The Let's Play Archive

Ar Tonelico II

by Feinne

Part 30: Chapter 29: A Bond of Fire and Ice

Chapter 29: A Bond of Fire and Ice

Loading Excerpt- The Melody of Metafalica, C. Pastalia, L. Trulyworth
There simply are no words for the anger I felt towards Luca at that time. Her continued existence was proof that in the end I was a being with no value.


I won't do that! I already decided I would save Lady Cloche!
You really want to save Cloche that badly?
Of course I do! I'm going to give her back her body!
But she might not even be wanting that.
That can't be! She worked so hard... She cared for everyone and wished for a happy world, more than anyone else.
She would never seriously think that this situation is acceptable!
Lady Cloche is hurt. That's why this happened.
I believe in her.
I'll save her, you watch!
Oh... But too bad. That's impossible.
I'll stop you. So that you'll never be able to come back here again.
You mean... You're going to kick me out of here?
Hmhm... I could kick you out, but you would just come right back, won't you? So that'd just be pointless.
Pointless...? Then what are you...
Yes... And so!
Huh!? Ahh!

That's right, this is a scaffold.
Last time you were saved by your gamble with such a low chance...
But it won't happen today.
Lady Cloche...!?
Luca, you're in my way. So...
Please die.
Icy Silverlocks... Lady Cloche, why...?
Why... you ask?

A-are you serious...!?
She is the legitimate 33rd Goddess Maiden, Cloche Leythal Pastalia.
The Maiden of Disaster...
You do not fear the Goddess...
You do not fear the end of the world...

The real daughter of the former maiden, Lady Arshe. The true bloodline. The Goddess Maiden...
I was a maiden too, but unwanted by the Goddess, the Maiden of Disaster. Neither She, nor the people wanted me!
Why!? I've done so much! I served for the people, without being able to ask for freedom or personal happiness.
And even then, I told myself, this is the role as the maiden. This is the meaning to my life...!
Am I not needed!? Because the Goddess doesn't want me? For that reason alone, you deny my existence!?
Lady Cloche...
Wherever I went, I found your shadow. There wasn't a day I didn't fear that I was an unwanted maiden since then.
I was scared of the day you would replace me.
Luca... You were always in my way...
L-Lady Cloche...
I'm sure you felt great. You won over me, I bet you were delighted inside.
I-I didn't think that...!
The Goddess Maiden, who is loved by the Goddess and the people... The chosen existence... The most precious life.
I bet you were satisfied being told so. You expelled me, took my seat, looked down on me... You must have felt great!
Lady Cloche, you're so mean...! I never once thought that!

Lady Cloche...
But that's all over now.
You're going to die here. Aren't you glad? Your dirty heart will be cleansed.
And then I will slaughter and eat you. The two maidens were originally one. I will take my true form.
I will swallow you, and take you in... Then, I can finally rest assured that I am the true maiden.
Lady Cloche, st-stop this! That's just wrong!
I will strike through your throat with this sword. Don't worry, it won't be that painful.
Luca, I will kindly, gently... kill you.
...... I see now...
You're just scared. The thought of me being here makes you worry helplessly.
Yes. You terrify me. With you simply there, I get so insecure that I can't sleep at night or day.
So... please.

Then Luca did what she always used to do.

What did you say...?
I didn't make any effort as a maiden.
I didn't study, I didn't suffer days without freedom. I was poor, but lived freely with my family, with no burden.
Origin and bloodline don't matter. It was none other than you. You thought of the people and fulfilled your task.
Right now, the right to be the maiden in the true sense doesn't belong to me.
I know that more than anyone, after being called a maiden. I'm useless.
So, if even then, you're still worried that I exist, then I'll give you my everything.
My life, my name, the maiden blood, everything.
I know how hard you tried. I think, for that, I'm willing to give it to you.
Why are you always like that!?
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I hate you so much!
L-Lady Cloche!?

Saying the obviously correct argument, putting up the face of... Yes, I know I'm honest, I understand everything!
And then you leave me with the guilt! You're going to make me live with the sin of killing you!
I-I wasn't thinking that! Right now, I...
Fine! I'll kill you, as you wish! So you can never stand in front of me! So I'll never have to see your face again!

Luca! Luca!
Why... Why...
Are you okay!? Luca!
I mean... Maybe I did put up fake smiles. Maybe I glossed over words... But... This time was the truth...
How... How can I get her to understand!?
What can I say to convince her!?
I'm sorry... It wasn't supposed to be like this...
*hic * Lady Cloche, you hardhead! Stupid stupid stupid stupid!
*sniff *
Luca... Here...
System Message: Obtained Mindgem: Eternal Grudge!
A Mindgem...
Why... Why...? She hates me so much... She's treating me so coldly, and yet...
I think, Cloche...

