Part 42: Chapter Forty-One: Storming the Castle, Part 1
The time had come to finish things in Belkhyde.Video- Storming Riesevelt

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Once inside, our main forces will take the Palace. The new guys take the Lighthouse.

They rallied the troops by the south exit of Zeyung.

And they began their push across the Regenbogen bridge.

Soldier: Where do you think youre going?

Youd better step aside or you might get hurt!
The Imperial opposition was light at first.

Then we better get there first.
Soldier: Who goes there?
But got heavier as they approached the city.

The Imperials tried to charge cavalry through them with little avail.

And eventually they reached the forward command.

Soldier: I cant do that!

Soldier: For the sake of my wife and children back in Silvaresta. I must fulfill my duties

The palace gates were unguarded.
Video- Outside the Palace

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Audrey Zeckzen Slaith!
The 16th successor of the Slaith Dynasty!
Imperial Consul Theodore! Can you hear me?!

Well, well, you certainly are a cute rebel.

An, you must be referring to that scoundrel, Max

Even if I should fall, someone will succeed my legacy and restore the Slaith Dynasty!

The palace door is always open.
After all, how far can a pitiful band of rebels led by a kitten get?

While the main force engaged the Empire, they moved around to deal with trouble spots.

Adventurer: Oh, Audrey!
Were fighting our way to Theodore, but
There are more soldiers here than we planned. The battles are tough.

Adventurer: Its dangerous, but if we only had some support for our soldiers in each position

Adventurer: Thank you, your highness.
On the left of the courtyard a holding action was going on, as the main thrust was on the right.

Simsiltian: Our troops are concentrated on the other side. Enter from that direction!

Felt, leave this to them. Well just go around.
Even there, though, they were having issues.

Simsiltian: Audrey.

Simsiltian: Yes. We need reinforcements.
If we could just get some more Simsiltians from other parts of the palace

Just keep fighting here.
They found their first assistant nearby.

Simsiltian: Whoa, thanks
Thanks for the help. Ill find some way to replay you when this is all over.

Simsiltian: Sure.
Ill see you there. Its a date!

That hope he has for you might save lives. Remember that.
The next was the man up front.

Adventurer: Just catching my breath.

Sorry to keep you busy, but we need some help in the courtyard. Will you help us?
Adventurer: Sure, Im on my way!

Theres still work to be done after this battle. Our goal goes beyond this fight.
Dont be in such a rush to die!
Adventurer: I wont!
They found another soldier in trouble on the other side.

Simsiltian: Thank you for your help, Audrey.

Simsiltian: Im fine, thanks to you.

Simsiltian: Oh, absolutely!
And the last was one of Simsilts most experienced fighters.

Bully: It must be bad.
This must be the decisive moment.

Bully: Of course. In the courtyard, right?
They had pushed the Imperials out of the courtyard after a great effort.

Simsiltian: Yes. And the scout troops have gone ahead to the 2nd floor.
Scout: Galahad! Galahad is here!

It will be an interesting rematch.

Galahad was indeed waiting for them above.
Video- Galahad

Watch the Story Unfold

Why did you leave mom to suffer alone on her deathbed, just to go to war?
Didnt you want to be by her side?

Because it was your mothers final wish.

Your mother wanted me to have that life.
The only reason I serve in the Imperial Army is because it was Ellens dream.

Boss Battle: Galahad
Galahad works pretty much the same way he did the first time. Hes got higher stats to make up for our higher levels. The main concern comes at low health when youve got to outdamage his healing while hes buffed. Powerful single target moves are pretty vital.
Galahad was eventually defeated.

Fee; What? Should you be telling us that ?

Theodore stripped me of my rank a few days ago.
I faithfully served the Empire for 12 years And for what ?

I believe you have served honorably for your entire stint of your career.
Your wife should be proud of you as well.

I didnt waste the last 12 years of my life.
As long as Ellen is proud, it was all worth it.
There was still a long way to go to reach Theodore, however, and that is a tale for another day.