marik Ishtar, your god card might be special... But it will fall to my Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Fufufu... Let's see you do it. But the god card will maroon you in the Shadow Realm, where your empty bravado will be meaningless.

Quiet! I'll take you out! Count on it! And I will become the Duel King!

Yeah, the odds are sorta stacked against you here Kaiba.

Wh-what? I...

Fuhahaha! So much for your big talk! You too shall suffer in the Shadow Realm! Fuhahahahaha!

Alright, now for what actually happened in the semifinals. Like I said before, it was Joey vs Marik in the first round, Yugi vs Kaiba in the second.

In the duel between Joey and Marik, Marik made it so whenever a duelist took damage part of their life would be sucked away. So as they lose lifepoints, they would begin to get physically weaker. It went back and forth, until Marik used Ra and almost took out Joey. Badly injured and with very few lifepoints remaining, Joey used the rest of his strength to draw one last card and summon it (it was Gearfried the Iron Knight). While attempting to declare an attack which, had it gone through, would have won the match for him, Joey passed out. Marik was declared the winner by default. Yeah, Joey was seriously that close to going to the finals.

In Yugi and Kaiba's duel, they started things off by managing to get their god cards out, when Marik's Millennium Rod and Yugi's Millennium Puzzle reacted to each other again, showing Yugi and Kaiba a vision of the ancient duel between Priest Seto and the Pharaoh. In that duel, the Pharaoh used the Dark Magician while Priest Seto used the Blue Eyes White Dragon. They took that memory to heart and began dueling it out with said cards. Eventually, Yugi fused Dark Magician with Buster Blader and used some card whose name I forget to destroy all of Kaiba's Blue Eyes White Dragons in one turn, defeating Kaiba and getting Obelisk the Tormentor.

Mokuba whines about it, but we don't even see Kaiba's body in the infirmiry this time. We just jump straight into things.

PersonMN versus Marik Ishtar!

Oh yeah, I'm ready.

The end has finally arrived. In the world of tomb-keepers... I grew in the Shadow Realm... It was darkness of eternity from which none escapes. My former self feared... Loathed that darkness... But no longer... Darkness is my true love. And so the world shall be tuned to darkness! All life shall experience the despair I tasted! When you fall, and the Egyptian God cards become mine... This world shall be no longer! Fwahahahaha! Let the Shadow Duel begin!

I'd like to comment real fast that this explanation for where Yami Marik came from isn't really accurate. I'd be interested to know, Dinsdale, if this was because they wouldn't let you put references to Marik's childhood (where he suffered abuse at the hands of his father) or if this is how it was in the Japanese version.

Basically, what created Yami Marik in Marik's mind was his hatred of his father. His father abused him constantly, so Marik eventually "became" his Yami form to cope with this. He then stabbed his father to death (or sent him to the Shadow Realm depending on how you're viewing this).

I wanted to use Slifer in this duel. Interesting thing to note, for some reason even though Slifer's effect said he is powered up by cards in your hand, he always had 4000 attack and defense points when I used it.

Also, in the anime/manga, his attack would go up by 1000 for each card in the players hand. I don't really get what this description means, will his attack go up by 3000 for each card in the players hand?

Now, when dueling Marik, the thing you need to keep in mind is this; DON'T LET HIM SUMMON RA. PERIOD. Ra's effect allows the user to drain their lifepoints down to 1, and deal direct damage to their opponent's lifepoints equal to the number lost by using this effect. He also has a lot of really strong fiends which get stronger in the Yami field, so you need to strike hard and fast with Light type monsters.

I manage to summon Slifer, and finish off Marik.

We don't even get an ante card, Ra is given after the duel like the other gods.

The... God card... Lost?... Why?... How?... I... The dark... All into darkness...

Now we have all three Egyptian God cards! Now we can take over the world!

Marik changes back to normal then passes out.

The evil in Marik Ishtar's dissipated...

PersonMN, you did it...

That's it, PersonMN.

I'm glad... It's over...

Joey is back from the Shadow Realm!


Uh... Huh... Yugi? PersonMN...