Maybe that's why she took the chances with that harsh of a time. Because Mindgems never lie.

I think the Infelsphere is prepared to let you pass the fourth level. You can do the ritual of completion, but...
I'm not so confident that I can respond to everything next time. So...
I'll go...
I'll be fine, no matter what happens... Because the Mindgems are still being born.
And that's proof that me and Lady Cloche are getting closer, right...? So... It'll be fine.

Luca? ...Luca!?
Luca, are you okay? You look really tired...
...Yeah...maybe... I mean, experiencing this all at once can be pretty painful, mentally...
Luca... It's not good to push yourself. Go back to the real world once, and rest well before you come back again.
The trials for this fourth level are really tough. So I don't want you to be here when you're in bad condition.
...Oh...alright. I'll go back to the real world for now and calm down.
Yeah, you should do that. Get some good rest.
Okay, thanks. I'm sorry I caused you to worry.

I didn't really feel any different when we woke. Whatever effect Icy Silverlocks had on me hadn't really filtered up to my conscious self yet, I guess. And we had important news for everyone.

So it was meant to be sung by two people.
Let's let everyone know about it.

Could that be why Lady Cloche failed to download Metafalica...
Right! They tried forcing her to download my version of Metafalica.
I see... So Laude hadn't figured it out at that point.
Even though the mystery's solved, we don't have the actual Metafalica yet.
We'll still have to enter the Infelsphere several more times.
We have to stay focused...
Yup, let's do our best!
We'll work hard, too.

We returned to the Infelsphere to face whatever ordeal awaited us.


Lady Cloche...?
...No one's here.
...Lady Cloche!?
Lady Cloche! ...No, it's not. You're Icy Silverlocks...
How many times are you going to make me say this. I am Cloche, and...
No you're not!
Sure, you might be a part of Lady Cloche. But a fragment isn't the real Lady Cloche.
Alright, that might be true. But her hatred I'm showing you all comes from what Cloche really thinks.
She really thought those things. And in her surface consciousness too!
Say, Luca. I think you might be a little too naïve.
By any chance, did you think maybe Icy Silverlocks amplified or exaggerated what I'm thinking... Do you?
Well, too bad. This hatred's been swirling inside me for so long.
Yes... Ever since the day you threatened my position as the maiden!
Stop it! You don't even know how I feel!

I didn't want to become the maiden! I just wanted to live happily in a normal family, with a normal life... But...
It can't be helped. Because you carry the bloodline of the true Goddess Maiden. It's a path you can't avoid.
That's your destiny. Go on and grieve over it. Just like I mourned mine!
Why!? Why are you so unreasonable!? I didn't threaten your position because I wanted to! Why can't you understand!?
...No matter how much you plead for me to understand, the hatred inside my heart won't disappear.
Because, it can't be helped. There's hatred that just won't disappear, even after trying to convince yourself.
It can't be erased by reason. Luca... Haven't you experienced it too?
You should. You should have so many against me...
Of course... of course I do.

We'd been moving towards this since the first day we met.

Do you know how nice I tried to be? I was always nervous for every step you took, trying to watch out for you!
Well I'm sorry. But I never asked you to watch out for me.
You did so on your own. You always do that. You fuss about others, and once you know it's pointless, you lash back.
Th-that's now what I'm saying! You would never understand how big of a deal it is for the Holy Maiden to be with you!
My house being old, my room being small, food tasting bad, it's all normal to me, but when you come, it all becomes bad!
And then you say whatever you want! Even if I try my hardest, you won't acknowledge anything. You just yell!
I'm sorry. I'm not so good at sucking up to people like you.
It's not about sucking up! You have to pay attention and be conscious to stay alive in this world!
I'm sure a princess like you who can order people around and be selfish all you want wouldn't understand that!
You... I showed you that much of my world and you still say that?
Who are you saying lived selfishly? I had not a single bit of freedom! I never had any of my desires fulfilled!
Fine, I admit I was sheltered! But I can't help it! If you had to live like that, it's stranger to know society!
What!? You know so much about Gergo! I know you went out on secret trips! You just weren't interested in commoners!
Don't go around in secrecy just for those trivial things! If you're coming out, come look at the people more!

It was becoming clear there was no reconciling our differences.

