The Let's Play Archive

Analogue: A Hate Story

by ProfessorProf

Part 21: Just Friends

So, now that we reached a proper ending, things are going to get a little nonlinear. Before moving on to another full route, I'm going to take some time to explore what various other paths of discussion yield on this one.

Starting with an obvious choice.

Sorry, *Hyun-ae, but I'm an old space lady and you're a 600-year-old murderous robo-teenager. You need therapy, not romance.

That's... I...
...well... was a long shot, I know. I'm... I'm not mad at you or anything... I just... I had to say it. If you can understand... everything I've told you... I'm sur you can understand that... I've been holding that in for a while, it's just...
Ahhh! Geeze, anyway! Um, it's fine, forget about...
There was something else I still want to ask you...

But will you please take me with you? Just... as a... um, what's the word...?
...I can't think of it. Aaagh, what's the word for a good friend, except female? I'm drawing a blank here.
Well, whatever it is, I just mean like that! Can you just take me with you, as a passenger?

Thank you. Thank you, so much... I hope I don't sound ungrateful!
Even if... even if you don't feel the same way about me...
It's still the best thing anyone's ever done for me.
Ah... so...
Very well! I'll decompile myself now. That way, you can just drop to terminal, and type download to copy everything to your ship, including myself!
It... should only take a few days to do a complete transfer. I'll see you soon, alright? And really... thank you.

WARNING: starting active systems download will permanently terminate session
AI personality is available.
download *Hyun-ae in addition to logs? (Yes/No/Abort)
*Hyun-ae will be transferred
preparing files for transfer... NOW


Endings achieved: 3/7

Or, if we want to be a huge jerk:

WARNING: starting active systems download will permanently terminate session
AI personality is available.
download *Hyun-ae in addition to logs? (Yes/No/Abort)
*Hyun-ae will NOT be transferred
preparing files for transfer... NOW


Endings achieved: 4/7

Notice that, if you do this, Christine Love does not thank you for playing.

Things that are definitely going to be covered before going on to the next real ending include being a huge asshole to *Hyun-ae in a general sense and *Mute's reactions to different identities for the protagonist. If there are particular choice branches you're curious about, speak up in the thread.