The Let's Play Archive

007: The World is not Enough

by FrenzyTheKillbot

Part 6: Video 6 - City of Walkways I & II

Video 6 - City of Walkways I & II [ blip | youtube ]

City of Walkways I

Mission Overview:

Message from Robinson, Chief of Staff:

We have a red alert, Bond. Elektra King has killed M's guards and abducted her.

It is imperative that you find M, Bond.

Mission Location & Personnel

Message from Robinson, Chief of Staff:

Elektra told M that she was worried after you went missing in the middle of the night, and persuaded M to come out to Turkey. It was a trap. Evidently Elektra and Renard are conspiring together.

I'm sure you remember Valentin Zukovsky. He used to be KGB, but is now the legitimate owner of a casino and caviar fishery. He is still a useful source of information, however.

We know that Elektra has been losing large amounts of money at Zukovsky's casino l'Or Noir in Baku. We think it must have been her way of secretly paying him off.

Find out what Zukovsky knows, and we may be able to help M.

Mission Equipment

Message from R, Q Branch:

Well, no doubt you will be able to persuade Mr. Zukovsky to talk, one way or another. Still, if you do need to take a quiet look at his records, you may find this covert modem handy - simply attach it to any computer and it will download and transmit to us any stored data.

City of Walkways II

Mission Overview:

Message from Robinson, Chief of Staff:

So, it seems Elektra will go to extremes to prevent Zukovsky from telling you anything. Get back to him as fast as possible and make sure that he and Doctor Jones are still safe.

Mission Location & Personnel

Message from Robinson, Chief of Staff:

We're picking up traces of multiple helicopters closing in on your position, Bond. They are normally used by King Industries to clear forest sites, but they'd make pretty effective weapons too. Stay out of their way.

This whole place is a maze of walkways and warehouses, so even if one route gets cut off you should still be able to find a way back to Zukovsky so long as you keep moving.

Mission Equipment

Message from R, Q Branch:

We're analyzing the data you got from Zukovsky's computers now. It is going to take a while unfortunately - he's been a busy man. We'll keep at it, but I don't think you've got time to dawdle.