I thought you would understand. That's why... I believed in you... I showed you things I didn't want to show anyone...
I revealed my feelings I didn't want anyone to know about... All in front of you!
I trusted you, that's why I poured out all of my true feelings!
There's no one on my side after all. In the end, everyone holds themselves dear. You're the best example of it!
I hate you! I hate you, Luca! I hate you, hate you, hate you!
Why... I did my best in my own way... I tried so hard to understand you better!
You don't understand me at all either! If I were your enemy, I would've quit this place a long time ago!
Don't act like you're the unfortunate one! I'm unhappy too! What did we come all the way here for...
Lady Cloche, I hate you!
*huff* *huff*
For us...
...It was a waste.
It was impossible for us to understand each other...

There was really only one thing to do, then. Only one of us could leave alive.

No way...
I... Am I...
...Going to... die?
This is what it feels like... to die...

From the darkness came someone I'd never seen in my life. For some reason, though, she seemed so familiar.

...Do you want to see?
I'll let you! I'll show you!

My world exploded in a flash of stars. My past came flowing out, unbidden.

Knights must always keep this in mind. Do not back away from the I.P.D.s, and fulfill your containment missions!
That will reflect on this world! And will lead to the glory of Metafalica!

*sigh * Why...?
Why do I have to say such things...?
I want to just... say the truth...

Don't just rant on about what you think!
Then go on and let those I.P.D.s loose. And try to build a peaceful world on that!
You can talk big when you're able to make a detailed plan!

Please, let me help. Position and status don't matter when you're being taken care of.
It's only natural to return the favor.

We've purged the I.P.D. outbreak source. She resisted badly, and was critically injured to prioritize others' safety...
What...!? Where is the girl now...
...I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... It wasn't your fault... I... Because of me...
I'm sorry...

...But I was happy to have everyone celebrate with me.
Oh I know...! I'll write a letter to everyone who came. Thank you letters...
It'll be about 300, but... If I write about 60 a night, I can finish in about five days.
Hehe, I hope they'll be happy...

But unless we use that force, we won't get to the Metafalica we want. Do you understand this?
The Grand Bell must be perfect and flawless to the people. We cannot show weakness, or any confusion within.
Try to stay away from the people. See them as insects! That way, you won't get nervous and make any mistakes.
B-but... That's not... I don't think that's a government that is truly for the people!
Hmph, talking back to me...? A girl without much experience like you shouldn't be talking so big!

...Excuse me! Lady Cloche! Are you alright!?
I-I'm okay! So please, back away!
...This can't be good. There's a risk of relapse. Take Lady Cloche to the Labs!! I'm okay! I'm fine!
Lady Cloche! You cannot! At this rate, it'll only get worse and we may have to take drastic measures!
No! I don't want to go there! Please, I never want to get back there!
Someone! ...Someone... save me.

Then the scene changed again. I was someone else, and I was at a familiar scene I was sure I'd never seen before.

Showing symptoms at age 3, huh... Sad...
...Huh!? Wh-why... am I here!? This is... It can't be...
It is! My memory from the Coal Lodge from back then...!? Why...
Ah! Lady Cloche!
Lady Cloche!
What!? Lady Cloche...!? No! ...No it can't be...
My little sister's name is Lekya... Leyka... Trulyworth...
...Luca...It's me... It's Cloche...!

The world changed again. I was in the I.P.D. Labs.

I don't like this place... It's cold... It's scary...
How are you doing today, Leyka.
N-no... Stop it... Stop the medicine... Stop the Installs...
Stop the experiments... Let me go... Please, let me go...
I'm not here for experiments or Installs today. Leyka, do you want to come out of here...?
...Yes, I want to go out.
You have an amazing power and potential. I'll let you out of here in exchange for your powers.
...What? Really?
Yes, really. Did it hurt? Did you suffer? You'll be able to forget all of that soon. Yes, you'll forget...
From today on, you're going to change that name, Leyka Trulyworth... name?
Starting today, your name is Cloche. Cloche Leythal Pastalia.
You will become the Grand Bell's 33rd Goddess Maiden.
Now, come out. Into the light...

The world was filled with light, and Luca and I were adults again.

Lady... Cloche...
Leyka...? Are you... really...?
My... real name is...Leyka...? Leyka Trulyworth...
Leyka! You're Leyka!? ...Really!?
...Looks like it.
No way... Impossible... Lady Cloche... was Leyka...
Leyka... I'm so glad...

The Sphere Gate came back into view. Icy Silverlocks was waiting for us there.

