Part 2: Chapter Two: Eden Undone
When last we left our tale, the land of Eden had begun to vanish and Felt had drawn the Azure Azoth from its resting place in Marmel Forest. Felt and Viese hurried back to the Eden Temple to report what had happened to them.Video- Eden Shattered

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And our records go all the way back to Edens creation.

Thank you all very much.
It was worse than they could have ever imagined.

In that case, nearly half of Eden has been wiped out.

There were some positives, however.

It said something about Gardo and being ready.

From the very beginning, the Azoth has always protected Eden.
The fact that you were able to remove it could signal that a crisis is approaching Eden.

Would the two of you like to help us investigate these events?

There may be some significance to that.
You should hold on to it, just in case.

They returned to Noir to check the damage there.

I just heard that some parts of Eden disappeared during the quake.

It seems like only the central part of the continent is left.
Melia: What happened to Eden?

But, I think somethings about to happen.

Which only left the gate to Belkhyde
Video- Distress Call

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???: Has the time finally arrived?

The Belkhyde Gate

Felt, look!

And a young girl appeared, but she just raised more questions than answers.

???: The balance in the Land of Mana has begun to crumble.
I apologize for troubling you master, but
Your intervention is required in these urgent matters.

???: We need the master who wields the Azoth.
Now, I must return.

The Belkhyde Gate opened for the Azoth.
The quake, the Azoth, that girl who called me master
These all must be connected somehow
The Gate remained open, though.

This might be dangerous.

After all, it has calmed down around here.
We should go report this back at the temple for now.

Just stay put
Days passed in Eden as they searched for the source of the damage.

We have examined every inch of Eden

But, who shall we send to investigate?

Now, I dont know whether it was by chance or by fate, but
the one holding the Azoth was me.
I should go

In truth Felt had always wanted to see the other world.

Perhaps it is your destiny to explore Belkhyde.
But, what of Viese?

I caught her crying
She said, You dont even know where youre going or whatll happen when you get there!

That may be our only hope of saving Eden
And, knowing Viese will be here waiting for me, I know Ill make it back.

I shall leave the investigation into Belkhyde to you.

Now if youll excuse me, I must be on my way.
And so he resolved to leave.

In the end, they both shall find independence.
May Lilith grant her protection to the boy and girl.
As Felt prepared to leave, Viese was hard at work to provide him with what assistance she could.
Video- Alchemy

Learn the Secrets of Alchemy

Lets go!
Theres not much time left before Felt has to go. We have to hurry.

If you dont have enough materials, go out and search for them!
Feinnes Fourth Wall Lectures: Alchemy Basics
Okay, today Ill go over the mechanics of Alchemys operation (Ill go over some fun alchemy tricks later on). Creating an item with Alchemy requires three things. First is a Recipe, which tells you an item is possible and lists the basic requirements to create it. The second is a Pact with the appropriate Mana. Theres no wiggle room here, we either have it or we dont. The Heal Herb we want to make now requires Dour, who we have. On the other hand, the Fear Bottle we got at the same time requires the Water Mana Nymph to synthesize, and we dont have her yet. Finally, we need ingredients. Usually we can mix and match here, and indeed doing so is vital. It allows us to improve items by using higher quality ingredients and even discover whole new syntheses.

The Heal Herb is great for treating injuries and fatigue.

Yes, this will do nicely.

So, that brings up something else. There are three types of items we can Synthesize. Accessories are equipment like armor that increases a characters stats. Alchemy Items are both used as ingredients and are a special class of equipment well unlock later on in the story. That just leaves items like the Heal Herb, Mana Items. These are consumables that cast a spell-like effect in and sometimes out of battle. The great thing about Mana Items is that once weve made them once we can make more anywhere through Mana Synthesis. We convert raw Elements directly into the item, and we can even do this in battle. As long as weve got a good supply of Elements, weve got all sorts of options.
Viese almost forgot the most important thing she had to give Felt.

We have to hurry.

Ah, there it is! The Share Ring.
I almost forgot it!

She rushed to the Belkhyde Gate to meet Felt before he left.
Video- To Belkhyde

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You cant start a trip like this without a fond farewell.

Do you have the Azoth?

Ive already initialized it, so you just need Elements to make more with Mana Synthesis.
You dont know what youll find there, so you may need more.
Viese, thank you.
Neither knew how long hed be gone, or even if he would return.

Take it for good luck
See? I have one, too. Quick, put it on.
You never know what might happen out there. It might be helpful.
And, um
What am I saying?
I just want you to know Ill be waiting for you, Felt

In the end there was nothing else to say or do.

That is my mission now.


And then he stepped into the gate, and was gone. It would be a very long time indeed before he returned to Eden