Part 8: Chapter Eight: The Lighthouse Prison
With the Huffin in hands, Felt and Noin could return to the boy in the park and learn the secret of the lighthouse.
Naru: Huh? Whats this?

Naru: What?! You really found one?!

Naru: No, its not that
Melanie is gonna be very happy.

Naru: Oh, yeah.
Its right near my house. Just go through the sewer.
It leads to the back entrance.

Naru: Sure, no problem. Take care now.
They passed through the sewers, and soon enough reached the depths of the prison.

We gotta find where theyre keeping Max

Fortunately, the inside of the lighthouse was lightly guarded and they quickly made their way to the cells.
Video- Breakout

Watch the Story Unfold

For not the first nor the last time, Noin rushed into battle dragging Felt along.

The Imperials fell quickly before the power of the Azoth.

Alright, lets hurry up and rescue Max.
And just as Noin had expected this was indeed where Max was being kept.

Simsiltian: Noin?

Hey, whos this guy?

Im sorry you got caught up in our struggle. You didnt have to get involved.

As they left the cell block, Max provided Felt with something that would prove a critical edge.

System Message: Received [Legins Wing]!

I want you to use its hidden abilities.

Why would you give me something as important as this?

I think youll be able to put it to better use.
When you use it, youll definitely feel much stronger.

Feinnes Fourth Wall Lectures: Skills
Now that we have Legins Wing, we can learn Skills. There are two types of Skills. The first are the Combat Skills I mentioned a ways ago, and we learn them from our weapons. We dont have the ability to change weapons right now on anyone so itll be a bit before we get a new Combat Skill. There are also passive skills that improve our power in battle, and those we learn from Alchemy Items. Now that we have Legins Wing we can equip two of these on everyone. Each has a different skill, though only certain characters can learn any given skill.
No matter the type of skill, we learn it the same way. After combat in addition to experience we also gain SP. While we get the benefit of a skill as soon as we equip the item that provides it, if we master the skill by gaining enough SP we get to keep it permanently. Thats really all there is to it.
But as they tried to leave the lighthouse
Video- Chaos

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A complication arose.

Rats must be exterminated at once!

Boss Battle: Imperial Captain, Imperial Guardsmen x 4
Despite the scene before were actually fighting Chaos minions here. Our best practice is to Break the Captain right after he makes his first attack, which then lets us get a huge Chain bonus as we wipe everything out. The minions have less health but dont do way less damage than the boss, theyre definitely the first priority. Felt can heal with Mana Synthesis and Noin can heal the whole party so this isnt terribly hard.
Strangely, Chaos seemed to recognize Felts sword.

Azure Azoth: Felt, you cannot win!

Soldier C: There they go!

Soldier C: You dont want me to go after them?

The lighthouse is Galahads responsibility. He can deal with them.
Besides, it shouldnt be hard to figure out where theyre going.
Tend to the wounded soldiers.
Soldier C: Sir?!

Fleeing through the sewers, Felt and the Simsilt group realized they were not purused.

But first, please lend me a little more power.

Simsilt A: Max, we have forces hidden throughout Riesevelt.
We can gather more info about the Empire.

Simsilt A: Dont worry, we wont mess anything up.

We might not be able to return to Riesevelt for a long time.
You better do everything you want here before we head to Regenbogen.
Well meet back up on the bridge.

I think youll be able to put it to better use.

The split up, intending to meet back up on the other side of the bridge. Unfortunately, Felt ran into a problem on the way there.
Video- Battle on the Bridge

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???: You have no right to exist.
The Azoth must be destroyed!
Boss Battle: Mysterious Girl
Were one on one against this mysterious assassin. Its not that hard, just remember to heal because her Air Slicer attack can be pretty damaging.
He was able to defeat his assailant, but she fled as quickly as shed appeared.

How does she know about it?
And even worse, at the other end of the bridge he didnt see Noin.

And that were all still alive.

And thanks to you Uh, uh

But first, we must head to Agito Cove.

Its in a cave along the coastline to the north.

Meanwhile, Consul Theodore was less than happy about what had happened.

I shall hunt him down.

Galahads instincts proved quite right

???: You are the one who caused this misfortune Master

???: Ah, yes, of course.
There is no mistaking the Azure Azoth.
Your plan is coming to fruition.

For it seemed there was much more to Chaos than met the eye
Extras: Letters