The Let's Play Archive


by PoptartsNinja

Part 375: Ultimatum - Turn 1

Ultimatum: Tactical Update 1

Duncan paced with impatient frustration as he waited for the Clan entourage to respond. In theory, he had a direct line to their leadership, but he’d never had reason to put that to the test. The holotank flickered, and was filled not with the fierce and familiar features of Khan Michael McKenna; but with those of the large-headed near-dwarf who’d accompanied the man. Duncan couldn’t keep disappointment from his face.

“I’m sorry,” he began with an undiplomatic grimace. “I need to speak with the Khan right away.”

The little man stared, his face contorting for a moment. “Then speak. The Khan has returned to the fleet. I am saKhan Richard Magnus.”

“You’re in charge of ground operations?”

Magnus’s expression darkened further. “Jointly. Speak, Duncan Marik. I grow impatient.”

“I’ll spare you a lengthy explanation. You’ve read the dossiers on my Knights? You are familiar with the battalion we took on from the Rim World Republic?”

“Aff,” the saKhan frowned. “Why?”

“They’ve gone AWOL. I can only assume that they’ve betrayed us and that they mean to attack your forces. As we are not enemies—”

“That remains to be seen,” the saKhan interjected darkly.

Duncan’s eyes narrowed, and he continued forcefully. “As we are not enemies, I suggest you put your forces on high alert.”

“I will take it under advisement. Answer one question for me, Duncan Marik. Why would you take Rim Worlders into your midst?”

Duncan sighed, “Have you heard the old adage: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?” ”

The saKhan snorted disdainfully, as though he found the very idea ludicrous. “When you clasp a viper to your breast, do you not expect it to bite?”

“The Khan has gone mad, quiaff?”

A sigh rattled unbidden from long-suffering Star Commander Aurek’s throat. “Mechwarrior Tara—”

“I have already put myself on report, Star Commander,” came her immediate, far-too-glib reply. Aurek made a mental note to throw her around in a circle of equals again, and soon. “The Elementals have perimeter defense; and they’ve reported nothing. I could understand a long-range scouting patrol, but a close patrol? This is a waste of time and resources.”

“Be silent, Tara.” Mechwarrior Charys growled. “I have no wish to be labeled a malcontent because you cannot keep your mouth shut.”

“I will stop complaining,” Tara said petulantly, “only when this patrol stops being stupid. It has been nearly a year since any of us have seen combat, I see no reason to ever be content with that!”

“I will give you all the combat you want when we return to the barracks, Tara,” Charys hissed. “Now shut up.”

“I look forward to beating you senseless yet again—”

“Be silent!” Aurek roared. “We are approaching one of our defensive cordons but my active probe is detecting no Elementals. Does anyone have them?”

“Neg,” was Tara’s immediate response. “Active probe is unresponsive.”

“Same,” came the taciturn Mechwarrior Crow’s reply. “Active probe is not “unresponsive.” Active probe is being jammed.”

“That’s impossible,” Tara grunted. “It’s just a malfunction.”

“Neg,” Crow grunted even as the actinic flash of a PPC burned clean through Mechwarrior Charys’ Mist Lynx. “It is not.”

“We are under attack,” Star Commander Aurek broadcast in the clear—the open channel was tinged with static. “Repeat, we are under—”

Gay Abortions
That Italian Guy
Z the IVth

Great Beer
JT Jag

Special Rules
Overheat Ace: The Rim World Blackguard gain Ace status when they overheat by 10 points or more!

Blind: Enemy units are only visible in direct Line of Sight

Hidden Units: Some enemy units remain hidden until they attack. Additionally, units equipped with Void Signature Systems may expend a turn’s movement to hide themselves if they are not in direct line of sight.

Expect Surprises: When the players lose their Phase 1 units, they will gain control of a powerful Phase 2 unit. When the players lose their Phase 2 unit, they will still have a chance to influence the outcome of the battle with a weaker Phase 3 unit. Some of these units start on the map, others will enter from elsewhere.

Player Status:

Phase 1 Objectives:
- Delay the enemy for as many turns as possible
- Defend Clan HQ Vehicles (3/3 remaining)
- Defend Clan Personnel (84/84 tents remaining)
- Defend Clan Equipment (36/36 units remaining)

Phase 2 Objectives:
- Defeat as many enemy `Mechs as possible (0/39 defeated)
- Defend Clan HQ Vehicles (3/3 remaining)
- Defend Clan Personnel (84/84 tents remaining)
- Defend Clan Equipment (36/36 units remaining)

Phase 3 Objectives:
- Defeat as many enemy `Mechs as possible
- Defend Clan HQ Vehicles (3/3 remaining)
- Defend Clan Personnel (84/84 tents remaining)
- Defend Clan Equipment (36/36 units remaining)

Enemy Aces:

Attention, Mechwarriors! You will be receiving a PM / E-Mail soon.

Orders Due: Next Tuesday! (A little extra leeway is being given for the MVP vote, also so I can finally post the results of that contest I forgot to post the results for)