Part 29: Chapter Twenty-Eight: Family
Felt and his allies entered the Dark Forest, where the mystical beast they met showed them a secret path through.
Beast: I have to open up the path, po.

Beast: Yeah, only us mystical beasts know about it, po.
Okay, follow me, po.
After a trek through the forest, they discovered the hidden village of the mystical beasts.

So, please make more of those cookies.

Coming right up.
They found the villages chief, with whom Fee wished to discuss a plan.

Chief: I guess you could say that, po. Im the village elder, po.
What are humans doing here, po?

Chief: A plan, po?
For a full stomach, Ill do anything, po.

Felt, Im going to work out a detailed plan with these beasts.
Ill meet you at the entrance to the village when Im done.

They waited, and after a brief while Fee returned.

She wasnt alone.

Chief: Understood, po!
Lets move out, po!
Merchant: Give it your best, po!

They hurried to the Imperial Camp to carry out the plan.
Video- Camp Raid

Watch the Story Unfold

The Imperials began to scramble as the mystical beasts initiated a confusing assault on their camp, convinced a much larger force was assailing them.

Soldier B: They came from all directions!
Soldier A: Is it the Simsiltians?!
Soldier B: I dont know, but they have us surrounded!
Soldier A: Retreat!

Soldier C: Galahad! Our camp is being raided!
I think its the Simsiltians, sir!

Soldier C: No, no yet.
R-Run for your life!

Its amazing how weak soldiers who dont believe in their cause can become.

The rest is up to us!

And with the army gone, they rushed ahead to face Galahad.

I heard you went to see the Master. You always were the dignified one.

We trained together under the same master. Were practically brothers.
And, he is Noins father.

I am Noin Noin of Simsilt!
Galahad, Im taking you down right now!

As an Imperial Champion, I cant let Simsiltians slide.
And so they were thrust into combat with Galahad, the Imperial Champion.
Video- Galahad

Watch the Showdown!

Boss Battle: Galahad
This is our first winnable boss battle thats not going to end after Breaking him once or twice. Hes got a powerful single target attack, Justice Slash, and a powerful group attack, Gaia Shake. Thats not what makes this harder than normal, though. The first thing is his Heavenly Light, which heals and buffs him and creates a Time Effect that does the same thing every time it comes up. The second is his substantially higher speed and resistance to Break than anything weve seen before. After about two Break Attacks he wont be set back any more until he gets to act again, so make sure not to hold anything back when you do get him Broken. His healing can make the battle feel like its stalling as his health declines, save up and blast him with something powerful like Raging Strike at that point.
After a difficult battle, Galahad was defeated! Unfortunately, the army was already returning
Video- Family

Watch the Story Unfold

Soldier A: Galahad, sir!


They withdrew to camp back on the highway.

Noin had gone off on her own.

That man is not my father

Felt, on the other hand, kind of thought her lucky.

I havent felt lonely because of all the people around me.

You?! You cant even clean up after yourself! How can you be a responsible father?

Back at the Imperial Camp, Galahad had come to a decision regarding their mission.

Soldier A: What do you mean?

The food, art, jewelry Take it all back!
Soldier A: But, the consul himself ordered us to take it

I am your commanding officer. Now go.
Soldier A: Yes, sir!

Still, with the Imperial camp in the way, they would be forced to take the long path through the Dark Forest to find the Workshop