Part 64: Madness and Revenge
Kaliri 8-11

At last, final exams have arrived! As Glamour ends and lunch begins, you rush over to the grammar classroom, where the first final of the year has finished. Checking the posted grades, you note that Emilia has earned a perfectly respectable 106, but even more surprising are Rui and Tacito, who managed to tie at 121. In fact, a good half of the class has managed to earn around 120; Rikildis got the top grade with a 133. Looks like youll have to prepare extra if you want to beat the rest when its your turn.
As you turn back from the sheet to look through the crowd, you realize that, despite not taking todays final, you seem to be at the center of peoples attention. Only a few are outright staring, but a lot are giving you furtive glances, and more than a few heads are down in whispered conversation, particularly among the Aranaz students. Whats going on? Did someone spread a nasty rumor about you last night? Orhold on, did someone rat you out about your raid on the Room of Records? Although it may just be your fault; you did run straight off after the tête-à-tête with Professor von Rupprecht.
You dont see Emilia in the crowd, unfortunately. Youll just have to catch up with her at dinner.

Hey, Iliana, cmere.
On your way to dinner, someone in a group of Fifth Year Aranaz students calls out to you. Somewhat reluctantly, you approach; neither your college mates nor Fifth Years in general are well known for their well-wishing. When you come near enough, one of the students reaches out his hand, which you almost instinctively take. However, as soon as you are in his grasp, he pulls out a bracelet with his spare hand and slaps it onto your wrist.
Easier than I thought, the Fifth Year notes as his friends laugh. Puzzled, you examine the bracelet, growing more concerned as you find no way to remove it. Thats right, the student explains, you dont control when it comes off. We do. If you want it off, youd better do what we say, at least if you want to get some rest anytime soon. No rest? Uh oh. This must be a bracelet of Everwakefulness. Shoot, youve heard of those, and theyre never good news. The older Aranaz student continues: Now, see that group of Durand students over there? We want you to go over and tell them they stink at rimbal worse than a fowler flower in the dead heat of summer. And dont bother warning them what youre doing or why; well know.
Unless, he adds, youd like to tell us what von Rupprecht had you get last night. Thats a lot easier than insulting Durand students to their faces, right?

Thats rather excessive, isnt it? Hopefully theyll respond to college fidelity.
Look, guys, what do you think youll learn from me? you ask. You already know I was on a secret mission for the regent and the Sphinx Syndicate. Do you think theyll appreciate hearing that I blabbed to someone, even if you are in the same college? Do you think von Rupprecht will appreciate hearing what you guys did to his special agent?
The smiles fade from their faces at your threat. We were just trying tolisten, the bracelet doesnt actually do anything. No harm, no foul, right? Here. The leader waves his wand through a simple pheme and the bracelet falls off, which he then grabs. Alright, kid, head on out. We can still have some fun with someone else.

You find Emilia by herself, sitting at the end of a table occupied by a few dozen Aranaz students.

You explain what happened on the way over. Emilias eyes grow wide as you describe the older students attempt at intimidation.

Your expression darkens.

Time to cash in on all those phemes Ilianas built up. The Calligraphy final is on Wednesday, and she is going to cream the competition. In this case, five Coordination phemes (+1 to Art and Calligraphy, difficulty 4 each) will do nicely. Tells you how a high Insight helps considering the 23 difficulty is still blue.

Wanting to be alone for a while before visiting the Sphinx, you take a trip down to the Imperial Docks to watch all the busy workers run around. Before long, though, your attention is caught by a very odd-looking woman; you cant help but stare as she walks by.
Finally, you realize just why she looks so odd: shes not a woman at all! Shes a henot just a he, but a pirate in disguise! And in the reputable area of the docks, no less. This smells like subterfuge.

Well, I guess we should start with some fact-finding.
The pirates dress is actually rather tight, perhaps a bit too much so, as it reveals much of his less-than-flattering figure. However, it also reveals that the pirate is unarmed, which is unusual all on its own. Thats a good sign; it means hes not here to cause any trouble.
No new options. Conversation was already green, and Ilianas usually on good terms with pirates; lets just have a chat.
You innocently walk up to the piratenot hard, the way he wobbles on those heelsand you introduce yourself. You try to ask the pirate his name, but he rudely interrupts you.

The pirate snaps open a fan, brings it up to hide his face, and then continues to wobble his way down the dockside. Your curiosity satisfied, you decide to head up to the Imperial Palace.

