Part 34: Chapter Thirty-Three: The Power of Exzanosis
It was inevitable that, as they returned to the fort, Felt and his allies would encounter Chaos.Video- Exzanosis

Watch the Story Unfold
Simsiltian: Its the Lightning Blade! Chaos is here!

The power of the Crimson Azoth was more than the normal troops could withstand.

What? A challenge from an amateur Azoteer?

Max had unleashed the secret technique of the Slaith Royal Family.

I see. So you are an heir of the Slaith family

You should always save your best trick for last!

Unfortunately, Chaos was far from finished.

Crimson Azoth: Yes, my master

You should be proud. My last trick immortalizes you in stone!

And so they were thrown once again into battle with the Lightning Blade, Chaos.
Video- Chaos

Watch the Battle!

You too possess the Slaith family move, Ein Zecksclaw!

Azure Azoth: Felt! This is your chance!
Boss Battle: Chaos
This is basically exactly the same Chaos we fought earlier, except were higher level and have a full party. This means weve actually got a shot. This fight actually would have been seriously hard if he had just a little more health, because he is quite threatening at times. Hell use Crimson Ambition at about two-thirds health remaining, which buffs all of his stats and makes him immune to elemental damage. Even worse, its a Time Effect so itll keep coming back. Once it comes up things will slow down a lot. Youre only going to Break him if you have him right at the very edge of the gauge, otherwise hell just laugh it off. If you can get him Broken, unleash something like Raging Strike to do massive damage.
With much of his power depleted by Exsanosis, Chaos was forced to withdraw.
Video- The Slaith Heir

Watch the Story Unfold

They took Max up to the commander center of the fort.

Azure Azoth: However, he will be fully fossilized soon.

Azure Azoth: There is no known remedy

I know that my legacy will go on.

Fee, your real name is Audrey.
Now this is an extremely unlikely turn of events, but it turns out the mysterious orphan was secretly royalty.

I began to think you may already be dead.

Traditionally, it is drawn from the Legins Wing after the Coronation.
But thats not important. What matters is that only Audrey and I can use it.
In the end I was able to find my long lost sister.
I couldnt be happier

And with that, the mighty leader of the Simsilt turned to stone.

While theyd taken the fort, everything was in chaos.

This fort is much more ideal for a headquarters than our camp.
We should be able to hold off the Empire here, even without Max.

Simsiltian: Morale is at an all time low.

Our leaders just been turned into a statue.

Has anyone seen Fee
He found her by the north entrance to the fort.

All my life, Ive been an orphan.
In exchange for raising me, I devoted my life to the church.
Now all of a sudden, Im from the royal family?
Im a princess who disappeared 12 years ago?
I just cant believe it !
I wont believe it until I talk to Mother Eizlen.
Felt, will you come with me, please?

You had me at orphan.
They headed back to Altena Church.
Video- The Truth

Watch the Story Unfold

Your nanny brought you to this church in her blood-soaked arms.
To hide you from the Empires gaze
I raised you here, as a common orphan in this church.
Well, thats not completely true
But, you were so cute, I couldnt bear to let you go.

But, I knew it would be easier for me to wait until you figured it out by yourself
I am sorry, Fee.

What should I do now?
Eizlen had a good suggestion for her, if a dangerous one.

It currently serves as the Imperial garrison.
So, they returned to Zeyung with a newfound resolve.

They wont just let you in the front door

You still got that visa from the commander?

Hagel fixed up the visa, though it wasnt obvious what he had changed.

System Message: Received [Visa]!

You are Maxs sister, and the last survivor of the Slaith Royal Family.
We all support you.
Never forget that.

What happened in Riesevelt is a tale for another day, though.