You're really awake, Wheeler?

What? What's wrong with you, crying like that?

You idiot! We were all freaked out and worried about you! You lost that Shadow Duel, and you wouldn't wake up! ...Sob...

Oh... That's what it was... I lost to Marik Ishtar... ...So, who won it all?

PersonMN. He won the final duel against Marik Ishtar.

Oh, yeah! Way to go, PersonMN!

I'll mention here what really happened in that duel. Yugi dueled Marik, and Marik used a bunch of bullshit to keep Yugi from being able to attack anything and constantly get back his Monster Reborn to bring out Ra every turn. Yugi managed to defeat him by some miracle using Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl.

You must be back to normal to shout like that, Joey.

Sure thing! I'm back as great as ever!

Get ready for disembarking!

How do you like that? Big attitude, whew.

Good for him, I'm ready to kick his ass any time he wants me to.

Mokuba leaves, screen fades to black, we come back in front of the blimp.

You have done admirably, PersonMN. Thanks to you, Marik Ishtar has been thwarted from bringing his cruel design to fruition. Now may I ask for the return of the god cards?

What? No, I earned these cards fair and square, they're mine.

(also note that Marik's own sister calls him by his full name )

The god cards must be sealed away, this time forever. So this crisis is never again repeated... Now, may I ask for the return of the god cards?

Thank you. I am grateful for all that you have done... The evil has departed from my brother's soul... We owe it all to your selfless sacrifice. I have been witness to it all... Your courage and your friendship... They shattered the evil from the Shadow Realm. We shall never agin appear before you... Farewell... And thank you...

Yeah yeah fuck off already, gonna go and steal MY cards like that will she....I could kick her ass in a duel god dammit....

The Ishtars leave.

Hey, thanks, really. You saved me, PersonMN and Yugi.

Don't worry about it. We made it because we all worked hard together.

Yeah... That's true...

In spite of everything, it was great. I had fun competing with everyone.

Yeah, me too. Heh, even the worst villains don't stand a chance. Not when we get involved!

WE?!?! Your dumb ass befriended our mortal enemy, and got possessed by him! And Yugi couldn't beat your sorry ass so I had to bail him out! I was the one who beat Marik while you sat in a coma because you couldn't do shit against him! And you try to say you HELPED?

Hah, that's going too far, Mr. Joey Wheeler.

Thanks for agreeing with me Yugi, you two are fucking useless. Just holding me back.

Hahaha, don't let it concern you, my friend! Anyway, the Tournament's over now... So it's back to boring old school again...

But we can get together and play anytime. We should duel then like we always do. Right, Joey and PersonMN?

I dunno, you guys still have any rare cards I could steal win off of you?

Yeah, sure enough! We can always play! It's not all ending today...

Yes it is, the Rangers lost the world series today

Okay, see you at school!

Yeah, all right, see you, PersonMN and Yugi.

Everyone goes their separate ways. Fade to black, credits roll.

Well I'll be damned

Well, guys, it's been a fun ride while it lasted. Goodbye, see you in some other thread!



Okay I'm not doing that for the rest of the update. Now, I don't think you get Ra after beating Marik (the game goes back to your last save without getting Ra) and you give it to Ishizu after the duel, so by regular means this card is inaccessible. However, I have 200 of them.

Now, the card description is a It says "A dragon that has the power to cut its LP to 1..." Well, monsters themselves don't have lifepoints, so I decided to check and see if it drained its attack points, or if it drains the users lifepoints.

I dueled Weevil to show off Ra. It took a long time to get it in my hand.

Note how I tributed 3 monsters, but thanks to some trickery with Brain Control and the way this game handles tributes, one of them wasn't mine, so I still have 4 on the field

Again, it says "its LP"

So, if I only have 1 lifepoint and Weevil only has 1 lifepoint, we'll know it means "its user's LP"

Yep, drains my lifepoints down to 1, and deals an amount of damage equal to how much it drained. THIS is why you don't want Marik getting it on the field.

Alright folks, that's it for real this time. Hope you guys have had as much fun reading it as I have writing it!