With all of Aranaz First Year taking the calligraphy final, you cant help but see Emilia today. Fortunately, the test itself proves to be more than enough distraction to avoid having to speak with her, and once you find your name at the top of the list with a truly awesome 160, you turn around and leave without bothering to check anyone elses score.
PS: I think Ive figured out how study levels work. From what I can tell, the skill level acts as a cap on the characters score based on 10x the skill number, while the study level acts as a floor based on 10% for each point. Thus, a study level of 10 means the minimum is 100%, and so youll always get 10x your skill number (plus any Extra Credit), while a study level of 70% means getting a score anywhere between 70-100 if your skill is 10 or 112-160 in Ilianas case.

Sneaking into the kitchen for choice meals has become almost a ritual for you by now, but today you see something that really lifts your spirits: a gigantic cake, which looks to be made for the farewell feast at the end of Kaliri. Being so far off, the cake is doubtlessly under a few preservation spells, but surely no one would notice if a nibble went missing?

Better check the waters first.
Peeking around the massive cake, you see the head chef relaxing on a stool. Looks like hes putting his feet up after having finished the massive project, and now hes enjoying some downtime.

Well, no need to deceive if hes right there and feeling relaxed.

You give him your best puppy-dog eyes.

You wind up devouring an entire tray of upside-down cupcakes, and they turn out to be delicious. With many thanks and a full belly, you head off.

As you delve into supplementary lessons on Gates Methods, it occurs to you that you never did finish that last assigned book in dialectics. Feeling that now is as good a time as any, you hunt down the book and finish off the last few chapters.

You dont return to the Academagia campus until almost dinnertime, but as you pass by Campus Morvidus, you notice a flapping red flagPhilippes signal that their prank is about to start!
After contacting Rui and Emilia, you join the Society of Pranksters on the top of the old, decrepit boys dormitory tower of Avila. Once there, Rui explains what his people have been doing: Jere Niemela and Iustus Venture have been shadowing Philippe himself since the red flag went up, but they havent yet reported in. Without word from them, you have no idea where or when the rival group will strike, only that it will be soon. So you twiddle your thumbs and worry.
A shadow flickers across the roof, and you see Jere climbing over the edge of the building, his thin figure outlined by the setting sun.

Rui immediately spreads his cloak and leaps off the building. However, instead of splatting on the ground, Rui twists himself around in midair and grabs onto the wall with a pair of enchanted gecko gloves.

Emilia gives you a hopeful smile, but you dont return it. The two of you descend the tower in a more traditional manner, leaving Rui to lean against the building wall and look pleased with himself until you reach the bottom.

The three of you run all the way to Campus Druand, where Iustus greets you.

Rui dashes away, the rest of you following. Once you reach the Feasting Hall, Emilia points to the door.

All things considered, you still havent fully ruled out this all being an elaborate joke on you, but youre at least willing to stay alert and play along.

The two of them duck into the hall, leaving you in the dim light of dusk. Once youre all alone, a voice speaks out of the darkness:

The female figure that steps out of the shadows is cloaked and hooded, but her voice is unmistakable.

Talk, she says? Really?
You can feel it in your bones: shes not dealing in good faith here. Joana isnt someone who would mind seeing you hurt; best be on your guard and ready to act decisively.

I see thats turned Duel black. As good a suggestion as any, I think.

You draw your wand in an instant and fire off a short ice burst. Joana merely giggles and throws out a small fireball.
Once again, you find yourself a few seconds later without any memory of what happened. But as you look around, you see Joanas wand twenty feet away, your own dropped where you stood, and Joana herself is backing away from you, her lip split and bloody. She isnt giggling anymore.
Your right hand hurts.

Perish? Thats a bit harsh, isnt it, even for Joana? She sounds kind of unhinged. Joana drops a small ball that explodes into noxious fumes, preventing you from following as she vanishes. Then the candles start to shake and leap towards you, so you dodge into the Feasting Hall and slam the door shut.

An all-out melee greets you. Revised chairs and tables are tearing each other to splinters as Emilia flings confetti bombs at two black-cloaked adversaries. Blackened circles mark all the walls and floor where earlier fireworks and flame spells did their work.
Emilia flips herself over an immobile table and flings out a caterpillar-shaped firework into the chest of one of her foes, knocking him into a bench in a shower of multicolored sparks. As she stands back up, however, Emilia is caught in the back by a flying hammer. She drops to the floor.
Before you can go see if shes okay, Rui spots you and rushes up.

Rui runs for the kitchen, and you follow. Much to your relief, Emilia picks herself up and comes after you, looking not much worse for the wear.

Rui pauses to nail another enemy with a chunk of ice as the three of you fight your way to the kitchen. When another wave of foes emerge, Rui pulls out a vial with his left hand and holds it towards you.

