Part 39: Chapter Thirty-Eight: Poe Is An Idiot Edition
The coronation complete, they just needed to find the final Workshop. As it turned out, this wouldnt be quite so easy as theyd like.Video- Poe Gets Hosed

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Cat Ear Lady: Only grooms are allowed to enter.

According to the map, the workshop is in there

It turned out they wouldnt have to initiate some sort of farcical fake marriage, because Poes chickens were about to come home to roost, in a proverbial sense.

Where do I know you from?

You said, Lets get married, in such a passionate and manly tone!!

Shes probably mixed you up with some other fairy. Happens all the time. Just marry her.

Theres a ton of girls lined up to marry me. A fairy needs options.
Poe, as an idiot, did not seem to get that he was never, ever going to get a better girl than this.

Please come back after the preparation ritual.

That is known as the grooms trial.

Please, come by as soon as possible, Poe!

They returned to the Spring, where Felt already had a cunning plan to gain access to the Workshop at Poes continued expense.
Video- The Ordeal

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Chief: Are you the young man who is marrying Mitsue?

This little guy is.

Chief: Aww, hes so tiny
Ahem, Poe, to prove your love for Mitsue
You must enter this cave and retrieve the Pigeon Blood.

This is great!
Um, excuse me May I go with him on this trial?
You see, Im the best man and the groom isnt quite an adult yet
So, I think he may need my help
Chief: You do have a point
Considering his size and stature Its better to be safe than sorry.

Chief: It is settled. You may enter the cave with him.
Poe did not appreciate this much.

I just did it so that I could get in here to repair the workshop.

Ill show you all by getting the Pigeon Blood in record time!
They set out and did indeed quickly find the Pigeon Blood in question. It was a blood red stone.

But, theres two of them.

The workshop was a bit farther in.

Okay, Poe, do you mind waiting here for me?
I dont have much choice. But, dont take too long.
The Dark Manas holy ground was sustained by this workshop.

Azure Azoth: It appears this workshop sustains the Dark Manas holy ground.
What is the matter now, Felt?

I was just wondering why anyone would go to such lengths to create Eden.
Why was it necessary to isolate alchemy in the first place?
Azure Azoth: The Crimson Azoth filled the people with fear and panic.
Fear was the primary reason the people of Belkhyde desired to contain alchemys use.
Thus, the Gardo Continental Drive was created.
They gathered the best and brightest alchemists to develop the drive.

But, it also created Eden
Azure Azoth:

Id like to believe thats the true nature of alchemy
But is that really the truth?
Azure Azoth: Ahhh
I believe so, as well.
If only that person shared our beliefs, that tragedy never would have occurred.

Azure Azoth: Er, never mind. Come on. That insufferable Poe is still waiting for you.
He was indeed waiting outside most impatiently.

Having completed that ritual, it was time for Poe to face a far greater ordeal.
Video- Poe Is An Idiot

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Chief: Have you brought the Pigeon Blood back to us?

System Message: Gave away [Pigeon Blood].
Chief: You brought two of them. Good job.
Alright, we are now ready to begin the wedding ceremony of Mitsue and Poe!
Do you, Mitsue, promise to love, honor and cherish the groom forever?

Chief: Do you, Poe, promise to love, honor and cherish the bride forever?

Chief: Mr. Groom, we need an answer.

Chief: Great! Then I now pronounce you husband and wife.
I shall now give each of you the Pigeon Blood, the proof of your love for each other.
Keep it safe and let it always remind you of your beautiful wedding.
System Message: Received [Pigeon Blood].
Chief: I wish you the best of luck in your future!
Felt and his allies attempted to seize upon this opportunity, but Poe wouldnt have it.

Oh! You cant come with us anymore. Youre a newlywed now.

Uh, Mitsue, honey, I have to go with these guys.

I promise, Ill come right back when this mission is over.

Now that Im married
It is my sacred duty as a husband to have affairs all over the world!
It should be noted that Poe continually worked hard at being the dumbest individual in Belkhyde.
Video- Surely Almost Over

Watch the Story Unfold
With the workshops repaired, it was time to consider their next move.

Azure Azoth: All of the effected areas of Eden should now be restored.

Azure Azoth: We should return to Gardo to confirm our success.

Meanwhile, things were developing in Riesevelt.

I had to wait for my wounds to heal.

So, why are you here?

Theodore would never allow that

After all, narcissism is the greatest of his many flaws.

Though, you really ought to worry about yourself, rather than about me.

It would still be a bit before the situation in Riesevelt was dealt with, though. Felt and his friends had returned to the Altena Church.

I discovered that Im an orphan from this church.

I oppose the Silvaresta Empire because of their abuse toward the people.
The Slaith blood inside me defines what I am.
And the crown on my head defines what I do.
But only I can define who I am.

Your determination and courage are truly commendable.
I have no doubt you will restore Slaith rule to the people.

This rather led to something Felt had left to do.

They returned to Yuveria to see how things were in Eden.

Azure Azoth: I surmise the situation has been resolved

Small damage still exists, however that will be recovered over time.
The city is no longer in danger of collapse.

After that, you may return to Eden.

And why wouldnt he go? Hes got a girl waiting for him.

And since Eden was fine, Felt was free to deal with some unfinished business.

Azure Azoth:

Lets go back to Zeyung.
Its time for the final battle between Simsilt and the Empire.

Felt sent Viese a letter explaining what was going on.

Im going to help Fee and the others in their final battle against the Empire. Its going to be a fierce battle. I dont know how it will turn out. But, I will keep my promise and return to Eden. Please believe in me, and wait just a little longer.
Viese was of course quite happy to hear this.

I have to report this to Kreuz.
Will you be okay here all by yourself, Iris? Ill be right back, I promise.

But in her enthusiasm, she failed to notice something of serious concern