Part 30: Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dreams of Eden
Last time Felt and his allies failed miserably to drive the Imperials from their camp. Today, well learn what happened after that in Eden.

Felt had sent Viese a letter about what happened.

In the long run, I guess that was for the best. A father and daughter shouldnt have to fight each other Well just have to find another way to the workshop.
Viese decided that she needed to find something more she could do for Felt.

Felts mission is a constant battle Wed never know if he failed.
I know hes doing it to save Eden, but

I guess I am worried..
Come in!
Lutanus the librarian came by her house with a message from Kreuz.

Im here to deliver a message from Kreuz.
There is new information regarding the Azoth.
Please stop by the Eden Temple when you get a chance.

Please excuse me, I have other business to attend to.

This new information may help Felt.
I can worry about Felt later.
I hope he returns to Eden safely
I will do whatever I can to help him do that.

But Viese could hardly step outside before an apocalyptic crash from next door rang out.

It seemed Coco, the Mana who worked at the nearby shop, had dropped one plate too many.

I told her to be careful with that package, but she fell and broke everything in it.

Its her perfect chance to be more careful and less foolish.

Viese was worried about her friend, and tracked her down near the entrance of Noir.

Im sure she wont hold a few mistakes against you. Ill even go with you to apologize, if you want.

Viese and Coco returned to Melona, who had cooled off a bit by this point.

Alright If you can replace the items she broke, Ill take her back.
Viese Really?!

I dont really care about the regular items. I just want the new Cure Jars I was about to put on sale.

Coco decided she needed to do this on her own.

From now on, Im gonna take full responsibility for my actions.

This left Viese free to head to the Temple.

Shes been staying at my house for awhile now
You hadnt heard about her?

So, her name is Iris

Anyway, I heard you had new information about the Azoth

Kreuz led her to the library, where a locked door had previous barred her way.

What I wish to show you lies at the deepest part of the library.
And down in the librarys depths there was indeed a book about the Azoths.

Palaxius is considered by many to be the greatest alchemist who ever lived.
But, the greatest alchemist isnt necessarily the most skilled at alchemy.
The most skilled at alchemy is none other than his apprentice, Elusmus.
With these two masters working together, alchemy advanced faster than any other time in history. However
The Azoths that they created ended that prosperity in an instant.
Palaxius created the [Crimson Azoth].
And Elusmus created the [Azure Azoth].
The [Crimson Azoth] decimated an entire region, resulting in Lake Midgards creation.
A winter-like hardship followed this tragedy of alchemy.

Hes a master alchemist with many accomplishments to his name. But

This [Crimson Azoth]
Its very likely that it was born form his own insanity.

With that, Kreuz left Viese with access to the library, hoping it might help her help Felt.

Then he may be facing an extraordinary enemy.
You are the only one who can help him.

There was an odd chest nearby.

But its contents were even stranger than its existence at all in such a place.

We were playing hide and seek when I got stuck in that box.
Youre a real lifesaver!


Mana, the father of power the mother of life The source of all nature
I, Viese Blanchimont, have pledged to uphold the sacred tenets of Lilith.
In honor of that pledge, I have come to form a pact with Faustus, the Dream Mana!
System Message: Received the mark of the Dream Mana, the [Dream Gem]!

Viese also found a book on a material most rare, Hexi Glass.

The Hexi Glass Crystal is made naturally through the build up of air.
It is a rare crystal that can only be found at the top of windy hills.
Hexi Glass improves a bodys reaction time

This could be useful!
Ill borrow this book, too.
And there was also a suspiciously timely book that explained how to produce a very useful, indeed vital item indeed.

I better check it out.
System Message: Received [Alchemic History]!
You now have the recipe for [Grappling Hook]!
Upstairs, Lutanus was reading at work yet again.

Some books say that Mana came before humans
But I just dont know. And I might not even find what Im looking for after reading every book here.
After all, its humans who wrote the books.

Mana live much longer than humans But even we will be gone someday.
By that time, Id like to know all about Mana and this world
And write it all down in a book somewhere.

Viese and Iris had finished their business at the temple, and prepared to head home.

Iris headed upstairs after they returned home.

Hehe. Looks like shes getting used to being here
Meanwhile, Viese got to work on a recipe using Hexi Glass.

Now, Im trying to come up with a recipe that uses that item

System Message: Received [Vieses Recipe]!
You now have the recipe for [Viese Charm]!

I think this charm will make Felts mission just a little safer.

Viese though back on where Hexi Glass can be found, which led to just one conclusion as to where to check.

It is a rare crystal that can only be found at the top of windy hills.

Hey, I havent made a pact with a Wind Mana yet
Lets go to Weathervane Hill to make another pact!
And so they left. Next time, well see what happened at Weathervane Hill.