You reach out and grab the purple vial, almost dropping it. Sighing with relief, you run into the kitchen and look around for the cauldron. Thats when you spot Philippe.
However, hes not exactly conscious. Did he get into a fight with Joana? You hadnt expected Philippe to be the one with more of a conscience. The soup itself isnt hard to find, but you also spy a half-empty vial of lime-green liquid sitting next to the cauldron. It would seem there is a choice you could make.

Emilia staggers in, dragging Ruis limp body into the kitchen.

You respond with a wicked smile.
You eat out that evening, and only later do you hear that the entire First Year went mad and started brawling. Two students were hurt enough to require trips to the infirmary, and Rui was blamed for all of it. Apparently he even came within inches of expulsion.
But after all, alls fair in pranks and war!
Gains of the Week
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Semantics increased by 1 step.
----Arbitrary pheme learned.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Rend pheme learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Hostis pheme learned.
--Wrestling increased by 1 step.
--Armorer increased by 1 step.
Used Demean on self and Emilia Strolin.
---Relationship with Emilia Strolin decreased to 6.
Successful event!
--Intrigue increased by 1 step.
Selective Focus used on Gates Methods.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Oncestrian increased by 1 step.
----Learned about the Oncestrian Musicians Annex.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
--Earth pheme learned.
--Fire pheme learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Librarians Ghost spell learned.
--Mimicry increased by 1 step.
----Lilt pheme learned.
--Willpower increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Ardica Canal: Smugglers Bridge.
----Society increased by 1.
Cast Adanellas Wardrobe.
--Plus 1 to Courtly Fashion, Confidence, and Aesthetics.
--Plus 5 to Art and Calligraphy.
Successful event!
--Gambling increased by 1 step.
----Learned about Pick-up Bones Game.
Attended Calligraphy exam and scored a 160.
Studied at Longshade.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Stiff pheme learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Speech pheme learned.
--First Principles increased by 1 step.
----First Principles skill maxed!
----Learned about Oleapias Shrine.
----Dialectic increased by 1.
------Dialectic skill maxed!
------Learned about Bel Aize Tower.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--The Everard Equation increased by 1 step.
----The Number of the Word ability learned.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Wild Dog spell learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Blood Tarantula spell learned.
--Sewing increased by 1 step.
--Escape Artist Research level increased by 1 step.
Successful event!
--Stress decreased by 1.
Matched Wits with the Emperors Sphinx.
--Minetan Swagger increased by 1 step.
----Blend into a Crowd ability learned.
--Gates Methods increased by 1 step.
----Calculate pheme learned.
----Gates increased by 1.
------Learned about Decimus Hidden Workshop.
--Navigation increased by 1 step.
----Cardinal pheme learned.
----Raid increased by 1.
------Lightning pheme learned.
--Orthography increased by 1 step.
Successful adventure!
--Dueling Forms increased by 1 step.
--Tactics increased by 1 step.
----Flank Attack spell learned.
---Practical Jokes cannot be increased.
---Lie increased by 1 step.
-----Facial Twitch spell learned.
---Relationship with Rui da Casga decreased to 2.
New Abilities
Practice at the Oncestrian Musicians Annex: +1 step to Oncestrian, Vocal, and Harpsichord.
Librarians Ghost (Spell): Intelligence/Gates v6 and 8; +3 to Research and +2 to History, then +3 to Library Knowledge and +1 to Intelligence for 3 days.
Dare the Smugglers Bridge: Insight/Courage v 6, 11, and 25; +1 step to Willpower and Concentration, then +2 steps to Willpower, then +1 permanent Stress max, but +1 Stress for trying and for making the first two rolls.
Pick-up Bones Game: opposed Luck/Strategy; +20 pims from target college mate on win, +1 step to Gambling regardless.
Wild Dog (Spell): no roll; summons dog for +2 to Explore and +4 to Scent Detection for 3 days.
Blood Tarantula (Spell): Insight/Gates v9; summons spider to suck 3 Vitality from target and create Blood Capsule (+2 Vitality when used).
Donate at Oleapias Shrine: -10 pims, +4 to Dialectic and all Dialectic subskills (for a total of +8 to Dialectic) for 5 days.
The Number of the Word (Permanent): +1 to Cryptology, Syntax, and Grammar.
Blend into a Crowd: +1 to Hide and Infiltration, -3% to Chance of Discovery, and -1 to Intimidation for 2 days.
Flank Attack (Spell): Luck/Tactics v9; 1 Vitality damage to target and +1 to all Melee Combat abilities and actions for self for 3 days.
Facial Twitch (Spell): Insight/Glamour v6; target gets -2 Charm for 4 days and -2 to colleges Merit.