Part 28: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Like Doctor Doolittle
Last time we met Felt had restored another Workshop and was preparing to search for the next one. What we have yet to see is the reaction in Eden to Weathervane Hills return.

So today, Im gonna work extra hard!
Make way for Coco!

Cocos enthusiasm did indeed cause some problems.

But, I also broke 10 times as many plates.

Viese headed to Weathervane Hill, but a cliff blocked her progress.

Yach had another business deal he needed help filling.

Someone wants to buy a large quantity of Manatini.
Do you have any, Viese? Id like to buy 10 of then, if you have them.

Ill even pay you in advance.
System Message: Received [Weather Report]!
You now have the recipe for [Dark Lightning Cloud]!

Fortunately, the components required to produce that odd Mana beverage were easily found in the Grand region, making the production of the Manatinis a simple if expensive affair.

System Message: Handed over 10 [Manatinis]!

Viese also created the strange Animal Cookies the magic shop keeper had sold them a recipe for.

I wanna have one!

While this was going on, Felt and his allies returned again to the Imperial camp, where things were if anything more active.

Their commander was even present.

Soldier A: But, we have orders directly from the consul himself.

The Empire is extorting 80% of their property for no apparent reason.
Hes turning the Empire into an army of bandits!
Soldier A: But sir, it is a direct order from the consul.
As Imperial soldiers, it is our duty to follow his orders.
Even though we know this order may cause further rebellion among the people.

What are you up to?!
A quite odd little creature was much less afraid of the Imperials than our heroes were, it seemed.

Soldier B: Attention, sir! Weve been raided by the enemy!
Our foods been stolen!

Calm down. Its just a dumb animal.

Well need to come up with an excellent plan, now.

They found the creature resting near the Dark Forest.

Beast: Po-po, po-po.

Once again reality provided for them in a timely fashion, as they had just acquired the means to allow an animal to talk.

Beast: Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth, po?

Beast: My village had a series of bad harvests and we ran out of food, po.
So, I had to come all the way out to find more, po.
But, I havent found any food around here, either po

How big is your village?
Beast: There are about 30 of us in my village, po.

Will you lead us to your village?
Beast: Sure, po. You saved my life, po. Id be happy to take you there, po.
But, we wont be able to throw you a feast, po.

Beast: My village is way back in the Dark Forest.
We have to go through the Dark Forest to get there, po.
Next time well see what they discovered in the Dark Forest, and learn Fees plan for dealing with the Imperials.