Part 23: Chapter Twenty-Two: Grand City
Weve got a bit of an interesting chapter today, if only for the strangeness of events. It all started when they set out to Grand.

Soldier B: We have confirmed the authenticity of Tolenas Letter!
Soldier A: Though you may be a friend of Tolena
Our investigation was held up. I am terribly sorry.
Soldier B: Please go through.

And so they reached Grand safely. The day seemed like it would be relatively normal.

At least it feels like we can relax a bit here.

Its a rural place, so itll be great for catching our breath.

They even got a good lead when they entered a weird shop.

Magic Shop: Oh, welcome, come in.

Magic Shop: Gray?
You wouldnt happen to be Gray the Dragon Slayer, would you?!

Magic Shop: I knew it! Someone did come to save our village!

Magic Shop: Oh, forgive me. I was getting too far ahead of myself.
My homeland is a place called Claire east of Grand.
A dragon has recently taken residence close to our village.

Though he didnt mention why, the next statement briefly shook even the mighty dragon slayer.

Magic Shop: Ive heard youre a pro at getting rid of dragons.
The one who killed so many dragons that he was cursed with their form.

Magic Shop: So, are you willing to get rid of our dragon?

Magic Shop: Really? Great!
Ill go on ahead to notify the village.
Follow the valley to the east to get to Claire.
Thank you for helping.

They headed out into Grand proper, and thats when things started getting strange.

Beautiful lady, will you come to my tea party?

It really is too bad
You see, I cant associate with dirty people.

See, you have to wash up before you hit on girls.

There is nothing feminine about your fashion. It is not lady like at all.
Your look is rowdy.

Your skin looks good and you arent wearing any make-up

It turned out they were in fact talking to someone famous. Its best not to dwell on how Gray knew who she was. That way leads to madness.

Some people dont even recognize me.
Hey, I know! Let me give you a make over! Come on, itll be a lot of fun!
Of course, there wont be any charge.

No thank you.
Im not interested in that

Thats a real shame.
I know I can make a total transformation for you if you want, but

Just let me know if you ever change your mind.

Thats just not my style.
Im sure you can see the direction were headed here. Anyway, they headed for the park, where a rumor suggested the richest man in town might be. Rumor also suggested he had an alchemy recipe in his possession.

???: Its that girl!

???: That sublime air, those deep, sparkling, beautiful eyes
But she looks too young.

Duvine: Hello, my name is Duvine!
Im on a quest to find the most beautiful girl in the world. A girl of unrivaled beauty!
Im willing to spend millions to find her
But, I have yet to find the woman that I seek.
This is a most arduous task, Nyago.
Nyago: Nyow.

Duvine: Im beginning to doubt if she even really exists
Right, Nyago?
Nyago: Nyow.

Duvine: Is there no end to our search?
Nyago: Nyow.

Duvine then had a proposition for Felt.

Duvine: If you bring me another delicate beauty like her
I will give you the [Book of Hermes].
They returned to Theresa Marvel for advice on this front.

With your full cooperation, I can transform you into the girl of unrivaled beauty Duvine is looking for.

But, I need a few items before we can begin.

Its my own secret blend.

It turned out they already had the supplies on hand, so they quickly got them together and handed them over.

Ill send Noin over when Im done. So, go ahead and wait with Duvine.

Now, lets get started
Oh, so its important to this story that you understand that as with all artists Theresa Marvel is quite mad.

Stop!!! Please!!!
Felt and the others waited in the park with Duvine.

Duvine: Oh, really?!
Then, where is she?
???: Sorry to keep you all waiting
Felt invited me to come down here.
Theresa had also supplied Noin with a change of outfits.

Duvine: Oh, Momma!
Shes, shes, gorgeous!
So Exquisite!

Duvine: Oh, my dear. Your beauty is nothing to be embarrassed of! Youre--- youre perfect!
Right, Nyago?
Nyago: Nyow.

Duvine: Thank you. Thank you very much, Felt!
I have never seen such beauty in this world before!

Duvine: Well, here it is, just as I promised. Please take this.
System Message: Received [Book of Hermes]!
You now have the recipe for [Key of Hermes]!
The Book of Hermes told of a mysterious key that could unlock many doors that had previously been closed to Felt and his allies. There was still a bit more, though.

Duvine: Id love to see you everyday. Would you like to stay with me in my mansion?

Duvine: I can give you anything you want. Money is no object.

My heart belongs to Felt

Duvine: Forget that idiot.
Should you be by my side, I can offer you so much more

Duvine: ?
Noin laid the man out with a single, brutal kick. Really an impressive feat in that getup.

Duvine: She even kicks beautifully
Noin walked off, and by the time they found her shed already changed.

Oh, and Felt
That stuff I said before, about my heart belonging to you
I only said that to get away from that old man

What are you talking about?

Hahahahaha, hoo.

After that awkward moment, they returned to their search. Next time, though, well se what mysteries the Key of Hermes unlocked in Eden.