Part 35: Chapter Thirty-Four: Return to Riesevelt
Felt and Fee prepared to sneak into Riesevelt, but it turned out they wouldnt be alone.

Alright, lets go to East Regenbogen.
When they got there, they realized they should have checked Hagels visa more carefully.
Video- Riesevelt City

Experience Some Bonus Content
Soldier: Only authorized personnel may pass. Go back now!

Soldier: Lets see

Soldier: Let me see you do something.

Soldier: Says here youre a traveling circus group.
If you cant do a trick, you cant pass the bridge

Fortunately, Felt and his friends are a veritable parade of weird stuff.

Needless to say they passed muster.

Soldier: Im sure your circus will be a huge success.

After passing through a busy market theyd not visited on their first trip, the reached the back alley where Noins friend works. There were already signs of the changing times there.

Lady: Please, dont send me to the lighthouse !
Soldier: Silence! Did you think you could insult Consul Theodore and get away with it?!
Lady: But, I had mentioned that Galahads unit was guarding Fort Zeyung
Soldier: Precisely. Galahad takes orders from Consul Theodore!
Hence, Galahads protection is Theodores protection.

We cant afford to draw attention to ourselves.

They went to the bartender to learn what was going on.

Bartender: And that boy Felt, right?

Bartender: This whole city has changed so fast

Bartender: Consul Theodore does whatever he wants, now.
Hes acting like hes the king around here.
If he was good to the people, we wouldnt mind. But, he is an awful person.

Bartender: Now, hes locking people up just for talking about him
We live in total fear.
The way things are, I wont be much help to you.

Theyd need a different way into the palace, it seemed.

Ive never been to a big city before. I wanna see it all!

As long as we dont do anything stupid, we should be fine.

In retrospect it should have been obvious how they could get into the palace.
Video- Palace Tour

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Whatterya doing here?
You know, this is THE main headquarters for the Imperial Army


Besides, if I had said no, youd just climb the fence, right?
Well Noin would, at least.

Tolena led them to the main living area.

The first and most obvious thing they found was a portrait, which turned out to be of the late Queen Slaith.

Portrait: Let this portrait forever portray my wifes eternal beauty.
With all my love, King Slaith XV.

This woman

The Empire had kept some of its own records here in the library.

Record: We are still searching for the childrens whereabouts.
Prince Maximillian is only 14 years old, but already shows great leadership capabilities.
He must be captured as soon as possible.
The princess, on the other hand, is still a mere baby

After he escaped the palace, he organized his own army to fight the empire. He called it Simsilt.

He didnt like to talk about himself.
But I didnt know he was still looking for his sister.

Poe continued to just barely justify his continued existence by finding another useful book.

Book: A legitimate Slaith family member must pass a trial in the graveyard in the Dark Woods to be coronated and learn the secret Slaith fighting skills

This must be what Max was talking about.

They had found what they needed to know, and decided it was time to go before someone noticed they were in the Palace.

Okay, lets go before the big scary man returns.

Unfortunately, they did not get out quite as quickly as they should have.

It turned out not to come up whether or not hed let them pass.

Maid: The consul is out of control at the bar!

Maid: Ahhhh!

Theodore was indeed down at the bar.
Video- Theodore

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If you accompany me, I shall grant your every desire.
Bartender: Id never go out with a selfish and pompous jerk like you!

If you will not obey me, I have no choice but to send you to the lighthouse.

Your reign of terror ends here!

And me without my guards Whatever shall I do ?

You forget that a genius such as I cannot be captured by fools.
Theodore, being the worst kind of evil, took a small child hostage!

Galahad and Gray were outside when he stepped out.

I order you to destroy them! Hmhmhmhmhm.

Ive seen enough

It is merely the act of a coward!

You disobeyed me!
You actually disobeyed me!
There will be a reckoning! I swear it!

Galahad had walked away, allowing them to escape back to Fort Zeyung.
Video- Revival of Eden

Watch the Story Unfold

Like I told you before, everyone here supports you.
Whether you like it or not, youre the new leader of Simsilt.

But there are two tasks I must complete.

The Slaith Family Coronation and
Finding the workshops.

They had just two workshops left to find.

We could probably find the workshop and the Royal Crypt in there.

Azure Azoth: Tatalia. So, it is hidden within the desert.
It may be wiser to repair the Tatalia workshop first

We should leave her alone.

Felt was, if youve not gotten this, bad at leaving things alone.

But, from what Ive seen, Galahad is a great man.
He may be too honest at times, but I respect that about him.
And, I I think you feel the same way.

Their decision of what to do next turned out to be pretty easy.

I doubt it matters which one we go to first.

Simsiltian: Yeah. Hes already returned to the Alha Village.

I had our scouts track him down to help us out again.
I guess he already made it back home to Alha.
Our scouts told him about you guys, so you should pay im a visit.

And so they headed out to Alha, a village that was not entirely as it seemed