Part 49: Chapter Forty-Eight: The Destone Orb
Their terrifying encounter began on the way to the Wetlands cave.Video- Poe

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Do you think I like living there? Eating nothing but fish everyday!

Poe was less than happy that Viese was informed of this.

Congratulations, Poe. Im really happy for you.

If you look into mine, youll see that my heart belongs to you, not her.
Waaaah! Someone, kill me now!

Poe rushed ahead, into the cave. They followed, obviously not for Poe but rather for the stalactite stone they needed.
Video- Falling Rocks

Watch the Dungeon and More

He wouldnt die, even if you tried to kill him.
Poe himself certainly gave it a good try.

Thats me!
Nobody even cares if I live or die!
Poes clumsy efforts had left him unharmed, while also bringing half the ceiling of the cave down.

Feinnes Fourth Wall Lectures: A Minor Note
So, it is possible that the game just became unwinnable for you. See, you need Flay Hammers to gather the Ancient Stone from the stalactites that just fell, and I guess its technically possible to get this far without having triggered that event that gives you the recipe. If you didnt you get to replay the game because it was impossible a bit ago. I can only imagine someone tried to minimize how many recipes they got because when playing normally you should have no problems getting the Flay Hammers without even trying.
Their near death at his hands did make their job a bit easier, though.

I cant believe I thought you were my friends

She isnt mean at all, unlike some other girls I know

Feines Fourth Wall Lectures: Substitution
So, if youve not played around with alternate materials before this is actually going to force you to. The Mell Orb requires a Mini Pendelook, Shadow Stone, and Glow Lamp to make. The first and last are fixed, but the second is variable. Now that we have the Ancient Stone we can switch the Shadow Stone out, which will cause the recipe to produce a new item, the Destone Orb. Whenever an item has a variable ingredient you should swap through the possible materials, because Viese will note if it seems like there is a new item possible.
Returning to the camp, Viese was able to produce the powerful Destone Orb.

What happened next will have to wait, as events got rather complicated when they returned to Altena Church.