Icy Silverlocks: I've been separated from her for a while now. Right around when you started your little fight... I think.
I'm sorry... I... said all that out of my own will... What I said in that fight, was all me...
I'm sorry Luca... I said such horrible things...
Icy Silverlocks: That's how bad you had it pent up. But how do you feel now? After you said it all... Do you still have a grudge?
...No. Not anymore...
Icy Silverlocks: You threw out all of your insecurities about Luca that you had kept inside of you. And of your own free will, too.
So you're full of a pure and innocent emotion towards Luca. You threw out all of the things you hated.
But... It's true that I said all those terrible things to her. And... I even...
Icy Silverlocks: I told you. You had this much incomplete and problematic feelings between you two to make you explode.
If you did this in the real world, it'd be a problem, right? But it's necessary for the two of you to connect.
You killed the hateful, terrible Luca inside you yourself. So that mean Luca is not here anymore.
Luca saw everything in your past... And accepted it all. That's why she's here. You understand that, right?
I kept doing such horrible things... Over and over again... But Luca never gave up and came all the way here.
Lady Cloche...

That's why I can accept you now, too.
Thank you... Thank you so much...
Icy Silverlocks: ......
Icy Silverlocks... You knew this would happen from the very beginning, huh...
Icy Silverlocks: The power imbalance in the Infelsphere from Cloche being Gaea needed to be fixed. It required drastic measures.
But, I'm glad... You were able to complete the fourth level.
This is...
Icy Silverlocks: Congratulations. You did well, both of you.
*sniffle * I...I...
I was scared... I was so scared...
Lady Cloche... I was scared too... I was so lonely, for so long...
But we overcame it.
Icy Silverlocks: Yes, you two overcame it.


We awoke again in the real world. My sister and I...


Luca... It's not a mistake, right?
...I don't think so.
You saw the same thing I did, right?
...I think so.
My...big sister?
...I can't believe it.
Leyka. It's you...
No wonder you weren't in the Labs...
I'm sorry I said such horrible things back there...
I'm sorry...

We told the others.

You must be joking.
But Luca and Lady Cloche both had the same memory.
The memory of Leyka being taken away at the Coal Lodge.
She had the same memory. But, as Leyka.
...Hehehe. What a strange story.
Huh? You're not as surprised as I thought.
I'm beyond surprised...

I've never heard of an I.P.D. outbreak at age 3, and hers was serious...
But Leyka... she grew up so strong. And she's working so hard to pull everyone together...
...Good for you. You found your real daughter.
It's okay... I know. I understand...
She protected me with her life, she's always worried about me. I know...
It's also true that I'm not her real daughter...
And that she's always been cold to me...
I'm sorry. I was afraid of... losing you, and both of us getting hurt...
Don't say it!
Not right now... I don't want to hear it.
I'm sorry!

I'm so... stupid. Getting all panicky...
But, after all that, an apology now is just... I don't know how to talk with her now.
When I heard I wasn't her real daughter, I knew the reason why she was so mean to me until now...
And only recently I was finally able to rationalize it all!
I just... don't get it anymore.

Luca and I spent the night in her room.

...... Yes...
What... did you talk about?
It's... a little chilly today.
So warm...

In the morning we prepared to leave. It was time to get back to work.

Good morning...
Good morning, Luca. Everyone's waiting outside.
Hey, Luca!
Ms. Reisha... I'm sorry I couldn't really talk well yesterday.
Um... can I... Next time, can you listen to my stories again?
Yes. Of course. You're welcome here any time.
Off you go. Both of you, take care...

Yes, I'm fine.

It seemed that the Infelsphere had decided we were ready for more.

System Message: Obtained Sphere Key: 5A!
Maybe talking to Ms. Reisha about everything led to the key.
Either way, it's one step closer to Metafalica.
Well then... we need to do our best to find out more clues about Metafalica.
Oh yeah. If we don't have a set destination yet, I have a favor to ask.
Can we swing by Frelia's place?
I've been away from her for quite some time now. I'm especially worried because of the situation.
Alright. Then first, let's go see how Lady Frelia is.
But, where in the Grand Bell is she anyway?
I had her stay in my private room. While we're gone, no one's using it anyway.

Loading Excerpt- Hopes for the Green Land: Collected Writings, J.
We're heading back to check on Frelia. On the way, I decided to ask Luca about what had just happened.

Seems like you don't like your mother, do you?
That's a pretty straightforward question...
Do you want me to beat around the bush? Are you on bad terms with your mother?
That's not beating around the bush!
What about you, Jacqli? Why don't you talk about your family?
I have no family.
I have no family...
Oh? I'm so sorry.
Why are you sorry?
Because it seems like I asked you something pretty sensitive.
Oh, I don't mind.
Well, it's a formality to say sorry in these kinds of situations.
...Is that so?
If I had a family, would I know what you meant?
I don't know. I don't spend a lot of time with my family, so I'm not sure.
Really. Maybe I'll never understand.


Bah. Who needs crap like that?

Next Time on Ar Tonelico 2: Maidens of the Past